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Kata Theme Review: Is This the Most Advanced WordPress Theme?

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Developers Climax Themes boasts that their new Kata WordPress theme is the most advanced theme of its type. By combining a wealth of easy-to-use features and an abundance of well-designed, pre-made demo templates, the team has set out to create a dynamic theme that enables even novice users to create just about any kind of WordPress website you can think of in a matter of minutes.

Naturally, that got those of us here at WPLift more than a little curious. After all, while we love the power and flexibility of WordPress, even we have to admit that not everybody has the time to laboriously tweak and fine-tune a theme until they get a site that looks just right.

So, with the Kata theme including a “Fast Mode Wizard” that creates a full website in three -yes, just three- minutes, we had to try this one out for ourselves.

Is Kata really as advanced as its creators say it is? Can it really deliver a good-looking, fully-functioning site in about the time it takes to make a cup of coffee? Or does this emphasis on speed come at the cost of quality design?

It’s these questions -and more besides- that we’ll be answering in today’s comprehensive Kata WordPress review.

Kata WordPress Theme Review

kata theme review image

The Kata theme is available as both a free and premium theme. By itself, the free version is pretty impressive, packing in a plethora of features that can be used to create a solid, responsive, and aesthetically pleasing website without spending a penny on themes.

That said, the relatively low cost of the premium version ($29 for a single site license and $99 for 10 websites) makes it an attractive proposition for anyone looking to take advantage of more advanced features such as the aforementioned Fast Mode wizard.

The free version includes:

  • Simple setup
  • Free basic website demos and importer
  • Basic header and footer builder
  • Blog builder tool to
  • Easy Elementor integration with Elementor Essentials widgets
  • Custom Styler tool for changing the look and feel of your site with no CSS knowledge required.

Plus more.

Meanwhile, the premium version ups the ante with the following advanced features:

  • Fast Mode Wizard for building your WordPress website in three minutes
  • Portfolios and gallery tools for showcasing your work or your products in style
  • ACF Pro plugin for including extra custom fields to optimize your web pages.
  • Use of Quform – the premium WordPress form builder
  • Premium plugin bundle including Slider Revolution, Essential Grid, Media Folder, and Layer Slider.
  • Premium support for one year (with the option to extend)
  • Free automatic updates
  • and more.

Here are a few more things that we really like about the Kata WordPress theme:

Extensive Compatibility With Leading WordPress Plugins

The premium plugin bundle that comes with the paid-for version of Kata represents good value for money. Bought separately, this combination of tools would set you back somewhere around $100, meaning the theme starts paying dividends from the very beginning.

Whether you go down the premium route or not you’ll find that Kata still works remarkably well with all your favorite free and premium WordPress plugins, so you’ll have no problem incorporating all kidneys of additional functionality into your new website.

The compatible plugins include -but are by no means limited to:

  • WooCommerce – For turning your site into an online store
  • Yoast – The most popular SEO plugin on the market for optimizing your website
  • MailChimp – The simple way to create and grow your mailing list
  • WPML – Translate your site into other languages to appeal to an international audience.

Free and Premium Demo Content

Building a WordPress website is always easier when you can import a ready-made demo website and then simply edit with your own content and preferred styling. That way, you don’t have to spend endless hours building a website from scratch or give yourself a headache trying to master all the complexities of a website builder.

Simply import the demo content you best like the look of, fine-tune it to your needs, and you’re done.

Fortunately, the Kata theme helps us along with this by a total of 66 demo sites – 16 free options and 40 that you’ll need the pro version for.

To be fair, none of the demos are going to completely blow you away. There are certainly more advanced (and thus more expensive) premium themes out there with more bells, whistles, and fancy layouts than you’ll find here, but that’s not to say that these demos are of poor quality.

Favoring a simple style that’s perfectly in keeping with the look and feel of modern web design, these are all clean, responsive, well-designed templates that will take the hard work out of creating a professional-looking website.

Effortless Editing With Elementor

Editing Kata with Elementor

When you’ve chosen a demo you like, your next task is to edit it, adding your own text, images, and any additional features you may want to include to truly make that website your own.

The theme comes with the Elementor page-builder pre-installed, and if you’re already familiar with WordPress then you’ll no doubt have a good idea of what a big difference this tool can make to the way you customize your website.

Choose any imported demo page, click “Edit in Elementor,” then all you need to do is click on an element to change its content or drag-and-drop a new element into place.

This is the same approach for adding text, images, and buttons as it is for adding more complex functionality such as pricing tables, testimonial carousels, contact forms, or banners. As such, you don’t have to learn a whole bunch of new tricks to add different website elements. If you can drag, drop, and fill in the wizard for that particular element, then you’ve already got all the skills you need to create your

While the free version of Kata contains all the Elementor Essentials most website owners could need, Kata Pro users can also access some nifty advanced add-ons like comparison sliders, food menus, gift card options, and more.

Fast Mode Wizard

By now, we hope we’ve shown you how simple it is to use Kata, but if all that is still making your head spin, then perhaps it’s time we looked at the Fast Mode Wizard.

This is one of the premium theme’s key features – an easy to use tool that gets your entire site set up in three minutes flat.

Found by going to Kata – Fast Mode from your main WordPress dashboard, the wizard first asks you what kind of site you want (business, blog, food-based, etc.) before asking for some basic details such as your site name and tagline.

Next, upload your logo and Favicon, choose a design, and add some basic contact details. That’s all there is to it. From there, your site is fully set up and ready to be edited.

Final Thoughts on Using the Kata WordPress Theme

So, does the three-minute Fast Mode really make that much of a difference when it comes to building your WordPress website?

Yes, we think it does, especially if you’re brand new to WordPress. You’ll likely find it very useful to help you navigate through the process and ensure you don’t miss anything out.

If you want to get a professional-looking website set up quickly and affordably, then you’ll certainly find a lot to like about this one. It’s smart, simple, and the addition of a premium plugin bundle certainly saves you money on adding those all-important advanced features that really help you make a mark with your new site.

Download Kata from the WordPress Theme Directory Go To Climax Themes

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.