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Maximize Conversion rates for your WooCommerce Store with Custom Product Tables by Barn2

Last Updated on January 30th, 2024

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custom product tables

In the era of eCommerce, the conversion rate is one of the most crucial factors that can make or break the success of your online business. Over time, you have utilized the WooCommerce plugin to modify your online store. Moreover, you have integrated tools that offer a better user experience, reduce cart abandonment rate, and increase conversions.

Despite doing all of these things, your conversion rates are not growing. You are not able to reach new customers, increase engagement, and draw more sales to your WooCommerce store.

What’s the solution to this?

The simple solution is to leverage the power of custom product tables for your WooCommerce store.

In this blog, we will explain the basis of custom product tables, and how you can integrate them into your WooCommerce store.

Without waiting much, let’s get started.

What is a WooCommerce Custom Product Table?

WooCommerce custom product tables are known as a customized approach for showcasing product details on your online store. 

In general, WooCommerce uses a traditional approach for displaying products in a grid format, where every product holds a specific amount of space on the page. On the contrary, custom product tables provide a more effective presentation approach, resulting in a streamlined, organized, and user-friendly display. 

The custom product tables let you display products in a more consolidated table format, where only the product name, price, and add-to-cart button are presented well. As compared to a traditional approach, this method enables customers to compare various products simultaneously.

Essential Benefits of Using WooCommerce Product Table

Here are some of the most essential reasons for using a WooCommerce custom product table.

1. Efficient Product Browsing

This approach allows you to display only the most essential product details for your visitors. Thus, it enables the customers to view different products in a table, compare them, and make a quick decision.

2. Enhanced User Experience

The WooCommerce product table helps you enhance the user experience of customers shopping from your store. How? It lets you quickly view and add the product to the cart without any need to refresh the web page.

3. Quick Table Navigation

Creating WooCommerce custom product tables allows customers to navigate quickly, view all the product details, and choose the best for themselves.

4. Responsive Design

The WooCommerce custom product table adapts to the respective screen sizes and devices, providing a great experience on multiple devices such as desktop, mobile, and tablet.

5. Enhance Product Visibility & Sales

An intuitively designed product table helps you display a wider number of products on a single page. It enables you to make the page SEO-friendly, increasing the product table’s visibility in search engines. It even helps you in cross-selling and upselling. Cross-selling related products and up-selling premium products, thus increasing the average order value.

6. Search & Filtering Options

The search bar lets the users search products efficiently. It even allows the users to utilize different filters, such as product type, pricing, category, etc., to find the product.

Steps to Integrate Custom Product Table in WooCommerce Store

Here is the step-by-step process for integrating the custom product tables in WooCommerce:

1. Choosing the Right Custom Product Table Plugin

There is a vast number of WooCommerce product table plugins available in the market. Hence, it is really challenging to decide the best plugin for creating a custom product table. 

Here, we have analyzed various plugins, considering factors such as features, functionality, compatibility, reviews, and support. Moreover, we have checked all the pros and cons of these plugins. We have picked the most suitable plugin that you can consider for your WooCommerce store. Let’s get straight to that.

WooCommerce Product Table by Barn2

The WooCommerce product table by Barn2 is used by more than 1000 WooCommerce stores worldwide. The plugin lets you list a range of product variations on your store in a user-friendly and intuitive manner using custom tables. The primary purpose of this plugin is to help you generate a higher number of sales.

WooCommerce Product Table by Barn2

Key Features of WooCommerce Product Table by Barn2

The WooCommerce product table plugin comes with more than 50+ excellent features. Let us look at some of the most crucial features of the Product Table by Barn2:

Instant Search, Sort, and Filter: The plugin offers a highly intuitive and friendly interface. It allows the users to search, sort, and filter to find the right set of products. In addition, it lets the users sort the products by clicking on any column.

search, sort, and filter to find the right set of products.

Quick ‘Add-to-Cart’ Buttons:  The visitors can add multiple items and their variations from the WooCommerce custom product table. It ultimately helps to increase the sales.

Quick ‘Add-to-Cart’ Buttons

Add Unlimited Products: The lazy load option of the plugin allows you to list hundreds or thousands of products in one or more tables.

Show/Hide Products: The WooCommerce table plugin allows you to hide particular products by considering their category/tag or ID. In addition, the plugin lets you organize and categorize the products on any level.

Ultimate Data Control: The plugin gives you complete control over displaying what you like. It lets you show images/ videos, prices, attributes, custom fields, and more.

Wide Range of Integrations: The plugin has already been tested on many themes and plugins. Hence, you can easily integrate the plugin with various add-ons.

Customer Support: The plugin offers industry-leading customer support. The team provides you with technical support and the right advice to set up the WooCommerce table in the best possible way.

2. Installing and Configuring the Plugin

Follow the simple step-by-step process below to install a plugin.

  • First and foremost, install the WooCommerce Product Table.
  • As soon as you buy the plugin, you can download the plugin from the order confirmation page or the email.
  • Go to your WordPress dashboard. Then, go to Plugins – > Add New -> Upload Plugin.
  • Click on ‘Choose File’ then choose “woocommerce-product-table.zip” file, and then click ‘Install.’
  • Lastly, click on ‘Activate.’ You will receive the activation key in your email.

After installing the plugin, it’s time to configure it. In the configuration, we will help you create your first custom product table.

  • Firstly, go to the settings page. WooCommerce-> Settings-> Product -> Product Tables. Here, you will be able to view the default settings for creating the product tables. To make individual tables for your store, follow the steps given below.
  • Here, select the way you can add tables in your WooCommerce store. In case you want to showcase custom product tables instead of the standard tables on your WooCommerce store, choose the templates that help you achieve the same. Apart from this, you can keep boxes blank, and include custom product tables using a shortcode afterward.
  • Go to the ‘Columns’ section, and decide what you want to include in your custom table. You will be able to view various options and have to click on the documentation link to view complete details.
  • Now, you will have to decide various things for the product table, like the total number of product displays per page, select the things to insert in the ‘add to cart’ column, etc.
  • Leverage the design options to change the color and the styling of various things on the custom product table. You can choose the color, background, cell background, font size, etc.

Tips for Optimizing Product Tables to Increase Conversion Rates

There are many ways to optimize the product tables to enhance the conversion rates of your WooCommerce store. Let us have a look at a few of them.

1. Product Imagery and Descriptions

One way to optimize the custom product tables is by utilizing high-resolution images to display products effectively. Ensure you keep a consistent style in all the images to represent a professional look for your WooCommerce store.

Another thing you should consider along with the images of the product is crafting clear and engaging product titles and descriptions that help visitors understand the product without any hindrance.

2. Call to Action Buttons

Ensure that the ‘add to cart’ button is kept at places where users can easily view and access it. Try to craft a highly engaging CTA button that encourages users to take a specific action, such as buy, subscribe, etc. It ultimately helps you increase sales and conversions.

Another way to attract users and inspire them to take action is by introducing urgency in your call-to-action buttons. To achieve the same, you can integrate various urgency phrases, such as “Limited Stock,” “Money-Back-Guarantee,” “Until Sales Last,” etc.

3. Show a Quick View of the Products

One-page shopping is the most effective alternative to sending users to different pages to complete the purchase. By implementing this approach, you allow the customers to buy a vast number of products at once immediately.

However, what to do when customers want to check more details about any product than displayed in the table layout? The best way to achieve this is by adding an extra column in the table.

Thankfully, Barn2 offers an add-on known as “Quick View Pro,” which helps you integrate a quick view button or link to the product instantly. All of these things ultimately allow users to buy more products, and increase sales and conversion rates of your store.

4. Provide Social Proof to Convince the Visitors to Buy

As per the latest research by PowerReviews, 98% of people state that reviews play a vital role while making a purchase, and 45% don’t buy a product if the review is unavailable. 

The above statistics clearly indicate the importance of reviews in any online store. Therefore, it’s time to integrate reviews to increase your store’s conversion rate.

Here are some of the crucial ways to include reviews to increase sales.

Product Reviews

Here, we recommend you use the table plugin by Barn2. The plugin allows you to integrate a ‘Reviews’ column in the product table. By adding this, you authorize the customers to view each product’s average rating. Customers would also have the option to check the complete product review by clicking on a button.

Product Audio & Video Reviews

Word of mouth plays a vital role in selling any product. Get the audio and video testimonials of the products from the customers and include them in the custom product table. Customers can play the video or audio file to check what people say regarding the product.

5. Conduct A/B Testing

Conduct A/B Testing of various elements, such as CTA, color, buttons, layouts, etc., that you have placed in your custom product table. Then, identify what resonates well with your audience. 

Based on your analysis, you should keep what your audiences like, and remove those they don’t like.

Get Woocommerce Custom Product Table by Barn2


In the end, you would have understood the importance of custom product tables for the WooCommerce stores. Also, you would get the gist of making custom product tables for your WooCommerce store. 

These product tables help you transform the customers’ shopping experience through intuitive design, flawless navigation, CTAs, responsive layout, enhanced product visibility, etc.

These custom product tables will help your WooCommerce store to enhance user engagement, establish trust, increase sales, and ultimately get the maximum conversions. 

So, lastly, keep an eye on customer behavior, and modify things on your WooCommerce store accordingly to serve users well, and ensure your store thrives in the world.

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