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Boost Your Sales: 13 Best WooCommerce Plugins to Recover Abandoned Carts in 2024

Last Updated on June 27th, 2024

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If you run an online store, this article is for you as it explains why a WooCommerce recover abandoned cart plugin is an essential addition to your site.

As an online store owner, you’ll know how frustrating it is when you have put tons of effort into creating an outstanding online shopping experience, only for people to add products to their carts then leave the site without completing the purchase.

The current average cart abandonment rate is a heart-stopping 69.8%, according to statistics published by Baymard Institute. In simple terms, that means that over two-thirds of the people who visit your store and put an item into their cart will probably just walk away without buying.

The good news is, WooCommerce abandoned cart plugins can help convert some of those abandonments into actual sales.

What Do WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Plugins Do?

Abandoned cart recovery plugins detect when someone has placed an item in their cart but then left your site without completing the purchase. The plugin can then automatically send targeted emails to those people to try to entice them back. A typical abandoned cart email chain would start with a gentle reminder, followed by a discount coupon sometime later if the cart remains abandoned.

Our Top Ten Suggested WooCommerce Recover Cart Plugins

Below you’ll find ten of the best WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery plugins currently available. Adding one of these to your site could be one of the best investments you make, as they are proven to increase conversions.

1. Metorik

Metorik woocommerce recover abandoned cart

Metorik is a suite of tools for helping you run your WooCommerce store more effectively. One of those tools allows you to monitor all open, abandoned, and placed carts and automatically send emails to encourage customers to finalize their purchases.

Metorik is a premium plugin with pricing calculated on a sliding scale based on the number of orders (or purchases) per month, for example:

  • For 100 orders/month, you will pay $20 per month for the plugin plus an extra $15 for the automated emails
  • For 2,500 orders per month, those prices rise to $100 and $60, respectively
  • For 10,000 orders, you’ll be paying $250 for the plugin and $150 for the email automation

Annual payments attract a discount equivalent to two free months. All subscriptions bring you the following features:

  • Cart tracking and reports
  • Send automatic emails based on customer activity, including abandoned carts
  • Cost and profit tracking
  • Detailed reports of key WooCommerce data with segmenting
  • Digests (automatic custom reports)
  • Integrations, e.g., Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, Zendesk, etc.
  • Data export
  • Unlimited team members
  • 30-day free trial

At first glance, Metorik may seem expensive. However, depending on the average order value, you may only need a handful of conversions per month to cover the plugin’s cost and make some extra profit.

Metorik has over 7k active downloads through the WordPress plugin directory, where users have awarded it the full 5.0/5.0 stars.

Get Metorik

2. CartBoss

CartBoss WooCommerce recover abandoned cart

CartBoss is an abandoned cart text messaging solution that works on complete autopilot and with no additional settings required from our user. Text messages are already prepared (A/B tested for optimal conversions) and translated (additionally confirmed by locals in each country). Custom text messages are also supported.

Integrating CartBoss in websites is a 5-minute process as there is a WordPress plugin already prepared. The only thing needed is to install the plugin on the site and connect it via the API key. 

Each message that you decide to send can be customized regarding the time delay and the value of the offer you want to give. 

A few important features, that make CartBoss a great solution:

  • Automatic language detection (a recipient of the message will get the message in his own language without any settings needed)
  • Dynamic text messages (the recipient’s name, products, type, and amount of discount is dynamically populated in the text and then sent to them)
  • Pre-filled checkout form (when the recipient clicks on the link in the message he is redirected to the checkout page with all his information already filled in the form; they do not need to re-enter their information)
  • Automatic coupon/special offer generation on the site (any offer sent in the message is automatically generated on the site, meaning that the store owners do not need to make the coupon codes. In addition, the offer is also automatically embedded to the visitor’s cart so that they do not need to enter the coupon code manually)

Currently, CartBoss offers these types of special offers/messages:

  • Basic reminders about items left in the cart
  • Percentage/Fixed discount
  • Free shipping
  • Custom coupon codes

In order to optimize costs, CartBoss validates phone numbers in order to not send messages to unexisting numbers; in addition, CartBoss also shortens the links in the messages so that they are as short as possible. 

There are no monthly subscriptions or signup fees – you only pay for the text messages as you go. 

Each sent message has an unsubscribe link embedded by default and cannot be removed from it. Also, there is an option to set a “Do not Disturb” time for each website, so that the recipients of the message are not disturbed during the night- but they do receive it the following day. 

Get CartBoss

3. PeachPay


PeachPay is a checkout solution that helps minimize your cart abandonment rate, increase conversions, and boost your customer retention. A complicated checkout process makes it more likely for your customers to abandon their cart. PeachPay lets your customers complete their purchases within seconds through one-click checkout.

Integrating PeachPay to your website is a straightforward process. You can go from installing the plugin to offering one-click checkout within a few minutes. The button will appear on your site’s product, cart, and checkout pages, as well as your mini bar cart if your theme has one.

For first-time customers, clicking the PeachPay button loads a sleek checkout window where they input all their necessary information. Meanwhile, returning customers, or those who have previously used PeachPay can choose to complete their purchase with just one click. The plugin currently supports Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

PeachPay functions well across different browsers, and looks great across devices. This ensures your customers get a seamless experience every time.

Some of the key features of this plugin include:

  • Reduce cart abandonment
  • Adds a PeachPay Express Checkout button with no setup required to all product pages, cart page, checkout page, and mini/sidebar cart
  • Fully customizable checkout window with checkout field editing functionality
  • Passwordless one-click checkout for returning customers
  • 4+ available payment methods: Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay 
  • Choose from 22 language options for checkout
  • Test mode lets you try the platform on your live site before customers see it
  • Dedicated customer support

All in all, PeachPay effectively reduces cart abandonment by eliminating friction from the checkout process. The best part is that you can access the full range of PeachPay’s features for free. All in all, this solution offers a ton of added value for your customers at no extra cost to you.

Get PeachPay

4. Retainful

Retainful woocommerce recover abandoned cart

Retainful is a plugin that adds abandoned cart recovery to your store as well as helping you drive more sales via referrals and next order discount coupons.

Retainful is a freemium plugin. The free version is limited to 2,000 contacts and does not include certain functions. Three paid plans are available, commencing with ‘Starter’ at $19 per month for up to 2,000 contacts. Next is ‘Growth,’ costing $45 per month and is good for up to 5,000 contacts. The top plan is ‘Professional,’ which will set you back $199 per month but includes 25,000 contacts. All prices are per store.

All plans include the following features unless indicated otherwise:

  • Abandoned cart capture and recovery via automated emails
  • Automatically send next order discount coupons with follow-ups
  • Referrals to incentivize customers to recommend your store or products to others (paid plans only)
  • Drag and drop email editor
  • Send unlimited emails, e.g., follow-ups, win backs, thank you notes, etc.
  • Premium WooCommerce add-on with features to notify customers that they have items in their cart as they leave your store (paid plans only)
  • Integrates with Mailchimp, Hubspot, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, MailerLite, and Sendinblue
  • Support
  • 14-day free trial

Retainful has an average user score of 4.8/5.0 stars, and around 3k active downloads are currently in operation.

Get Retainful

5. ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

The ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery plugin is specifically designed to help you recover shopping carts that were abandoned by potential customers. It triggers customized emails at predefined intervals to remind customers to make the purchase. Coupon codes can also be added to the email template, to further persuade customers to recover abandoned carts with an added discount. It has the ability to set up conditions and rules depending on many factors such as different user roles, cart amount, the number of products, and product ID to send emails only if and only if the conditions are met.

 ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery is a premium plugin and it costs $79 a year for one site which includes the following features:

  • Rule-based automatic email triggers
  • Set a time limit for when an order is considered abandoned
  • After a set amount of time, remove any orders that have been abandoned
  • Custom email templates
  • Send Discount Coupons in the Email
  • Email Logs
  • Detailed order reports

Get ELEX WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery

6. WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart is a premium-only plugin available through Code Canyon. It constantly monitors customers’ carts and automatically emails reminders after a pre-determined time to those who have abandoned their cart without completing a purchase.

Feature-wise, this plugin, which costs $49, comes loaded with the following:

  • Monitor and record the carts of both registered and guest users
  • Works for both simple and variable products
  • Automated recovery emails with manual option
  • Built-in email templates (recovery, follow-up, etc.) with automatic coupons
  • Email click-through is recorded (for A/B testing of email templates)
  • Configurable send time for emails
  • Admin email notification of recovered carts
  • Compatible with WooCommerce mail templates
  • Telephone numbers are captured for manual follow up
  • Translation ready
  • Support and updates for six months (extendable to one year for an additional $16.50)

We think this plugin offers excellent value given its relatively low price and long feature list. It has a user score of 4.70/5.00 stars, and almost 5,000 downloads are in operation.

Get WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

7. Recover Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce

Recover Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce

If the plugins we have suggested so far are prohibitively expensive for you, this next option will be of interest to you.

Recover Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce is entirely free. However, as it is an add-on to ShopMagic, you will need to install that too, but don’t worry, that is free too. Together, they allow you to combine abandoned cart tracking with email marketing to increase conversions and generate sales.

Features of the Recover Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce and ShopMagic combination include:

  • Abandoned cart capture and recovery via automated emails
  • Cart marked as abandoned after a preconfigured time
  • Capture customer’s email immediately they enter it into the WooCommerce checkout, which allows guests to be tracked as well as registered customers
  • Segmentation (filters) of customers and carts
  • Automatically send personalized email messages
  • Various WooCommerce automated emails, e.g., follow-ups (including product-specific custom ones), order and payment status, etc.
  • Send internal emails to employees, e.g., order notifications, etc.
  • Create and manage multiple customer lists
  • Mailchimp integration

That’s an impressive range of features for zero expense!

Impressively, both Recover Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce and ShopMagic have full 5.0/5.0 stars user ratings in the WordPress plugin directory and over 1,000 active downloads.

If you want to recover abandoned carts but have no budget at your disposal, this is an option you definitely need to consider.

Get Recover Abandoned Carts for WooCommerce

8. Abandoned Carts

woocommerce recover abandoned cart

Abandoned Carts is another free plugin that you can use to gather all data relating to an abandoned cart, such as what was in it and the total value, along with the customer’s details. Sadly, the plugin does not do automated emails, but manually sending a few email reminders should not be a massive problem if you are a small-scale store.

Feature-wise, you get the following:

  • View customers name, email, username, browser type they used (including mobile browsers), and IP address
  • View items in the cart and the total value
  • Filter by date or by customer

The great thing about this plugin is that it will not slow your site down because it is so simple and basic. What’s more, it is perfect for people who get somewhat jittery at the thought of automated emails!

Get Abandoned Carts

9. CartBounty

CartBounty woocommerce recover abandoned cart

CartBounty is a freemium plugin that saves customers’ cart activity in the WooCommerce checkout form before they submit it. That way, you can see who has abandoned their cart, after which you can contact them and try to persuade them to complete the purchase. Automated emails are possible using the default WordPress mail server or other methods if you upgrade to Pro.

Feature-wise, the free version of the plugin boasts the following key features:

  • Automatically save WooCommerce checkout field data until the customer completes the sale (signified by the customer reaching the WooCommerce ‘Thank you’ page)
  • Save and view ghost shopping carts
  • Send abandoned cart reminder emails via WordPress
  • Admin notification emails of newly abandoned carts
  • Remember checkout fields function for users who have not logged in. For logged-in users, the plugin instantly captures the cart when an item is added, altered, or removed
  • Exit intent popup offering to save unregistered users’ carts for later
  • Automatic recording of recovered carts
  • GDPR compliant

The Pro version of CartBounty costs between $67 and $942, depending on how many domains you need to cover. Pro plans include:

  • Automatic coupon generation
  • Abandoned cart search
  • Automated recovery emails via ActiveCampaign, GetResponse or MailChimp
  • Full WordPress abandoned cart emails
  • Export abandoned carts to Excel
  • Two extra styles of exit-intent popup plus one for mobile devices
  • Early capture of email addresses or phone numbers
  • ReCAPTCHA spam protection
  • Multi-language support
  • Support and updates for one year
  • 14-day moneyback guarantee

We do recommend trying out the free version to begin with to see if that fits your needs. You can then purchase the Pro version if you find you could use the extra functionality.

CartBounty scores top marks with users, having an average rating of 5.0/5.0 stars and over nine thousand active downloads to date.

Get CartBounty

10. Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce works quietly in the background, sending out email reminders to customers when they have left your store while still having things lying in their carts. It works for both logged-in registered customers and guest users.

Key features of this free plugin include:

  • One-click cart recovery for customers
  • Identification of information relating to abandoned orders, including the products left in the cart
  • Captures both registered and guest customer carts (the latter are caught at the checkout after the customer has entered their email address)
  • Tracking of the value of abandoned orders value against recovered orders
  • Admin email notifications of recovered orders
  • Built-in default template
  • Rich text editor to create unlimited email templates with custom variables, e.g., customer name, cart link, cart contents, etc.
  • Configurable intervals for email sending following cart abandonment
  • Email notifications automatically cease when the customer completes a purchase or clicks on the cart recovery link

Abandoned Carts Lite for WooCommerce is a simple plugin that would be a great starting point for adding WooCommerce cart abandonment to your store. A Pro version with tons of extra features is also available. Details of that are available here.

This plugin has been downloaded over 30k times from the WordPress plugin directory, and users have rated it 4.1/5.0 stars on average.

Get Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

11. Abandoned Cart Recovery for WooCommerce

Abandoned Cart Recovery for WooCommerce

Abandoned Cart Recovery for WooCommerce is another freemium plugin that will send email reminders to customers who departed from your store without completing their purchases. What sets it apart from others is the Pro version can send Facebook and SMS messages, too.

In its free form, the main features of Abandoned Cart Recovery for WooCommerce include:

  • Track logged in and guest users’ carts
  • Configurable time from user’s last action after which the cart is deemed abandoned
  • Autosave of abandoned cart records which are visible in the backend
  • Logs of email reminders sent to users
  • Ability to exclude persons whose carts you do not wish to track
  • Create unlimited email templates and configurable send times
  • Send plugin generated coupons with reminders
  • Send emails when purchases have failed, been canceled, or placed on hold
  • Admin email notification of recovered carts
  • Various reports, sortable by time range

The Pro version costs just $40 and adds the following additional functionality:

  • Configurable popup to request user email address following the addition of the first to the cart
  • Two built-in editable and customizable templates for the popup
  • Unlimited email sends
  • Send messages via Facebook Messenger or SMS (subject to user opt-in)
  • Customizable Facebook and SMS messages with configurable rules
  • Support and updates for six months (extendable to one year for an additional $13.13)

In our opinion, a very useable plugin for little (or no) money. The free version alone has had over 5k downloads from the WordPress plugin directory, and it has a 4.6/5.0 stars user rating.

Get Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

12. Hubspot for WooCommerce

Hubspot for WooCommerce

Hubspot for WooCommerce is much more than an abandoned cart recovery plugin, although that is one key feature it includes. It also helps with customer management, email marketing, analytics, workflow automation, and much more. Best of all, it’s free.

This popular plugin, which has over 10k downloads in operation and has an average user rating of 4.4/5.0 stars, gives you the following functionality:

  • Abandoned cart tracking and recovery
  • Synchronize new and historical store data with HubSpot Sync to efficiently manage customers and orders, including abandoned carts
  • Simple to use CRM to manage customers and orders
  • Drag and drop email builder for creating responsive, personalized emails based on previous interactions
  • Powerful list segmentation to tailor communications to each audience
  • Create advertising campaigns using social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google)
  • In-depth reports and analytics on customers and orders, including ROI tracking of advertising campaigns

Hubspot also has several other interesting plugins to assist your marketing, sales, and customer service efforts, most of which have free options. Furthermore, the Hubspot Academy has tons of excellent free training courses, some of which include a certification.

Get Hubspot for WooCommerce

13. Yith WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

Yith WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

Yith WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart is a premium plugin that does exactly what it says on the can: automatically contact customers who have left your store without completing their purchase and try to entice them back.

The main features bundled with this plugin include:

  • Cart marked as abandoned after a preconfigured time
  • Auto-delete abandoned carts after a preconfigured time
  • Users with specific WordPress roles and non-registered users can recover their carts
  • Customizable and configurable automatic emails
  • Add coupons to emails
  • Admin notification emails of recovered carts
  • Advanced reports and logs, including emails sent, abandoned cart conversions, number of abandoned carts, etc
  • Dashboard report reset button
  • WooCommerce Multi-Currency (WOOMC) support
  • Compatible with WPML
  • Integrates with all other Yith plugins
  • Support and updates
  • 30-day moneyback guarantee

Yith WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart costs a very reasonable €79,99 per year, and thanks to a 30-day moneyback guarantee, there’s no real excuse not to give it a try.

Get Yith WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

What is Your Favorite WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart Plugin?

We have suggested ten different abandoned cart recovery plugins for WooCommerce. While each basically does the same thing, features do vary between them, so it may be worth checking out the free versions first before investing any of your hard-earned cash in a paid one. That way, you will be able to find the one that is best suited to your needs.

Do you already use a WooCommerce abandoned cart plugin? If so, which one? Are you happy with it, or are there certain functions that are missing or just annoying? What are its best features? Please do let us know in the comments section below.

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