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7 Easy Steps to Make Your WordPress Posts Viral and Increase Your Audience Reach

Last Updated on December 26th, 2023


Wondering how you can make your WordPress post go viral?

Better yet, how does something go viral?

A viral post can drive a huge number of visitors to your site. This makes it easier for you to take your site to the next level. It can also put your brand in the limelight and bring in more customers.

At the moment, there are various social media platforms and online platforms, which you can use to share your posts. In this post, we are going to show you how you can make your post go viral in 7 easy steps. We are also going to show you what makes a post go viral. Let’s dive in.

At the moment, there are various tactics and techniques that you can use to make your WordPress post go viral.

Step 1: Write A Post That’s Worth Sharing- Latest news, trends, evergreen content

For starters, you have to publish a unique post that is worth sharing. It has to add value to the life of the reader. You can do this by creating new content or by improving existing content. For instance, you can write a post about emerging trends. You can also give your visitor some insight into the latest news. Share your expertise on how different products in your niche can also improve the life of your readers.

Step 1: Write A Post That's Worth Sharing- Latest news, trends, evergreen content

Moreover, write headlines that are straight to the point, attractive, and concise. Your headline should also resonate with different people. Plus, it should have a catchy message that captures the attention of various readers.

To create content that resonates with your audience, you have to write articles in a conversational tone.

An engaging and conversational tone helps your readers relax and understand what you are explaining easily.

Connect emotionally to your audience by stirring up different feelings. Evoke emotional feelings such as happiness, laughter, awe, and wonder.

For example, most readers love sharing funny memes because they make them laugh and also make other people laugh. When different people go through such memes, they get a euphoric feeling as they are laughing.

While you can write a post that triggers negative feelings, posts that evoke positive emotions perform better than posts that evoke negative emotions.

Apart from that, share your thoughts in a unique manner, making it easier for the readers to relate to what you are sharing. Publish posts that many readers can relate to.

Step 2: Incorporate Useful And Attractive Visuals In Your Posts

Infographics and attractive visuals are used to break down complex topics into easy concepts, which can be easily understood by various readers. Not to mention, posts that have pictures and infographics perform better than posts that don’t have any visuals.

Due to this, you should include high-quality photos in your WordPress posts. Apart from that, add a featured image on every post that is published on your site. A featured image can drive a huge number of readers to your WordPress site.

You can use a unique featured image to capture the attention of various readers. For example, a funny picture might trigger different readers to share your post or click the link to your WordPress site.

Pictures also break huge chunks of text, making it easier for your site’s visitors to read your posts.

On the other hand, if you are explaining something complex, embed a video in your WordPress post. By doing this, various readers will understand your post.

Step 3: Post Content At The Right Time for Your Audience

If you want a WordPress post to go viral, you need to publish it at the right time. While some topics may be published at any time, trending topics are quite time-sensitive. Due to this, you have to keep up with the latest news and the latest trends in your niche.

Different social media platforms can help you track down the latest news. There are also various social media tools that monitor emerging trends.

Do some research on such platforms and come up with informative content that will give your readers some insight into trending topics. Also, use the appropriate hashtag while sharing your post on Twitter and other social platforms.

And another thing.

The user interaction on different social media platforms might vary, depending on the time of the day. So, you have to be quite calculative while sharing your post on social media.

Share your WordPress post when the user-engagement is high.

That’s not all.

WordPress posts should also be published at specific hours and on certain days. Monday is the best day to publish a WordPress post—people look for new information after a long weekend.

While you can publish your post at any hour of the day, it is advisable to publish it in the morning from 8 AM-11 AM. Most readers browse through different posts on a Monday morning. You can also publish your posts on Thursday mornings.

Step 4: Allow Readers To Comment On Your WordPress Post

If you don’t have a comment section on your site, activate it from your WordPress backend.

A comment form will pop up at the bottommost part of your site, making it easier for readers to comment about a certain topic.

Once you finish writing your WordPress post, ask the readers to share their thoughts about the topic. If the topic is quite informative, readers will leave different comments on your WordPress post.

For instance, you can ask a question that will trigger the readers to write down a well-thought response.

This increases the chances of a post going viral. A WordPress post that has many comments is social proof that your post is informative and concise.

You can also use the comment section to add more information.

Step 5: Interact With Your Audience

Interacting with your audience is a great way of showing appreciation.

You can interact with your audience by replying to some of the comments that might have been left on your WordPress post.

This makes it easier for you to increase the value of your post. Not to mention, you can add some information that you might have left out in the post.

A lively audience may encourage other readers to participate in the discussion. It also makes other readers feel comfortable as they are sharing their thoughts.

Try to keep the conversation lively by giving good replies. Most posts that go viral usually have an active comment section with tons of comments. You can also allow other readers to reply to different comments. This makes it easier for readers to interact after going through your post.

Step 6: Share It on Social Media Outlets

How to Make your Post go Viral Step 6

Since many people get information from various social media outlets, sharing your post on social media can increase the chances of it going viral.

You can share it on major platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Plus, you can also share the post on other platforms such as Medium, Quora, and Reddit. Make sure that you insert the appropriate hashtags on your social media post. This makes it easier for various users to find your post.

So, how do you make something go viral on social media platforms?

While you can use your social media account to share your WordPress post, you can also partner with influencers and promote your post.

Most influencers have a large following on social media. They can reach thousands of readers, making it easier for WordPress posts to go viral.

There are different ways to get in touch with influencers on social media. You can get in touch with influencers through outreach marketing. Basically, this is contacting influencers and informing them about your WordPress posts.

You can also tag them in your social media post and or add links to their content in your post. Doing this can also help you build a professional relationship with various influencers.

Step 7: Repurpose Your Post- Medium, Linkedin, Slideshare, Youtube, etc

The internet is quite diverse. Due to this, different people love to consume content in different forms. Repurposing a WordPress post is to change the form and format of your content. For instance, you can create a video that is based on your WordPress post and publish it on another platform.

It doesn’t stop there.

If you have published a step-by-step post on your site, you can go a step further and film a video that shows your audience how to do different things physically.

Once you repurpose your content, publish it on different platforms such as Medium, LinkedIn, Quora, and Youtube.

And you know what?

Repurposing content makes it easier for you to reach a wider audience. Basically, you will reach people on multiple platforms such as Youtube, Medium, and Linkedin. This increases the chances of your post going viral. Also, repurposing your content takes the SEO performance of your post to the next level.

What’s Next?

So, what’s next?

The next thing that you need to do is to monitor your social media analytics from your WordPress site.


Simply put, social media analytics helps you analyze the performance of your WordPress post on different platforms.

A social media analytics tool shows you the number of times that a post was shared. It also shows you the number of visitors that viewed your profile.

Apart from that, your social media metrics will also show you:

Engagement on your social media post– This indicates the number of comments, retweets, and likes that a post got.

Conversions- This metric gives you an insight into the number of clicks that lead various users to your site.

This makes it easier for you to know if your post is being shared or not. Most social metrics tools also show you the platform with the highest number of shares and likes. Not to mention, some tools have graphs that make it easier for you to do comparisons between different platforms.

Once you interpret your social media metrics, you will know whether your methods work effectively or not. Such information also helps you understand what made your post go viral.

Furthermore, you can also monitor other metrics such as keywords positions, search engine rankings, and the click engagement of a certain post. The latter shows you the amount of time that a visitor stays on your site after clicking the link to your WordPress site.

Over To You

Well, by now, you know how to make something go viral. With those few tips, you can easily make your WordPress post go viral. Create informative content on your site, then share it on the right social media platforms. Interact with your audience on different social media platforms and on your site. Once a WordPress post goes viral, analyze the social media analytics. This makes it easier for you to know the method that works best for you.

What makes a post viral? Let us know your thoughts on the comments below.

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