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Weekly WordPress News and Updates: WordPress 6.4’s PHP Compatibility: Here’s What You Need to Know !

Last Updated on November 1st, 2023


WordPress 6.4 is scheduled to be released on November 7, 2023, and it comes with some important updates on the PHP compatibility front. PHP is the programming language that powers WordPress, and keeping it up to date is essential for security and performance. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • WordPress 6.4 drops support for PHP 5, which means you need to have PHP 7.0 or higher to run this version of WordPress. However, PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 are no longer officially maintained by PHP, so they are considered insecure and obsolete versions and should not be used in production. Check with your hosting provider about the security maintenance they can do or upgrade to a newer version of PHP.
  • WordPress 6.4 is fully compatible with PHP 7.4, which is the latest stable and secure version of PHP as of October 2023. It is recommended to use PHP 7.4 with WordPress 6.4 for optimal performance and security.
  • WordPress 6.4 is compatible with exceptions with PHP 8.0 and 8.1, which are the newest versions of PHP that introduce some major changes and features. WordPress does not support named parameters, which is a new way of calling functions and methods by specifying the parameter name instead of the order of parameters. WordPress also has some issues with the filesystem access when using WP_Filesystem_FTPext and WP_Filesystem_SSH2 on some occasions.

If you want to learn more about WordPress 6.4’s PHP compatibility, you can read the official announcement.

Happy WordPressing 🚀

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