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Trust Swiftly Review – 15 Quick and Easy Ways to Prevent eCommerce Fraud

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023


Whether you’ve been stung by fraudulent purchases in the past or you’re simply concerned about ensuring maximum protection for your new eCommerce business, this Trust Swiftly review is one that’s certainly worth paying close attention to.

Some 62% of online retailers have seen chargebacks and false decline activities increase since 2020, with every $1 of fraud costing the average retailer as much as $3.75 due to fees and other associated costs.

Ultimately, this means that the eCommerce industry as a whole lost as much as $20 billion to fraud in 2021 alone, while further reports suggest that while payment card volume is expected to reach in excess of $79 billion by 2030, a staggering $49.32 billion of that will be lost to fraud.

In other words, it’s a major problem, but not one that you can’t prevent.

Trust Swiftly is a WordPress plugin that stops your eCommerce site from suffering major losses due to chargeback and other fraud by providing 15 different ways to verify that your customers are who they say they are. 

In the following review, we’ll show you exactly how this powerful, easy-to-use plugin can be put to work in weeding out fake, fraudulent transactions and helping to ensure complete protection for your store.

How Trust Swiftly Keeps Your Store Safe From Fraudulent Activity

Trust Verify helps to prevent the losses caused by chargeback disputes by offering 15 different ways to verify that your customers are legitimate, none of which get in the way of offering a smooth, efficient checkout process. 

1. Email Verification

Available on: All Plans

An effective form of two-factor authentication, email verification sends a simple message to the user’s email account, asking them to confirm their identity. 

This not only confirms that the customer has access to the email account they’re using, but also provides other crucial data such as the safety of the email domain and the account creation, both of which can give away plenty of clues as to the user’s legitimacy.

2. Text Verification

Available on: All Plans

Trust Swiftly can send an SMS message to a user’s phone to verify their identity. 

3. ID Verification

Available on: Business and Enterprise plans

This method requires users to upload a copy of an approved ID such as a passport or driver’s license. 

4. Live Selfies

Available on: Business and Enterprise plans

Even the most sophisticated of criminals will have a hard time stealing a person’s live biometric data.

This is why Trust Swiftly offers a Selfie Liveness option which uses a selfie with live video actions to analyze biometric data and confirm that the person on the screen is who they say they are. 

5. Document Verification

Available on: Business and Enterprise plans

Asking users to upload a document such as utility bills can be a quick and easy way to verify shipping and/or billing address details. 

6. PayPal Verification

Available on: Business and Enterprise plans

If you offer customers PayPal as a payment method, this option allows you to verify PayPal ownership.

7. Banking Verification

Available on: Business and Enterprise plans

The banking ownership method asks customers to connect with their bank and share their identity details with an organization they already trust rather than with you and your store. 

8.  Voice Ownership

Available on: Enterprise plans only

You can probably think of all the obvious reasons why criminals wouldn’t want their voices to be heard, which is why the voice ownership verification method can prove so effective. 

9. 3DS2 Card Verification

Available on: Enterprise plans only

3D secure authentication can be used to verify payment card ownership and ensure the card hasn’t been stolen.

10. Live Video Verification

Available on: Enterprise plans only

There are few better ways to truly verify that a person is who they say they are than by getting them on a live video chat with a customer support agent. If you’re looking for maximum security for your big-ticket items, this may be the one to use. 

11. Social Media and Google Account Verification

Available on: Business and Enterprise plans

Trust Swiftly can be used for fast and simple verification by using social login tools and asking users to sign in with their Facebook, Twitter, Google, or LinkedIn accounts. 

12. Geolocation Verification

Available on: Business and Enterprise plans

This method prevents fraudsters from using VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) or proxies to hide their location by ensuring that their IP address matches their physical location. 

13. Physical Address Verification

Available on: Enterprise plans

With this method, you can send a card with a code to the buyer’s address. They then need to enter that code via Trust Swiftly to verify their address.

14. Manual Review

Available on: Enterprise plans

The manual review option combines Trust Swiftly’s verification expertise with good, old-fashioned human intuition to review all of the information provided by a customer and determine whether that customer’s purchase should be completed, declined, or paused until further verification is required. 

15. reCAPTCHA Verification

Available on: All plans

Last but not least, no fraud prevention tool would be complete without offering reCAPTCHA to prevent bots and automated attacks. 

Other Key Benefits to Trust Swiftly

1. Dynamic Verification Journeys

While one verification method may be enough for you to trust one user, it may only raise more red flags for another.

With Trust Swiftly, you can simply approve customers you’re happy with and send any suspicious ones to further levels of authentication until you’re sure they’re legitimate. 

2. Smooth User Process

If you’re concerned that adding extra levels of verification might result in abandoned carts, Trust Swiftly’s simple end-user process should hopefully alleviate those concerns. 

Once the service is active on your website, potential customers are assessed according to a risk score. Should that assessment require verification, they’ll be directed to Trust Swiftly to use the platform’s user-friendly self-verify tools. 

The data is then securely sent back to you to confirm and process their order.

All of this ensures minimal disruption to the checkout process and reduces the risk that users might abandon their purchases.

How to Add Verification to Your Website With Trust Swiftly

1. Create an Account

Point your browser to app.trustswiftly.com/create and either sign up with your Google account or enter your name, email and password before clicking ‘Start your free trial.’

After verifying your email address, you’ll also have to add a billing address and card details and then deposit a minimum of $5 to use the service.

When that’s done, you’ll be directed to a summary of your account, and from here, you can start putting Trust Swiftly to work.

2. Create a Subdomain

From your account page, click on the link to your dashboard where you’ll first be asked to create a subdomain. 

This is the address that your customers will be directed to so that they can verify their info. 

Enter yours, click create, and the setup process will begin.

Once it’s ready, you can click the button to go to the TrustSwiftly Portal button.

3. Create a Verification Template

From the portal menu, navigate to Verification – Verification Templates and click ‘Add Template.’ 

This is where you decide which verification methods you want to use and how to use them. 

Toggle and configure the options to suit your needs and then save.

4. Install the Trust Swiftly Plugin

To connect Trust Swiftly to your website, you’re going to need the free plugin. 

If you’re not sure how to install it, we’ve provided step-by-step instructions in our beginner’s guide to WordPress plugins.

5. Create Your API and WebHooks

Now comes the fun part, connecting the whole thing together.

To do that, go to your portal menu and select Developer – API – Create API Key.

Give your API key a name so that it’s easy for you to identify it, and on the next screen you’ll be presented with three long codes: 

  • Key
  • Secret
  • Embed Key. 

Copy these and paste them into a text document. Make sure you can remember which code is which because you’ll need them shortly.

Sticking in the Developer area, you’ll next need to create a Webhook by selecting Webhooks – Add Webhook.

Create your web hook by entering the URL you want to use and selecting the events from the dropdown menu provided, then click ‘Add.’

Once you’re back on the Webhooks dashboard, click View Secret. 

This will bring up the Webhooks secret that you’ll need to copy. For now, you can paste it into the same text document storing your API information. 

6. Configure Trust Swiftly

Head back to your WordPress dashboard again and select Trust Swiftly from the main menu. 

Here, you can paste all of the API and webhook details you just generated into the appropriate boxes.

You’ll also want to set your base URL, which is simply the same domain as your external Trust Swiftly dashboard. 

Here, you can also choose whether to verify before or after checkout, or whether a certain product category or order price range will trigger the verification. 

Finally, you can choose which verification button to add to your checkout to find one that best suits the design of your store, click save, and with that, you’ve successfully enabled advanced verification on your store.

Trust Swiftly Pricing

One of the only major downsides to Trust Swiftly is the lack of transparency and clarity regarding their pricing. 

Payments are collected on a per-transaction basis with three plans available: 

  • Standard Plan – $0.02 per transaction
  • Business Plan – $0.01 per transaction
  • Enterprise Plan – Custom pricing. You’ll need to contact Trust Swiftly to discuss your plan. 

What’s confusing is that there doesn’t seem to be any benefit to choosing the Standard Plan when the Business Plan offers more features for less money. 

It’s also a little disappointing that Trust Swiftly invites you to sign up free and start a free trial, but then won’t allow you to use the service until you’ve added billing information and spent at least $5 on transaction credits.

With all that being said, this is the only part of Trust Swiftly that wasn’t incredibly simple to get our heads around, and at $0.01 per transaction for a whole host of advanced verification methods, it still represents great value for money. 

Trust Swiftly Pros and Cons: 


  • The platform makes it effortless to create automated verification processes with no coding and minimal technical expertise required
  • Offers email, live chat, and telephone support
  • Trust Swiftly can be easily integrated with a range of top platforms including PayPal, Stripe, Google, Amazon Web Services, and more.


  • Pricing and payment options could be more clear and transparent
  • The setup process may be a little too advanced for beginner-level WordPress users.

Why Use Trust Swiftly to Verify Your Customers: Our Final Thoughts

Our quibbles with their confusing price model aside, getting started with Trust Swiftly proves to be a quick, simple, and effective way to add advanced verification methods to your eCommerce store. 

If you’ve been hit hard by chargeback fraud, or if you’re the owner of a high-turnover eCommerce business who spends more than your fair share of time manually reviewing customers to make sure they’re legit, then this powerful platform isn’t just going to save you hours of time but could also save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars too. 
And if you’ve already put Trust Swiftly to work on your site but you’re looking for even more ways to keep your site safe, here are 20 simple steps to secure your WordPress website.

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