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Registration Magic Review: Unleashing the Power of WordPress Forms

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Let’s be honest, the default WordPress registration form kind of…sucks. It’s functional enough, but you’re limited in what information you can collect, where the form is located, and how it looks. Of course, that probably doesn’t matter if your site doesn’t allow public registration…

But if you do allow public registration, you need a better way. Luckily, that’s exactly what the plugin I’m reviewing today aims to help you with.

Registration Magic is a freemium plugin that completely overhauls the WordPress registration system. In the simplest sense, Registration Magic allows you to create registration forms via a simple builder and then embed them anywhere you want via a shortcode or widget.

But it also does so much more than that – it can help you manage your users, analyze your forms’ conversion rates, collect more data, and lots more. And you can even use it as a general registration form to collect signups – you aren’t required to create WordPress accounts when users sign up.

Basically, you can use Registration Magic to create any type of form (though it’s focused on registration forms).

If you’re interested in improving the registration process for your WordPress site or just trying a powerful form plugin, keep reading to get hands on with Registration Magic.

Registration Magic Features

 registration magic wordpress form plugin

Registration Magic is packed with functionality. I mean, even the free version comes with 90+ features! Here are the highlights:

  • Create unlimited forms
  • Built-in login system
  • Add additional custom form fields
  • Export/Import option
  • Set fields as optional/required
  • Manage, search, and filter form submissions to find users
  • Form analytics – track conversion rates, time to fill out forms, and more. SUPER COOL!
  • Add prices to form submissions (premium versions only)
  • Allow users to submit files with forms (premium versions only)
  • Email all users who filled out a specific form
  • Create custom user roles for registered users
  • Lots, lots more.

Hands On With Registration Magic

Registration Magic was kind enough to give me the most expensive premium version of the plugin to test (the Premium plan). Just an FYI – because I have the premium version, I might touch on some features, like payment integration, that aren’t available in the free version of the plugin.

Installing and Setting Up the Registration Magic Plugin

It took me a couple of minutes to get this WordPress plugin for user registration up and running. The installation process is intuitive, and I completed it from the Admin panel. 

Registration Magic is listed in the WordPress repository, so I navigated to the Plugins menu and typed the plugin’s name in the search box. I clicked the Install button in the plugin preview and activated it a few moments later after the installation was completed. 

The plugin was automatically added to my dashboard, and I opened it to adjust its general settings. 

The General Settings menu contains a bunch of options I’ll cover later, and for now, I’d like to focus on the Registration Magic’s General Settings submenu. 

I recommend exploring the submenu before building your first form because doing so will enable you to define the form’s appearance, match it to your theme’s style or choose the file types users can upload to a form. 

Email Configuration and User Accounts are also options worth exploring in this submenu prior to creating your first form.

Creating a Registration Form With Registration Magic

After adjusting the plugin’s general settings, I was ready to test its capabilities.

Let’s start at the beginning: creating a registration form. First, I’ll see how easy it is to create a basic registration form. Then, I’ll show you all the cool ways in which you can enhance and refine your form.

To get started, you have to give your form a name and internal description. Then, you can make an important decision:

Do you want to use the form to register WordPress user accounts or just collect data without creating a user account?

For my example, I’ll have it actually create WordPress accounts. But this feature gives you a lot of flexibility over how your forms function on the backend. If you turn off user account creation, you can essentially use Registration Magic for any type of form:

creating a registration form with registration magic

Once you create your form, you can customize the form fields using a simple builder. You just click on the field(s) you want to add. Then, you can drag them around to reorder as needed. You can also add pages to your form to create multi-page forms, which is a great feature.

Because I’m creating WordPress accounts with my form, I’ll add all of the profile fields:

creating a registration form with registration magic step 2

You can customize pretty much everything about each individual field, down to colors and custom CSS. This is nice for drawing attention to specific fields.

Once you’re done adding forms and pages, you can insert your new form anywhere you want using a shortcode. Here’s what my little rinky-dink example form looks like:

creating a registration form with registration magic step 3

I only included three added fields, but you have an impressive amount of control over how your form looks. It’s honestly a bit overwhelming – not in a bad way, just in a “holy crap there are so many options” kind of way.

For example, you can add custom styling to every single form element if you want.

They even include a helpful design tool to style each part of your forms:

creating a registration form with registration magic step 4

While the form builder is definitely nice, I don’t think it’s the really cool part. There are plenty of other form builders with similar features. But there aren’t lots of form builders who also include the features I’m going to detail next.

Submission Manager and Attachment Browser

Keeping track of submissions grows increasingly difficult as your site continues to grow. Registration Magic’s Submission Manager provides the solution to this problem by organizing submissions into neat tables. 

The plugin arranges the submission in chronological order and lets you view each one individually. Users can download the documents they submitted to your site as PDF files, and you can decide if you want to attach notes to their submissions. 

Registration Magic’s Premium version also features search filters that allow you to view all submissions for a specific day, week, or month in the Submission Manager window. 

Moreover, the plugin’s premium version comes with the Attachment Browser that enables you to view or download each file you receive through forms. 

Before we go further, I’d like to briefly mention the Product Manager option that is exclusive to the plugin’s premium packages. 

The feature is incredibly useful for WooCommerce store owners or anyone else who wants to sell physical or digital products on their website. It allows you to select a product pricing type, create multiple pricing plans and let users choose the quantity of the product they want to buy. 

Form Analytics to Improve Your Forms

This is my absolute favorite Registration Magic feature.  I love A/B testing and conversion optimization, so having instant access to all of this data is amazing.

First, Registration Magic gives you a basic stats dashboard for every form. I spent a few minutes opening my form in incognito mode to generate some data (which appeared instantly):

 form analytics to improve your forms - registration magic plugin

This dashboard gives you a nice overview of the basic conversion rate for your form (visits vs submissions). But it’s not the coolest part…

The coolest part is the more detailed form analytics tabs. First, you can go to the general form analytics tab to see a log of every visit, complete with how long it took each user to fill out the form:

form analytics to improve your forms - filling time

Then, if you use any type of multi-select box (radio buttons, dropdowns, etc), you can go to the Field Analytics option to view data for which fields users select the most often:

form field analytics - registration magic plugin

These analytics features definitely set Registration Magic apart.

Easy Autoresponder Set Up

Registration Magic makes it easy to set up an autoresponder for your form. What does that mean? It means that whenever someone signs up via a form, they will automatically receive an email. Because Registration Magic supports merge tags, you can even customize the email with each user’s exact information:

easy autoresponder set up - registration magic plugin

And if you ever want to send a manual email to users who filled out a specific form, you can do that too:

easy autoresponder set up step 2

Simple User Management

Registration Magic includes a handy dashboard to let you manage all of your users:

registration magic plugin user management

And it also makes it easy to create custom user roles and assign them to your forms:

registration magic plugin user management step 2

Price Fields to Integrate Payment

If you want to add payment fields to your forms, say for a basic membership site or a payment for an offline event, you can easily do that with the premium version of Registration Magic. You just need to add a new price field:

registration magic plugin - price fields to integrate payment

Then, you can insert the price field into your forms like you would any other field.

Integrations, CAPTCHAs, Magic Popup Button, and More!

Finally, the Global Settings page lets you set up a whole bunch of features I haven’t even mentioned.

registration magic plugin - integrations, captchas, magic popup button, and more

You can add CAPTCHAs and configure payment pages. You can also set up integrations with MailChimp, Facebook, and more.

And then there’s this cool feature:

Magic Popup Button

The Magic Popup Button is an icon that floats in the bottom right of a user’s page:

 registration magic plugin - the magic popup button

When a user clicks on it, they’ll see all of their registration options:

Registration Magic lets you assign different roles to users in a few clicks. You can use this option if you want to charge website visitors that sign up for a particular role.

registration magic plugin - registration options

Thoughts After Using Registration Magic

I feel a little overwhelmed. I’m 1,200 words in and I’ve barely touched on a lot of the functionality. Registration Magic is just so packed with features, most of which will have a real effect on your registration forms.

Functionality wise, I didn’t find many faults with Registration Magic. You have impressive control over how your forms look and function. And I really like the backend analytics features which give you insights into how successful your forms are.

I do have one gripe. As I’ve harped on – there are a lot of features. But I don’t think the interface always does a great job at making these features apparent. You have to dig around the interface to unlock the full functionality of the plugin. I feel that, with improved UX design, Registration Magic could flow a little better.

For example – the form design tool is in a separate place from the add fields tool. I think it would make more sense connect these tools somehow because they’re part of the same flow.

Once you get a hang of where everything is, this isn’t really an issue. But first-time users might be a bit overwhelmed with the current interface.

Registration Magic Pricing and Documentation

I was very impressed with Registration Magic’s documentation. They include both a glossary of all the terms used as well as tutorials using real world examples.

With regards to pricing, Registration Magic operates on a freemium model.

The free version is available for download at wordpress.org.

Then, there are two paid plans: Premium and Premium+.  Click here for a full list of features offered in each tier.

The only real difference between these pricing plans is the license. 

The Premium package is aimed at users that want to install Registration Magic on one website, while the Premium+ plan comes with a license that gives you permission to install the plugin on an unlimited number of websites.

Both plans offer a bunch of powerful features. Moreover, the developer intends to add form themes, Elementor integration, Invoices and Payments, and Email Reports options to these plans in the near future.

registration magic plugin pricing and documentation

Frequently Asked Questions about the Registration Magic Plugin

How Do I Use the User Registration Plugin in WordPress?

Most user registration plugins for WordPress have visual builders that allow you to position different elements by dragging and dropping them at a specific section of the form. 

In addition, these plugins allow you to select the form’s layout, match it to your theme’s style or customize the messages users receive after registration. 

You can also decide if you want to use the form to create a new account for the user after submission or just collect their data if you decide to install the Registration Magic. This plugin gives you an insight into the form’s performance by allowing you to see its key metrics.

How to Create a Login Form in the User Registration Plugin?

WPEverest’s User Registration Plugin has a built-in login form. Hence, you don’t have to create a new login form if you’re using this plugin. 

Instead, you can redirect visitors to the plugin’s default login form from the site’s registration page. 

Registration Magic plugin doesn’t have a built-in login form, but you can still use it to create one. Just select the ‘Does Not Create WordPress User Account on Submission’ option when creating a new form and then add the fields you want the login form to have.  

Once you’re done customizing the form, you can use a widget or shortcode to add it to a page.

Final Thoughts

I almost wish they would have called the plugin Form Magic instead of Registration Magic. While it’s great at registration forms, Registration Magic can handle plenty of other form types too.

If you’re willing to spend a little time getting acclimated with the interface, it’s an excellent option for creating WordPress forms.

And with a fairly feature-rich free version, you can give it a test without any risk. So, if you’re intrigued by awesome analytics and detailed form options, give the free version of Registration Magic a try or go straight to buying the premium version.

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.