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Iconic Sales Booster Review: A WooCommerce Plugin to Boost Sales

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Growing your eCommerce store’s revenue isn’t just about finding more customers, it’s also about getting more from each customer that you’ve already found. Put another way, increasing your average order value can help you get more revenue from the same number of customers.

Iconic Sales Booster helps you implement several different techniques to achieve that – to boost your average order value and sell more products.

You’ll be able to list products that are “frequently purchased together” and that “customers also bought…”. Beyond that, you can create easy order bumps and one-click cross-sells that appear after the checkout process is finished.

Keep reading our full Iconic Sales Booster review for a hands-on look at what this plugin can do and how it works.

Iconic Sales Booster Review: The Feature List

I touched on some of the high-level features above, but let’s dig a little more into the feature list and then I’ll go hands-on and show you how it works.

Iconic Sales Booster essentially helps you implement four types of offers:

  1. Frequently Bought Together – displays these extra products on the individual product page and gives shoppers an ability to add all the products to their cart at the same time (or to select specific products with a checkbox).
  2. After Add to Cart – displays these products in a modal popup after a user adds the item to their cart. The tagline is “Customers Also Bought”.
  3. Order bump – displays a special offer during the checkout process that shoppers can easily add to their cart.
  4. After checkout cross-sell – gives shoppers an option to add an item to their order after they click the button to place their order. They can do this with a single click, rather than having to repeat the entire checkout process. This makes it really frictionless for shoppers.

You can also customize the text and design of these offers and, for the order bumps and after checkout cross-sells, you can offer special discounts on products.

Finally, you get some basic analytics to see the conversion rates for your order bumps and after checkout cross-sells.

Let’s dig in and I’ll show you how everything works.

Hands-on With Iconic Sales Booster

Sales Booster is pretty dang easy to use, which is a big plus in my opinion.

Let’s run through the various types of offers you can create…

“Frequently Bought Together” and “After Add to Cart”

Let’s start with these two types of offers:

  • Frequently Bought Together
  • After Add to Cart

You’ll understand exactly what these offers are doing because Amazon relies heavily on both tactics, while I’ll show you for comparison.

To set up both of these offer types, you’ll get a new Sales Booster tab in the regular Product data box when you edit a specific WooCommerce product.

To add the products, you just click into the relevant box and type the product name:

Iconic Sales Booster review

Simple, right? Now, let’s look at how they actually work…

First, there’s the Frequently Bought Together option which, again, displays right on the individual product page:

Iconic Sales Booster frequently bought together

This is a tactic that Amazon uses to great effect – you can see how the UX is quite similar, with the checkboxes and bulk add to cart button:

Amazon frequently bought together

Then, the After Add to Cart products appear as a modal popup immediately after a shopper adds the product to their shopping cart:

Customers also bought

Again, this is another strategy that Amazon employs, and you can see how the UX is again quite similar (though Amazon uses a slide-out instead of a popup):

Amazon customers also bought

So basically, these features are:

  • Super easy to implement.
  • Used successfully by the biggest eCommerce store in the world.

Order Bumps

Beyond the two offers above, Sales Booster also lets you create two other offer types:

  • Order bump
  • After checkout cross-sell

More importantly, you can trigger both of these offer types based on the specific products in a user’s cart.

Let’s look at order bumps first…

To set up a new order bump, you go to Sales Booster → Order Bumps → Add New.

There, you’ll get a little wizard to help you set it up.

First, you’ll choose the products that will trigger the order bump. You can either trigger it for all products or specific products. If you choose specific products, you can further drill-down by whether all those products must be in a shopper’s cart, or if having any of those products will trigger it:

Next, you’ll choose the product to offer as the order bump. You can also give it a special discount, which is a neat way to give shoppers a unique deal:

Finally, you can customize the text and appearance of the order bump:

Once you publish it, here’s how it works for your shoppers.

They add one of the trigger items to their cart and start the checkout process. Then, above the Place Order button, they’ll see the order bump offer, which they can add to their order with a single click:

Iconic Sales Booster order bump

After Checkout Cross-Sell

The idea with an after checkout cross-sell is similar – the timing is just different.

The setup is similar as well. You go to Sales Booster → After Checkout → Add New, where you’ll see a setup wizard.

The first two steps are the same as the order bump – you can choose which products trigger the offer and which product to offer (including the option to add a discount).

Then, the third step lets you customize the looks and text of your offer:

And then here’s how it works:

After a shopper clicks the Place Order button, a modal popup will appear with your offer. Shoppers can either add the offer or skip it by clicking “No thanks, I’ll pass” (or whatever text you opted to use):

Iconic Sales Booster upsell

This one is a little more aggressive than an order bump, but it can be a great way to boost sales when done well.

Conversion Analytics

To help you understand how effective your order bumps and after checkout cross-sells are, you can see basic conversion rate data in your WordPress dashboard:

This helps you analyze how effective your efforts are, and choose the best-converting offers.

A Few Other Settings

Finally, you get a basic settings area where you can configure basic design options for “Frequently Bought Together” and “After Add to Cart Modal”:

Iconic Sales Booster settings

Iconic Sales Booster Pricing

Iconic Sales Booster offers both one year and lifetime license options. The one year license gets you one year of support and updates, while the lifetime license gets you lifetime support and updates:

  • 1 site – $129 annually or $389 lifetime
  • 3 sites – $259 annually or $779 lifetime
  • 30 sites – $649 annually or $1,949 lifetime

Additionally, you can get a 14-day free trial of the plugin’s full functionality, and if that’s not enough, it also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Final Thoughts on Iconic Sales Booster

Iconic Sales Booster delivers on its promises – it gives you some effective, proven techniques for generating sales from your store.

Again, these are the exact same techniques used by the big guys like Amazon, and you’ll be able to set them up very quickly at your own store.

More importantly, the design and UX looks great and integrates with your theme right out of the box.

Iconic Sales Booster offers a 14-day trial with full functionality, so give it a try and see if it can increase your store’s sales.

Get Iconic Sales Booster

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