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Hide My WP Plugin Review: Completely Hide the Fact You Use WordPress for Your Website

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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WordPress users love this platform because it’s free, has a huge community, it’s powerful, flexible, and meets the needs of most people building websites today. But with those pro’s comes one big con: security. Now, I’m not suggesting that WordPress has inherently poor security or that you cannot secure a WordPress website, no, the type of security issue I’m talking about is a direct result of WordPress’s popularity. Put simply, WordPress sites are targeted more by hackers, bots and spammers – this was only very recently seen with a huge attack on WordPress sites.

So what can we do to keep our WordPress sites safe?

A lot actually. We can install a number of great security plugins. We can purchase security services like Sucuri and we can even attempt to hide the fact that we’re running on WordPress altogether.

That’s where a new plugin called Hide My WP comes in. In this post I’ll do a quick overview of the plugin and explain what it’s capable of.

Download Hide my WP for $24 »

Installing Hide My WP

First things first, head over to your WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New > Upload and install/activate the Hide My WP plugin.


Configuring Hide My WP

Next you’ll want to configure Hide My WP. For that go to Settings > Hide My WP. The first thing you’ll be asked to do is enter your purchase code. Click the “Get it” link and copy and paste your purchase code to get things started.

On this initial page, the start page, there’s not much else to do. Unless you’ve used this plugin on another WordPress install and you’d like to import or export settings.


Under the General Settings tab however, things start to get interesting. It’s here that you can assign trusted user roles, replace old URL’s, hide wp-login.php, hide wp-admin, and choose to have an email sent to the admin whenever a 404 page is hit. You can also choose to hide meta data that would give away that you’re running WordPress.


Under the Permalinks and URLs tab you will be able to change different link structures and pathways so as to fly under the radar of someone looking for typical WordPress vulnerabilities.


In Conclusion

For as easy as this plugin is to install and configure and as effective as it is at aiding in the protection of your WordPress website, I’d say it’s a great investment. For anyone using WordPress to make money or run a business online, $24 for better security is a bargain. So I’d definitely recommend picking this plugin up if you’re looking to be as secure as possible.

Download Hide my WP for $24 »

Hi! I'm Nathan B Weller: writer, book lover, and digital publisher. I use WordPress to launch blogs, products, businesses and portfolios for myself and my clients. If you'd like to see what I'm up to on a regular basis stop by my website at www.nathanbweller.com.