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Zoho SalesIQ Review: Live Chat and User Activity Tracking in One Plugin

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Want a smarter way to track and engage with your visitors? Zoho SalesIQ, the plugin/SaaS product that I’ll be reviewing today, gives you detailed visitor activity tracking in combination with a live chat tool.

If you want a live chat tool focused on sales rather than pure support, Zoho SalesIQ is an intriguing option that’s incredibly easy to integrate with WordPress.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out my hands-on Zoho SalesIQ review for a peek at what this tool can do.

Zoho SalesIQ Review: What Does It Do?

Zoho SalesIQ is real-time live chat software with a focus on sales rather than pure support (just like the name would suggest).

Unlike most regular live chat services, Zoho SalesIQ gives you detailed visitor activity tracking to go alongside its live chat support. In fact, you can even turn off the live chat feature and still get a ton of helpful data to integrate into your existing CRM.

All in all, here’s everything that you get with Zoho SalesIQ for WordPress:

  • Track activity for both anonymous visitors and visitors with WordPress accounts (synced to the account for the latter)
  • Real-time lead scoring
  • Proactively reach out to prospects through live chat or wait for inquiries
  • View detailed histories for visitors. Not just activity on the current visit, but also past visits as well
  • Easy setup – only takes about 30 seconds thanks to the plugin
  • Reports to view aggregate data on your visitors in addition to the individualized activity histories

Hands-On With Zoho SalesIQ

Zoho SalesIQ is a standalone SaaS that also includes a dedicated WordPress plugin to help you get set up.

Most of Zoho SalesIQ’s magic happens outside the WordPress dashboard, so most of this review will similarly be focused on what’s going on inside the Zoho SalesIQ dashboard.

In fact, pretty much all you do inside your WordPress dashboard is paste in the Zoho SalesIQ code snippet for easy implementation.

Here’s how everything works…

Sign Up For Your Zoho SalesIQ Account and Grab the Tracking Code

Once you sign up for your Zoho SalesIQ account, you can jump right into installing it on your WordPress site.

Immediately after signing in, you’ll see this big ‘ole tracking code:

zoho salesiq review the setup

To install Zoho SalesIQ on your WordPress site, all you need to do is paste this tracking code into the box in your Zoho SalesIQ plugin dashboard:

There’s more going on behind the scenes, but that’s it as far as your input goes. Everything else happens between your visitors on your front-end site and the Zoho SalesIQ interface.

How the Live Chat Looks on the Front-End

Once you save the tracking code in the plugin dashboard, your chat is live. Here’s what it looks like when the chat interface is closed:

And when a visitor clicks on the chat box, they’ll see the whole interface:

Checking Out the Zoho SalesIQ Interface

Alright, now let’s hop over and check out the inside of the Zoho SalesIQ interface.

The first thing that you’ll see when you log into the interface is a summary of all your online visitors.

For anonymous visitors, you’ll just see a random number to associate with them. But for visitors who have WordPress accounts, you’ll see their actual username thanks to the plugin:

Now you might be wondering – why is the interface a set of concentric circles? While you can also view it as a list – the circles actually do serve a purpose. And that purpose is…

Lead scoring.

It’s actually a quick method of qualifying leads as “hot” or “cold”. Visitors who appear in the inner circles are “hotter” leads because they’ve:

  • Been on your site longer
  • Visited important pages that you can specify

Chatting With Visitors

You can chat with visitors in two different ways:

  • Proactively reach out to them with a message
  • Wait for them to send a message and respond

To reach out to a visitor, all you need to do is click on their name and an interface opens up where you can see more about them, as well as send them a message:

On the other hand, if you wait for them to make first contact, you’ll see it pop up as a notification (and very noticeable ringtone) like this:

And if you accept, you’ll be taken to a similar chat interface where you can respond and see more about the visitor.

Viewing Visitor Activity

For all of your visitors, both active and not, you can view a full activity log that shows you:

  • Where they came from
  • What pages they visited on your site
  • How many separate times they’ve visited your site
  • What actions you or they took (e.g. chat interactions, etc).

Yes, a tiny bit big brother’ish from a casual user’s perspective, but quite helpful information if you want to be able to sell better.

Canned Messages, Reports, and More

The above was a quick look at the core features of the plugin, but there are also a bunch of other features that might come in handy.

In the Canned Messages tab, you can set up pre-made responses to boost your productivity and eliminate the need to re-type the same response over and over:

What’s nice here is that you can use dynamic information to add personalization to your canned responses. Just because you’re using a canned response doesn’t mean it needs to look like that!

Changing gears, you can also dig into all of the data that you’re collecting in the Reports section. You can see aggregated reports for all your visitors covering topics like where they come from and what they do on your site:

Final Thoughts on Zoho SalesIQ?

The implementation process for Zoho SalesIQ and WordPress couldn’t be easier. While it may seem like a simple thing – there’s actually more going on behind-the-scenes than just adding the code to your site.

The Zoho SalesIQ plugin handles the difficult stuff like syncing up user accounts so that you can get up and running without needing any help from a developer.

On the internal side, I have used better pure live chat tools. But that’s not a fair comparison because those tools didn’t offer the detailed user activity tracking (at least not at any price point close to comparable to Zoho SalesIQ).

I also like that Zoho SalesIQ lets you set up custom lead grading so that you can quickly see which prospects on your site are the most promising.

Zoho SalesIQ Pricing

Zoho SalesIQ comes in four different pricing tiers, including a generous free plan that should work for plenty of small businesses.

The free plan lets you have 2 users and track and engage with up to 5,000 visitors per month. Like I said, that should be fine for plenty of small websites.

Other plans start at $17 per month and offer more users, visitors tracked, websites, departments, and more.

Compared to other services that I’ve looked at, those prices are quite affordable. That seems to be the norm with Zoho products. I’ve personally been using Zoho Invoice for about a month now and have been happy with the quality level, despite the fact that it costs significantly less than most competitors.

If you’re looking for a sales-focused live chat for your site, I think Zoho SalesIQ is definitely worth checking out. With the generous free plan, you won’t be out any money just for signing up.

And Zoho SalesIQ also has a referral program through which you can generate money for referring others.

Download Zoho SalesIQ WordPress Plugin

Go to Zoho SalesIQ Website

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