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WP Configurator Theme Review: Sell Configurable Products On WooCommerce

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Need a way to create configurable products at your WooCommerce store? Sometimes one-size-fits-all isn’t the right approach, and shoppers love the ability to create their own personalized product.

WP Configurator is a responsive theme/plugin duo that helps you create great-looking customizable products at your WooCommerce store in a really user-friendly manner.

Keep reading my WP Configurator review to see how it works and whether or not it’s the right tool to help you build your own customizable WooCommerce products.

WP Configurator Theme Review: The Feature List

As you learned above, the most unique thing about WP Configurator is that it’s bundled with and built for the WP Configurator plugin. This makes it easy to create configurable WooCommerce products. That is, products where the shopper “builds” a unique product by selecting from various options.

Here’s an example of what I mean. Note how shoppers can first select the frame, then the lens, then the arms:

wp configurator review

Using the bundled plugin, you can create any type of configurable product. And the most unique thing is that customers can actually see their product “built” in real-time. That is, as they select customization options, the product preview will exactly match the options they’ve select (I’ll tell you how it does that later on).

Here’s a GIF to show it in action:

configurable product example

Getting that type of functionality for your store is the main reason to use the WP Configurator theme – but it’s not the only thing this theme offers.

You also get:

  • Detailed WordPress Customizer controls.
  • Tons of header options, including sticky and transparent headers.
  • Detailed color/typography controls.
  • Built-in page builder content for easy drag-and-drop customization.
  • Page-level layout controls via a meta box.

And beyond the bundled WP Configurator plugin, you also get a few other value-added plugins:

  • KingComposer page builder – includes a license for automatic updates – no need to purchase separately.
  • Slider Revolution – the plugin is included for free but you’ll need a license for updates. Beyond the plugin, WP Configurator also comes with a number of pre-built sliders for the various demos.

WP Configurator Demos: See It In Action

You know the features – so how might WP Configurator actually look? Well, the developer plans to release new demos every week (all of which are importable).

At the time that I’m writing this review, there are 11 different importable demos, though there might be more when you’re looking at WP Configurator.

Here are a few of my favorites:

This sunglasses demo looks great:

wp configurator review demo

And I also like the custom shoes demo:

demo site

And finally, this custom bike option is pretty neat:

bike demo

They also got a video which shows WP Configurator.

Theme Install Process And Demo Content Import

It’s pretty easy to get started with WP Configurator. When you first install the theme, it will give you that normal list of required and recommended plugins. There are 7 required plugins and 2 recommended plugins.

Importing Demo Content

Once you activate the relevant plugins, you can quickly make your store look like the demos I showed you above via the built-in demo import tool:

wp configurator demo

You pretty much just click the Import plugin and the theme handles the rest – it’s a very smooth and simple process (though it did take 5+ minutes on my test site).

Once the import process finishes, your store should look exactly like the demo site.

WordPress Customizer Options

If you want to further configure your store’s looks and layouts after importing the demo content, there are two ways to go about it.

First, for general theme settings, you can use the native WordPress Customizer. If you’re not familiar, the WordPress Customizer lets you make tweaks using a simple interface with a real-time visual preview:

It’s a massive improvement over the non-visual theme settings areas of old.

WP Configurator gives you a good number of options here. You can see the list in the screenshot above. There are also tons of submenus with even more settings. For example, if you go to the Button Setting area, you can customize the buttons for every area of your store:

WordPress customizer options

There’s no way I can show you every single option, but some of the notable settings you might be interested in include:

  • Flexible headers, including options for sticky or transparent headers.
  • Options to customize the single product layout page, including related products.
  • Lots of flexibility for your footer layout/settings.
  • Detailed typography rules.
  • Detailed control over lots of little meta information.
  • Multiple store layouts. List or grid views, plus multiple sidebar configuration options.
  • 3 different blog layouts.

Again – that’s by no means a full list – you have lots of control via the Customizer.

Using The Built-in King Composer Page Builder

While the WordPress Customizer settings are great for theme-level customization, all your individual content pages are built with the KingComposer page builder, which means that you can configure them using simple drag and drop:

I’ve never personally used KingComposer, but it seems functional enough. It has inline text editing which makes it easy to change up all the text on your site. And you can easily adjust layout and styling using the interface and simple drag-and-drop controls.

So no matter what your knowledge level, you shouldn’t have any issues customizing the demo content to make it your own.

It also offers a back-end editor in addition to the live visual editor, which is nice if you’re one of the people who prefer back-end editing.

Beyond that, you can use KingComposer to customize your regular single product pages:

And you can also use KingComposer to customize your configurable product pages:

kingcomposer interface

Speaking of…

Creating Configurable Products

Obviously, the big reason to choose WP Configurator over other WooCommerce themes is its configurable product functionality.

Here’s how that works…

To create a new configurable product, you go to Configurator → New Configurator.

From there, you can choose an existing WooCommerce product and enter the base price:

Then, for the fun part…

You’ll build your configurable product using different “layers”. This is what lets users see a preview of the exact product that they’re configuring.

So instead of creating unique product shots for each configuration, you’ll create a bunch of layers that go on top of the base product shot. This will require some graphic editing skills – but it offers your shoppers a really great experience:

configurable woocommerce product

If needed, you can also add a price for each option, as well as configure other settings like whether users can select it multiple times or if it should be active right away:


For example, if I make the white option cost $22, that amount will be added to the total price, including a breakdown so that visitors know what everything costs:

addon pricing

In the shopping cart, users can also see a summary of their options and the associated prices:

shopping cart

I think this is a really slick implementation for creating configurable products.

Panorama Skin Add-on

Beyond the core plugin, the theme also includes the Panorama Skin Addon, which offers a full-width configurator for a really immersive user experience. This skin also lets you show the configuration options as a slide-out.

WP Configurator Meta Box For Individual Content

Beyond the WordPress Customizer controls and KingComposer interface, WP Configurator also gives you a meta box to customize how things work for each individual piece of content.

Some of the things that you can do are:

  • Change the layout, including whether or not to use sidebars, and where to put the sidebars.
  • Choose a different header.
  • Hide the footer

Final Thoughts And Pricing

WP Configurator currently costs $49 at ThemeForest.

Obviously, WP Configurator isn’t trying to be a theme for all WooCommerce stores. But if you want to create a WooCommerce store with configurable products, then it’s an easy way to get up-and-running with a great-looking store.

The way that the configurator functionality works with layers makes for a really user-friendly experience for shoppers, and it also does a good job of showing shoppers the pricing breakdown for all of their configuration choices.

So if you want to create a WooCommerce store that offers configurable products, give this one a look for sure!

Get WP Configurator

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