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WooCommerce Product Feed Manager Review: Easily Create Product Feeds

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Want to expose your WooCommerce products to a wider audience? Creating a product feed for the items in your store allows you to do a whole heap of nifty things like:

  • Getting your products listed in Google Shopping
  • Creating Facebook dynamic product ads
  • Getting listed in other comparison shopping engines
  • Selling your products on online marketplaces like Amazon
  • Allowing your affiliates to sell your products more easily

WooCommerce Product Feed Manager, the plugin I’m looking at today, helps you easily create one or more optimized product feeds from your WooCommerce products to take advantage of those cool uses. And it does this in a pretty detailed way – letting you create feeds for both product types and product variations.

I’ve used product feeds as an affiliate marketer before, but I’ve never looked at them from the perspective of an eCommerce store. For that reason, I’m excited to dig in and write this WooCommerce Product Feed Manager review. Let’s go!

WooCommerce Product Feed Manager Review: The Feature List

As usual, I’ll start with a quick rundown of the plugin’s features before I dig into it hands-on.

Here’s everything you get with WooCommerce Product Feed Manager:

  • Create a feed for your targeted channel with just a few clicks (more on the available channels in a second).
  • Add categories that are specific to your feed for better conversion rates
  • Automatically create feed-specific fields to match your chosen channel
  • If you’d like, you can go in and manually change titles/descriptions, etc. or exclude specific products from your feeds
  • Your product feed automatically updates as you add new products or change existing ones

So what all channels does WooCommerce Product Feed Manager support? It’s a pretty solid list. I’ll list the big ones, but the full list is actually much longer. So even if I don’t list it here, the plugin may well still support it:

  • Amazon
  • Facebook
  • Google Merchant Center
  • Bing Merchant Center
  • Shopping.com (eBay)
  • PriceGrabber
  • Connexity
  • AvantLink
  • Commerce Connector
  • Adtraction
  • Bol.com

You can also always run a custom CSV or XML export. And because the developers are Dutch, the plugin also supports a number of Dutch sites as well.

Alright, let’s dig in and create a product feed.

How to Create a WooCommerce Product Feed With the Plugin

I have WooCommerce installed on my test site with all of the dummy data imported, so I’m ready to get started with my first WooCommerce product feed.

Once you activate the plugin with your license key, the first thing you need to do is install some channels. By default, none of the channels are installed. I like this because it lets you only enable the specific channels you’re interested in using.

You can do that by going to the Manage Channels tab and clicking Install for the channels you want to use:

woocommerce product feed manager

Beyond clicking the Install button, there’s nothing else you need to do. It’s pretty dang simple.

Once you’ve added a channel, you’re ready to add a new feed.

Adding a New Product Feed

To add a new feed, you go to Add Feed, choose a name, and select your desired channel from the dropdown.

Then, some new options will appear where you can choose a default category and subcategories (based on the specific categories used by Amazon – a nice feature), whether or not to include product variations, and how often to update the feed:

Once you select a default category, more options will load that allow you to map the actual categories on your WooCommerce store to the categories and subcategories used on Amazon.

You can either map all of your categories to the same default category. Or, you can get more granular and configure specific categories and subcategories for each category on your WooCommerce store.

For example, if you wanted to map the Clothing category from your WooCommerce store to the Mens → Tops & Tees → T-Shirts category on Amazon, you’d set it up like this:

But you can also go more granular and map your Hoodies subcategory to one Amazon category, and your T-Shirts subcategory to another like this:

As you can see, it’s possible to get very specific here, which is nice because you want your feed to be as accurate as possible to maximize conversion rates. And while you can get detailed, it’s actually still simple to configure because everything about category mapping is done with drop-down menus.

It’s worth noting that only the categories that you check will show up in your feed. Additionally, if you’d like to get more specific with products that you exclude from your feed, you can use the Advanced Filters.

For example, you could use these filters to exclude products that are on sale:

And you can add multiple exclusion filters if needed.

Once you get the category mapping done, you need to go one step further and add Attribute Mapping.

This is where you match specific attributes and fields from your WooCommerce store to the fields required by Amazon.

You might need to put some thought into this, and it will take some time. But it’s still pretty dang easy because, again, it’s all done via simple drop-down menus.

The plugin will also do its best to set these up for you – you can see how it already configured the common fields (though you can go in and edit them if you’d like):

In addition to the default fields, you can also take advantage of advanced attribute mapping. With this feature, you can adjust the value of each attribute to optimize it for the specific channel that you’re creating the feed for. For example, you can set up conditions to adjust the values for some products, recalculate them, combine them, and lots more:

Once you’re finished, you just hit Save & Generate feed to finish up.

Viewing Your Product Feeds

Once you finish up your feed, you just need to Activate it enable automatic updates by going to Feed Manager → Feed Manager:

If you don’t activate it, your feed will still work…it just won’t automatically update.

Then, you can find your feed at the provided URL.

Thoughts on WooCommerce Product Feed Manager

I think this plugin is quite clever. It turns what would otherwise be a complicated process into a simple process of drop-downs and text boxes. Even if you don’t know any code, you should be able to go through and customize your feed to get the mapping right.

Additionally, each channel has a different set of options to configure that are specific to that channel. While I showed you the process for Amazon in the section above, each channel template is 100% customized.

I also like that the plugin does its best to eliminate as much work as possible by pre-selecting fields wherever possible. While you can customize them if needed, the defaults are what you need in 99% of cases.

And if you need a channel that’s not on the list, you can always create a custom channel template using your own mapping. While it might be time-consuming, the process will still use the same simple drop-down options.

All in all, a slick solution to handle the problem of creating product feeds for WooCommerce store items.

How Much Does WooCommerce Product Feed Manager Cost?

WooCommerce Product Feed Manager has a few different licensing options.

First off, they sell a version that only includes the Google Shopping channel for €69.

If you’d like all of the channels, the cheapest plan starts at €99 for a single site license. Other license plans offer higher site limits for more money – the feature list is the same.

I think that, if you’re serious about creating product feeds, that price is pretty affordable for the time that the plugin will save you versus trying to do this yourself.

I know there is a free plugin that offers similar functionality, but I played around with it for a few minutes and I don’t think it’s nearly as easy to use, nor does it offer as much functionality when it comes to easy category mapping and filtering.

Plus, that plugin has limits on the number of products in your feed unless you pay to upgrade.

For that reason, if you want to build a product feed for your WooCommerce store, I definitely recommend you give WooCommerce Product Feed Manager a look.

Go to WooCommerce Product Feed Manager

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