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Posts Table Pro Review: Should You Buy This Plugin?

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Are you looking for an easy solution to create tables for your WordPress site? If so, you’ll definitely want to read our review. Whether you need to create product tables, staff directories, a knowledge base, or anything else table-based, Posts Table Pro can help you out. In addition to that, the best part is, it does all of this without requiring any manual data entry. Curious about how it works? In this review, we are going in-depth and hands-on with Posts Table Pro from Barn2 Media. 

Posts Table Pro Overview

Posts Table Pro by Barn 2 Plugins allows you to create tables effortlessly. It is one of the premium solutions out in the market. Posts Table Pro helps you create highly customizable tables from posts, pages, or any of your custom post types. As it pulls data from your existing WordPress content, it eliminates the need for you to manually enter data into each box of your table. By using shortcodes, you can sort, filter, and manipulate tables in a number of ways. Honestly, there are heaps of customization options available with this plugin. You can also bring in any of your custom fields to add extra information to your tables. In addition to that, your readers can also sort, filter, and search your tables to quickly find the information that they need on the front-end.  Basically, if you want to create any type of table based on existing content in your WordPress site, Posts Table Pro can probably help you do it.

Posts Table Pro has a limited free version. However, it doesn’t do much such as custom fields, and only displays posts. This is not ideal if you want to create a knowledge-based table with your articles or blog posts. Well, it is a nice option if you want to play around with the plugin before upgrading it to pro. Going pro gives you all of the features as well as a year or even a lifetime’s worth of support and upgrades. If you’re a developer, you’ll appreciate the level of depth of it. 

Again, upgrading to the premium plan, gives you an option to have it yearly or go a lifetime. 

  • Starter – ideal for new sites & side projects. $69 annually and $249 for lifetime. Good for 1 site.
  • Business – ideal for business websites. $119 annually and $399 for lifetime. Good for 5 sites.
  • Agency – ideal for building their website for clients. $249 annually and $799 for lifetime. Good for 20 sites.

Posts Table Pro Key Features

Because of its flexibility, there are a number of different ways you can use it. Here’s where I see it being especially helpful, but your imagination really is the limit

  • Table featuring all of your reviews or comparing products
  • General table of contents for posts or pages
  • Table featuring your top posts or a “best of” selection
  • Searchable/filterable knowledge base
  • Image/Video/Audio gallery – visitors can listen/watch directly from your table.
  • Product catalog – quickly bring in products from WooCommerce or EDD. Can include all products or just certain categories/tags
  • Featured product listings to include in your own blog pos
  • Events lists

And lots more! Remember, you can create tables from posts, pages, custom post types, custom fields, etc. You have a great deal of flexibility with how you use Posts Table Pro.


  • Easily customizable even for beginners. It allows you to configure things that way you want it to.
  • Support team is top-notch
  • By unlocking the premium version, you can create custom fields.


  • The premium plan is expensive even for starters.

Posts Table Installation & Setup

Once you install and activate Posts Table Pro, there’s nothing you need to configure beyond inputting your license key on the settings page. Everything else will be handled by adding shortcodes to the WordPress Editor. That brings us to what is really our only minor criticism:

There’s no shortcode builder, which makes Posts Table Pro not especially user-friendly for beginners. While they have great documentation laying out all of the shortcodes you can use, beginners might struggle with creating especially complex tables. If you’re a developer or an intermediate-advanced WordPress user, you won’t have any problems creating tables because, as we’ve said, it has comprehensive documentation. Personally, we found it easy to work with and had no problems manipulating tables. Just looking out for beginners.

Creating Simple Directory of Posts

Let’s start with something simple: creating a basic directory of posts. For example, say you owned WPLift and wanted to create a directory listing all of the posts from Ahmad’s Security September series. To do so, you could create a table listing all of the posts tagged “security-september”.

All you need to do is use the shortcode 

[posts_table tag=”security-september”] 

and you’ll get something like this

Posts Table Pro - creating simple directory

However, if you don’t want to display all six columns, you can use another shortcode modifier to choose which individual columns to display. Let’s keep it simple and only display the author, title, and date. To do that, you’d use this shortcode 

[posts_table tag=”security-september” columns=”title,date,author”]

And the output of that is this:

Posts Table Pro - creating simple directory outcome

In addition to excluding columns, you can also easily add custom fields to your table as columns. For example, you could create a custom field that includes a button (which will show below). This would be helpful for something like a table listing all of your reviews. You could have the title link to the full review, but include a custom field with a button to go directly to purchase the product. You can just as easily pull in posts from a category. And you can also perform advanced filtering like “posts from X category that ARE NOT tagged Y”, which gives you precise control over all of the posts display in your table.

If you want to add that “Buy Now” link/button I mentioned above. First, you’ll need some method of adding custom fields. I’ll use the custom fields creator from Cozmoslabs. Then, you just need to add a column for your new custom field. For example, to add a custom field called “buynow” to the table from above, you would just need to add a “cf:buynow” to the shortcode:

[posts_table tag=”security-september” columns=”title,date,author,cf:buynow”]

That shortcode outputs this on the front-end:

Posts Table Pro - adding link

If you wanted to, you could easily make the “Buy Now” link into a button instead.

Creating WooCommerce Product Table

Let’s take it a step further with WooCommerce. There are plenty of situations in which tables can come in handy with WooCommerce. For example, let’s say you’re writing a blog post about a category of items in your WooCommerce shop. It would be helpful to be able to include a table showcasing those products, right? To do that, all you need to do is use this shortcode 

[posts_table columns=”title,tax:product_tag,tax:product_cat,cf:_price” post_type=”product”]

Entering that code gives you a table with all of your WooCommerce products:

Posts Table Pro - creating woocommerce table

Then let’s say you want to modify that table by:

  • Only showing products from the “Posters” category
  • Including each product’s featured image

First, you need to add an image column. Then, you need to filter the shortcode by category. Doing both of those things leaves you with this shortcode:

[posts_table columns=”image,title,tax:product_tag,tax:product_cat,cf:_price” post_type=”product” term=”product_cat:posters”]

On your front-end WordPress site, that shortcode would look like this

Posts Table Pro - woocommerce product table

In addition to WooCommerce use in Posts Table Pro, Barn2 Media also has a dedicated WooCommerce table plugin.

Built-in Search and Filtering with Posts Table Pro

One of the features we really like about Posts Table Pro is how easy it makes searching and filtering. Users like you can easily manipulate your tables to find what they’re looking for. First off, by default, every column includes a toggle to filter it in ascending/descending order:

Posts Table Pro - built in search and filtering

Site visitors can also choose how many rows to display per page. And then there’s our favorite part: The Ajax search. Visitors can enter any search term and the results will instantly filter without any page reloads. This is especially great if you’re using Posts Table Pro to create a knowledge base.

You can also add additional filters via the shortcode. For instance, if you’re including a large number of posts, you can let visitors filter by tag or category.

Of course, if you don’t want these filter options to be displayed, you can also turn any/all of them off using shortcode modifiers.

Add Custom Table Styles via CSS

If you need to add custom styles to your tables, you can do it via custom CSS. Just like with the shortcodes, there’s no way to do this automatically. But there is plenty of documentation for how to add custom styles via CSS.


That wraps up our hands-on Posts Table Pro review. We found Posts Table Pro to be an intuitive and flexible way to create tables in WordPress. As it is based on using raw shortcodes (i.e. there’s no shortcode builder), Posts Table Pro is definitely more suited for developers or intermediate-advanced WordPress users. All in all, if you need to create tables based on content that already exists on WordPress your site, Post Tables Pro is a great option. It creates great-looking tables, doesn’t require manual data entry, and is flexible enough to work with pretty much anything you throw at it.

Try Posts Table Pro Today

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