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Order Delivery Date Review: Let WooCommerce Shoppers Pick Delivery Times

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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At a high level, Order Delivery Date Pro lets you do two very helpful things at your WooCommerce store:

  • Let customers choose their own delivery date and times, which is great for local delivery businesses like florists, bakeries, restaurants, specialty grocers, etc. You can then view all your scheduled deliveries on a calendar.
  • Control a lot about your shipping settings, like a max number of deliveries per day, surcharges for deliveries during peak hours, cut-off times for same day/next day deliveries, and lots more.

The end result is that it helps you:

  • Offer a better experience for your shoppers because they know exactly when they can expect their order.
  • Reduce issues with deliveries by eliminating no-shows and the back-and-forth of trying to coordinate delivery times.

While Order Delivery Date’s interface can be a little overwhelming with the sheer number of settings that it offers, the payoff is that you have a ton of control over how everything functions.

Keep reading my Order Delivery Date review for a look at everything that this plugin can do.

Order Delivery Date Review: The Feature List

I told you the core features above, but now I’ll go a little bit more in-depth into everything it actually offers. Then, in the next section, I’ll go hands-on with it on my WooCommerce store.

On the frontend, Order Delivery Date gives your customers the option(s) to choose their delivery:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Time slots (including ASAP)

You can mix-and-match those options to provide the level of specificity that you want.

On the backend, you get a ton of controls for:

  • Pricing, including extra charges for specific days (like the weekend)
  • Pickup locations
  • Next day/same day delivery cut-off times
  • Recurring holidays
  • Reminder emails

And you can also set up custom delivery options for individual:

  • Shipping methods
  • Product categories
  • Pickup locations

For example, you can have special delivery rules that apply to a single shipping method or category of products.

Finally, you get an in-dashboard calendar to help you see your scheduled deliveries, as well as an option to sync your deliveries with Google Calendar.

Hands-on With Order Delivery Date: How It Works For Shoppers

To start with, let me show you how Order Delivery Date works for shoppers. Then, I’ll take you behind the scenes and show you what options you have on the backend.

When customers view a product, they can use the included widget to check delivery availability:

order delivery date review

Then, they’ll be able to choose their own preferred delivery date and time during the checkout process:

choose delivery date

And once those orders roll in, you’ll be able to see all of your scheduled deliveries on the calendar view:

calendar review

And if you click the delivery in the calendar view, you can view more details about the order.

Setting Up Order Delivery Date On The Backend

Ok, so here’s what options you have to control how things work. Bear with me because there’s a lot to cover.

To access all of the plugin’s settings, you go to Order Delivery Date → Settings. Now, I’ll run through what’s there…

General Settings

The General Settings tab houses a ton of, well, general settings for your store.

First, you can choose basic settings like:

  • Whether or not to enable the delivery date functionality
  • Which days you deliver on
  • Minimum delivery time
  • Maximum deliveries per day or per product quantity
  • Shipping days (e.g. when you’re available to physically ship products out, whereas delivery days are when your courier can deliver – they might not be the same).

Specific Delivery Dates

The Specific Delivery Dates tab lets you create specific charges for delivery dates that are not part of your regular schedule. For example, you could say that you will deliver on Christmas, but only for a special extra charge:

Time Settings

The Time Settings tab lets you choose whether or not shoppers can choose a specific time to go along with their delivery date.

It’s also where you can configure settings and cut-off times for:

  • Same day delivery
  • Next day delivery


The Holidays tab lets you add specific days or date ranges where you don’t deliver. You can also make those holidays recurring:


The Appearance tab lets you configure:

  • Field labels
  • Colors
  • Calendar theme for the date picker functionality
  • Time format
  • Etc.

Time Slot

In the Time Settings area, you had an option to let shoppers choose their own time. Another approach, though, is to let them choose from a range of pre-set time slots, which is what the Time Slot area allows.

For example, you could let them choose from:

  • 9am-12pm on weekdays
  • 1pm – 4pm on weekdays

If you’ve ever had to have Comcast come work on your cable, you know the idea!

Additional Settings

Finally, the Additional Settings is kind of a catch-all for other settings:

Custom Delivery Settings

The Custom Delivery Settings area houses one of the plugin’s most important features. As the name suggests, it lets you set up customized delivery options for specific:

  • Shipping methods
  • Product categories
  • Pickup locations (more on these later)

For example, you could create:

  • Regular delivery where shoppers are unable to choose any delivery options.
  • Expedited delivery where they can choose their delivery time, complete with rules for cut-off times.
  • Weekend delivery where they can get their orders delivered on the weekend for an extra fee.

Or, you could create a custom delivery schedule for a certain category of products or a specific location.

To get started, you first need to go to the Custom Delivery Settings tab and turn this functionality on.

Then, you can create a new schedule.

First, you’ll choose what you want to apply the custom schedule too. You can see that I’ve selected the Expedited Delivery shipping method (these are the same shipping methods that you set up in WooCommerce):

Then, you’ll get a list of a lot of the same settings from the General Settings area. Only now, the settings only apply to the shipping methods, product categories, or pickup locations that you specified:

Google Calendar Sync

The Google Calendar Sync tab does what it says – it lets you sync your delivery schedule with Google Calendar.

Beyond that, though, it also lets individual shoppers add the delivery to their own Google Calendar:

Note how you can use placeholder variables to dynamically insert information in your calendar.

Pickup Locations

The Pickup Locations tab lets you add one more pickup locations for your store. You can also choose whether or not to force users to choose a pickup location. For example, if you’re renting physical products, you might want to force people to choose their local branch:

Reminder Emails

One more helpful thing that you can do is send automated or manual reminder emails for future deliveries.

You can either:

  • Send emails automatically X days before the delivery date.
  • Manually send emails by entering the Order ID

Again, you get a number of placeholder variables that you can use to dynamically insert information. Your emails will use the default WooCommerce email template for consistency:

Delivery Date Widget

Finally, the plugin gives you a Delivery Date Availability Calendar widget that can help shoppers determine delivery availability before they add the product to their cart:

Order Delivery Date Pricing: Free And Paid Versions

If you want to give the plugin a try for free, there is a limited free version available at WordPress.org, where it’s active on over 7,000 sites.

The free version has these main features:

  • Shoppers can choose a delivery day, but not time on that day
  • Disable days that you don’t deliver
  • Set minimum delivery time in hours
  • Limit the number of orders/deliveries per day
  • Exclude holidays
  • Some other smaller features

That might be all you need, but most people will probably be happier with the Pro version (that’s what I reviewed).

The Pro version costs:

  • 1 site – $99
  • 5 sites – $199
  • Unlimited sites – $249

There are also three other optional add-ons:

  • Pickup Date Addon – $29+ – lets shoppers choose a time to pick up their product. This is helpful if you rent physical products.
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions Compatibility Addon – $39+ – integrates with WooCommerce subscriptions.
  • Post Delivery Product Reviews Addon – $29+ – send product review emails to customers the day after their delivery date.

Final Thoughts On Order Delivery Date

Order Delivery Date is super flexible, which I like. You have so many settings to make it work exactly like you want it to and it delivers on all its claims from the marketing copy.

Two small areas for improvement could be:

  • Improved interface copy. A lot of the microcopy explanations in the interface use passive voice which makes the instructions less clear than they could be. I’d also like to see more links to the help docs (it does have some links – but could use more)
  • A better designed calendar. The built-in calendar is totally functional, but the user experience could be better.

Those have nothing to do with functionality, though. And on the functionality front, it’s quite good.

If you need the ability to let customers choose delivery or pickup times, you should definitely consider Order Delivery Date.

Get Order Delivery Date

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