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Jupiter X Theme Review: A Flexible Theme Powered By Elementor

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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If you’ve ever browsed the best-selling themes list at ThemeForest, you’ve probably come across the Jupiter theme which, at the time that I’m writing this review, has sold well north of 100,000 copies.

You know what they say about resting on your laurels, though. Artbees, the developer, decided the theme could use a make-over, which is what Jupiter X is.

It takes those same flexible principles from Jupiter and wraps them into a system that aims to make it easy for you to customize your entire WordPress site.

Here’s how it works at a high level. The theme…

  • Uses the Elementor page builder to let you customize all your core pages (including lots of pre-built page templates for you to use). You can also use it to build your blog archive pages We love and use Elementor here at WPLift, so that’s a big plus.
  • Offers a flexible header/footer builder that lets you use the same Elementor interface to build your header and footer without the need to purchase Elementor Pro.
  • Includes detailed style and layout customization options to help you make everything else your own, including a neat approach to how the Customizer works.

Want to see how it all comes together? Check out my Jupiter X theme review to see all the new features and looks…

A Look At Some Of The 150+ Jupiter X Demos

To help you build your site, Jupiter X comes with over 150+ pre-made websites that you can import to get started (all of which include the PSD files, which is nice if you’re building client sites).

You can head here to browse all of the included templates, but here’s a sampling to give you an idea of what you can create with zero effort.

All of these demos are built with Elementor, which means that you have full control over customizing all the core pages.

The Zethus template is a great look if you’re a freelancer:

Freelancer template

The Demeter template is a good base for a business with a playful vibe:

Jupiter X demo example

And the Aglaea business template gives you a good look at the flexibility of header options – notice how it uses a hamburger menu even on desktop devices:

Business theme

Jupiter X Theme Features

To create those demos and make it easy to customize your site, Jupiter X does a few different things.

First, Jupiter X makes heavy use of the Elementor page builder in a few different ways. As I mentioned before, Elementor is actually what we use here at WPLift, so this is a definite positive in our opinion (read our Elementor review to learn why we like it).

Beyond customizing individual pages at your site, you can also use Elementor to:

  • Build your header/footer
  • Customize your blog archive pages
  • Create a portfolio
  • Etc.

You’ll also get access to a ton of new Elementor widgets thanks to some of the bundled plugins. So if you like the Elementor page builder, that’s a big plus to using Jupiter X because you’ll get to use it a lot.

Beyond that, Jupiter X also comes with detailed WordPress Customizer controls, some great WooCommerce integrations, and several bundled plugins including:

  • Two Elementor add-on plugins (more on these in a second)
  • Advanced Custom Fields Pro
  • Menu Icons by ThemeIsle
  • Slider Revolution / Layer Slider / Master Slider

How Jupiter X Incorporates The Elementor Page Builder

Jupiter X comes with the normal free version of Elementor that you can grab at WordPress.org. However, it greatly expands on the free version by bundling in two Elementor add-on plugins:

  • Jet Elements – this plugin adds a bunch of new advanced widgets (it also made an appearance in our Crocoblock review).
  • Raven – this is Artbees’ own plugin. Beyond adding some new widgets by itself, it also adds header/footer builder functionality to Elementor. More on this later.

Customizing Individual Pages

Let’s start at the beginning. Because you get all of these new widgets, you have a lot more flexibility when you’re building your own pages or customizing one of the pages in a template.

Together, they add widgets for things like:

  • Forms
  • Post grids, rollers, carousels, etc.
  • Pricing tables/lists
  • Portfolios
  • Team members
  • Lots more
New elementor widgets

Beyond all those new widgets, you also get a bunch of new block and page templates that you can insert via the normal Elementor template library:

new elementor templates

The free version of Elementor is great for building the content of your pages, but it doesn’t let you touch the other areas of your theme like your header and footer. That’s where Artbees’ Raven plugin comes in.

It lets you use Elementor to build your header or footer in a very similar way to what you’d be able to do with Elementor Pro.

To create a new header/footer or edit an existing one, you go to Elementor → My Templates:

When you edit a header or footer, it will launch the normal Elementor interface. Beyond the regular widgets, the Raven add-on also adds dedicated widgets for things like navigation menus and site logos that you can use to pull in information from normal WordPress areas (e.g. include the menu items that you add in Appearance → Menus):

Header widgets

Detailed Customizer Controls

To control both the non-Elementor content (like your single post pages) and global styles for your Elementer content, Jupiter X ships with very detailed WordPress Customizer controls.

The way that Jupiter uses its Customizer controls is different from any other theme that I’ve seen. Rather than having you use the native WordPress Customizer sidebar, Jupiter X opens this popup window whenever you click on one of the theme settings areas:

Customizer controls

While the interface is different, you can still see all the changes that you make in real time just as if you were using the native WordPress Customizer sidebar.

I actually find how Jupiter X approaches things to be pretty intuitive. The regular sidebar is sometimes too narrow which often leads to a long vertical list, which can be difficult to work with.

The popup approach fixes that. One small downside of this approach is that sometimes the popup can block parts of the live preview. But to get around this, you can move the popup box around the screen:

drag and drop customizer

Here’s a look at some of the specific things that you can customize:

  • Fonts and typography
  • Header controls (e.g. sticky header)
  • Title bar
  • Sidebar settings
  • Footer settings
  • Blog single layout and meta

Beyond that, the Customizer also connects to Elementor in a few ways. For example, you can choose which Elementor template to use as your header:

choose header template

Similarly, you can also sync up your 404 and maintenance pages to Elementor templates (Elementor already has the maintenance functionality built-in – but I like the 404 page option):

choose maintenance template

New Meta Box For Individual Content

Beyond Elementor and the WordPress Customizer, you also get a new meta box for individual posts/pages that’s compatible with both the Classic Editor and the new Block Editor (aka Gutenberg).

On a per-post/page basis, it lets you control:

  • Header options
  • Main content options, including width, sidebar, meta information, and more
  • Title bar
  • Footer
page meta box

Detailed WooCommerce Integration

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you’ll also love some of Jupiter X’s WooCommerce integrations. Beyond 8 different included templates, you also get a ton of customization options for your product pages in the real-time WordPress Customizer.

Here’s a taste of what you can do:

Jupiter X WooCommerce

How To Set Up The Jupiter X Theme

Before I finish out my Jupiter X theme review, let me take you through the rest of the theme setup process/features.

Setting Up The Basics

Once you activate your copy of Jupiter X, you get a Control Panel area where you can perform a few basic settings.

First, you can install and activate the required plugins through this nice-looking interface:

required plugins

In the Settings area, you can also add scripts to various spots on your site, including a special area for Google Analytics.

add scripts

And there’s also a spot where you can set up your own image sizes.

Importing Demo Content

To import demo content, you’ll use the Templates area of the Control Panel. Here, you can browse all of the available templates and then import them with the click of a button:

Jupiter X theme review of templates

One important thing to note is that you do not have the rights to the image/video files used in the templates. So you’ll need to either purchase those rights or use your own images/videos. During the import process, you can choose whether or not to also import the images/videos.

Once the import process finishes, your site should look exactly the same as the demo site and you can further customize everything with all of the features that you saw above.

Final Thoughts + Jupiter X Pricing

Jupiter X is currently for sale for $59 at ThemeForest, which is pretty normal as far as premium themes go, and a great value considering all the bundled plugins that you get.

As for the theme itself, I’m a big fan of how it incorporates Elementor into the design process. This combo makes it very easy for you to customize all aspects of your site.

Additionally, because Jupiter X uses Elementor rather than its own proprietary page builder, you can find lots of community help and even further extend your site with additional Elementor add-ons if needed.

The templates also look great, which gives you a good starting point. And the WordPress Customizer helps fill in the gaps for things that Elementor can’t do.

To learn more about Jupiter X and get started, click below:

Get Jupiter X

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.