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A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a High-Converting Landing Page in WordPress

Last Updated on February 17th, 2023

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A landing page is a wonderful place to start if you want to create your own website. Consider it as an online flier for your business, with the added benefit of being able to sell your product or service straight to a potential consumer or getting them to sign up for your email list. with WordPress, you have a plethora of options on how to create landing pages. 

What you’re about to read is a step-by-step guide on how to create a landing page on a WordPress website.

What Is A Landing Page?

A landing page is a page on your website that is created to convert visitors into leads. The purpose of a landing page is to follow up on any promises made in your content. It’s the next stage in the process of converting a visitor into a customer. Your landing page allows you to make a deal, a special offer, a piece of information, or a bargain in exchange for providing contact information.

It’s a fantastic addition to any marketing or advertising strategy. This page may appear after you click on a search engine optimized result, an email marketing campaign, a social media campaign, or an online advertisement. This type of marketing is critical for generating leads, reaching the correct customers, and guiding your whole marketing plan.

There’s no reason to limit yourself to just one landing page, or even one landing page at a time. Experts in marketing will likely advise you to keep many landing pages, each aimed at a different portion of your consumer base.

Types of Landing Pages

A landing page is a web page to which a user is directed after clicking a link. You want a landing page that converts if you’re investing time and money into launching a business ad. 

This overview of the many sorts of landing pages will assist you in determining which one is best for your startup.

Squeeze Page

The squeeze page, also known as a lead capture page or an opt-in page, is designed to extract information from visitors. Personal data, such as a name, email address, and/or phone number, is usually included. 

A squeeze page often has only one call-to-action button for visitors to submit their information and no further navigation. The company can then utilize the visitor’s information to send email, text messages, or social media marketing campaigns. A headline, copy, one or two images, and a form are all common components of a squeeze page.

Long-form landing Page

Long-form landing pages, sometimes known as sales letters, are the digital marketing equivalent of infomercials. They concentrate on the product’s advantages, repeating them over and over until the reader is convinced that they must buy what the company is selling. The visitor is given a thorough explanation of the offer on the long-form landing page. 

The more time a visitor spends on this form of a landing page, the more likely they are to convert.

Click-through landing page

The page provides enough information on the offer, with a focus on the advantages and a general description of the product or service. 

This is a simple page with no off-page navigation. On a click-through landing page, the single button is the one that takes the user to a page where they can make a purchase. A click-through landing page does not need to be long. However, it should explain why the visitor should make the purchase.

Product Details Page

On a company’s main website, there is a product information page. These pages contain all of the necessary details about a product or service. Visitors can study all of the product details before making a purchase or contacting a sales representative to learn more about the deal.

Video Landing Page 

A video landing page may contain only a video or a video together with some supporting content. The video should describe the product’s or service’s value and generate excitement for it. It should last a few minutes, but not too long that the viewer becomes bored. A headline and a video should be included on a video landing page, but other copies and images can also help. They can be used for high-end products or content that is locked behind a paywall.

How to Create a Landing Page on WordPress Using Plugins


SeedProd is the greatest landing page plugin for WordPress. Composing and setting your page in a minute is so simple and quick. SeedProd is used by over 1 million website owners to develop high-converting landing pages. You may make Coming Soon pages, Sales pages, Opt-In pages, Maintenance Mode pages, Webinar Pages, Thank You Pages, and many more types of landing pages.

Steps to create a landing page:

  1. Install SeedProd Plugin
  • To begin, install the SeedProd plugin on your computer. Then, on your WordPress website, upload and activate the plugin.
  • You’ll get a welcome screen after enabling the SeedProd plugin. To verify the plugin, enter your license key in the field provided and click the Verify Key button.
  • You’ll be sent to the landing page dashboard after clicking the button, where you can follow the instructions for creating a landing page.

The several landing page modes are listed which includes:

Coming Soon Mode – Create a coming soon page and make the rest of your site inaccessible to the general public. 

Maintenance Mode – While masking the updating process, display a user-friendly message informing users that your page is momentarily unavailable for maintenance. 

Login Page – Make a unique WordPress login page for your site’s visitors. 

404 Page – On broken page links display a custom 404 error page.

  • Because we don’t have any pages yet, use the + Add New Landing Page button to make a new one.
  1. Select a Template for Your Landing Page
  • You’ll be taken to a screen where you may select a template after clicking the Add New Landing Page button.

Templates are available for Maintenance Mode, 404, Sales Page, Webinar, Thank You, eCommerce, Lead Pages, Login Pages, and Coming Soon.

Alternatively, you can use the visual editor to create and design your own free landing page theme using the Blank Template.

  • Let’s use the Newsletter Squeeze Page Template for this example. Simply place your cursor over the template and press the tick icon.
  • After that, you’ll get a lightbox window where you can name your page and give it a custom URL. Then click the Save and Start Editing the Page button.
  1. Make Your WordPress Landing Page Unique

You’ll see the visual drag and drop page builder after you’ve finished constructing your new page. This is where you may customize your landing page’s layout and add your own content. Blocks and Sections are used to organize these pieces.

  •  Drag them from the left-hand panel onto the live page preview on the right to add them to your page. You may also view various modification choices by clicking every element you add to your page. For example, you can open the settings by clicking the Button block. You can choose from a variety of template designs, colors, gradients, and outlines.
  • You can also adjust the block’s content, size, and alignment. Customizing the color, typeface, and button in the advanced block settings is simple.
  • On your page, you can also include social evidence and create a sense of urgency. Each element of the advanced blocks can also be customized.
  • When you’re happy with the appearance of your landing page, click the Save button in the top right corner.
  1. Your Email Marketing Service Should Be Integrated 

Connecting your email marketing service to your landing page will aid in lead generation. By integrating with common email services, SeedProd makes this simple. You can link to Constant Contact, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, and other services, for example. Zapier can also be used to set up Google Analytics tracking, spam protection, and other programs. 

  •  Simply locate your email service in the list of integrations and click Connect.
  1. Configure the Options for Your Landing Page 
  • Click the Page Settings tab at the top of your screen for the next step. You can adjust your SEO and analytics settings as well as your general page settings here. Custom header, body, and footer scripts are also available. 
  • Remember to save your changes by clicking Save.
  1.  Publish it in WordPress
  • When you’re satisfied with how things look, click the arrow next to Save and then Publish.

Get SeedProd

WP Forms

WPForms is an excellent WordPress plugin for creating a dedicated form landing page. You can create landing pages that convert like crazy with WPForms, in addition to all the other fantastic tricks.

Steps to create a landing page:

  1. Make a new form. 
  • The WPForms plugin is the first item you’ll need to install and activate. The next step is to build a new form.
  • We’ll use a simple contact form as an example. You can add more fields to your form by dragging them from the left-hand panel to the right-hand panel while you’re in the drag and drop builder. 
  • Then, to make any changes, click on the field. You may also drag a form field to change the order of the fields on your online form.
  1. Install and activate the Addon for Form Pages.

This extension will allow you to construct a custom form landing page from your newly created WordPress form.

  1. Configure Your Form Settings

Once you’ve modified your form to appear the way you want it to, you’ll have a lot of options to play with. 

General Settings

Go to Settings » General to get started. 

You can edit the name, description, and copy of your form’s submit button here. 

Additional spam prevention capabilities can be enabled to protect your website from unwanted form inputs.

Notifications from Forms 

Notifications are an excellent way to receive an email whenever a form on your website is submitted. Unless you disable this feature, you’ll be notified every time someone submits a form on your site. 

Forms Confirmation 

Form confirmations are notifications that appear on your website when a visitor submits a form. They inform people that their form has been processed and provide you the opportunity to inform them of the next steps.

After setting up, just click save. 

  1. Customize Form Pages Settings

It’s time to configure your form landing page settings now that you’ve specified your form’s general settings. 

To do so, navigate to the form builder’s Settings » Form Pages and tick the Enable Form Page Mode checkbox. 

 When you do this, you’ll be presented with several options for customizing your landing page design. 

Form Title and message

To begin, give your form a title that your site visitors will see. This is useful for informing folks about the purpose of your landing page. It also tells them what you want them to do while they’re there.

Then, for your site’s visitors to see, you can add a short message. This provides you the opportunity to include some more details so that people know what to expect when they fill out your form.


The Form Pages plugin produces a unique permalink for you whenever you enable form page mode.

Logo in the Header 

The next step in customizing your dedicated form landing page is to include a logo. Select the image you wish to use for your form landing page by clicking Upload Image. 

Branding and text in the footer 

You can add some footer content to the bottom of your form landing page if you want. You can change the default text by deleting it and leaving it blank, or by typing your own.

Color Schemes and Style

The background color of your form landing page, as well as the form’s, submit button, will be determined by the color scheme you choose.

After you’ve completed all of the options for your custom form landing page, click the Preview Form Page button towards the top to see how your form will seem once it’s live. 

When you’ve got everything the way you want it, click Save.

Get WPForms

How to Create a Landing Page on WordPress Using Page Builders

Beaver Builder

how to create a landing page on WordPress using Beaver Builder

Beaver Builder is one of the most powerful and widely used WordPress landing page plugins. With this well-known and reliable plugin, you can create a new landing page in minutes.

Steps to Create Landing Page:

  1. Integrate, Activate, and Configure the Plugin
  2. Begin constructing your landing page

After that, you may notice a Beaver Builder option in the left widget of your WordPress dashboard. This indicates that you are prepared to create a landing page for your WordPress site.

  • In your WordPress dashboard, go to the Page menu. 
  • Click Add a new page.
  • Then, depending on your theme, a new WordPress page template will open with a Beaver builder tab above the text editor.
  • Then, in the right sidebar of your WordPress page template, you’ll see a template option. Choose full-width or page builder from the drop-down menu. Then hit the save button once you’re done.
  • Now it’s time to create and design your landing page. Select a landing page or full-width template from the right-hand column’s ‘Page Attributes’ box, then save your page to apply the changes. 
  • You’re all set to create a landing page. 
  • To open the Beaver Builder interface, click the ‘Launch Beaver Builder’ button in the post editor.
  1. Customizations

Using the customization tab You can modify the headline, text style, alignment, background color, and many other things.

  1. Add Rows and Modules 
  • If you want to add a new row to your landing page, you can do it with ease using the page builder element. To get to it, go to the top right corner and look for the Add icon, which you may click to add a new row to your landing page. 

You can also use audio, video, text, and other elements to improve your landing page look. 

  • When you’ve finished customizing, simply click the done button in the top right corner. Then press publish and save the draft.

Get Beaver Builder


Elementor is one of the most user-friendly drag-and-drop WordPress page builders available. With Elementor’s free, feature-rich visual builder, you can create a gorgeous website. Check our Elementor Review.

Steps to Create Landing Page

  1. To begin, go to Pages > Add New in your WordPress dashboard. 
  2. Select Edit With Elementor from the drop-down menu. 
  1. Go to the gear icon in the lower left corner. 
  2. To work on a blank landing page, change the page layout to Elementor Canvas.
  3. Add elements to your Landing Pages
  4. Add a template by selecting the folder icon. 
  5. Select the Blocks option from the drop-down menu. 
  6. Begin adding the various components that will make up your landing page by selecting them from the choose dropdown. The following is an example of a landing page layout: 
  • Header – Only the site logo, centered in the centre, will be shown here.
  • Hero- it is the first thing your visitor sees before scrolling down the page, it is frequently referred to as the ‘Above the Fold’ section. As a result, the most important pieces will be placed here. 
  • Services – it describes the major services or features the company offers. 
  • Testimonial – The testimonial area provides social proof that your current clients are happy with the service you provide. 
  • Portfolio – Show examples of your work to visitors so they can decide if you are a good fit for what they are searching for.
  • Footer – it provides them with another call to action at the bottom of a land page. It also includes your Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
  1. You can also customize  each block of your landing page. 

Here are some examples of modifications: 

  • Change the content of the title – Try to tailor the language to your own company’s description. 
  • Change Image – Attempt to replace the photographs in the Portfolio section with your own. 
  • Change the colors — Pick three colors to work with and apply them evenly across the page. 
  • Change backgrounds — Replace the hero section’s backdrop image with one of your own.
  1. A good rule of thumb is to preview the result before hitting publish to ensure everything is in order. To do so, go to the bottom left panel and click the eye icon. 
  2. Then Click publish.

Get Elementor


Leadpages enables you to create landing pages that they will host and publish on your behalf on a custom domain. You may also add landing pages, as well as other conversion-oriented content like pop-ups and alert bars, into your WordPress site.

Leadpages can also be used to create whole websites, allowing you to swiftly establish a presence for your current project online.

Steps to Create Landing Page

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Leadpages Add New. 
  2. Select the sort of page you want to create, then your landing page. 
  3. Choose a URL slug and whether or not you want to cache your page if relevant. Caching might help speed up page load times, but it can also make it difficult to deliver updates to your WordPress-hosted main page. 
  1. Press the Publish button

Get LeadPages

Wrapping Up!

That’s all there is to it! You now know how to make a WordPress landing page. People will be able to read and fill out your form landing page if they have the URL or a link to it.

We hope you found this post useful in learning how to make a landing page in WordPress. Feel free to hit us up if you have any questions!

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.