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Gravity Perks Review: 30+ Add-Ons For Gravity Forms In One Package

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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If you use the Gravity Forms plugin, you’ll want to read this Gravity Perks review.

Gravity Perks by Gravity Wiz is not a single plugin. Instead, it’s a collection of 30+ add-ons for Gravity Forms that help you enhance and tweak your forms in a variety of nifty ways.

You can pick and choose which features you want, and it’s all modular so you’re never going to be weighing your site down with code bloat for features that you don’t want.

Some of these extensions do really small things – like limiting the number of words that can be included in certain text fields – while others are a little more expansive in what they tackle, like adding new eCommerce fields for tax, discounts, subtotal, etc.

And across all the extensions, you’ll find awesome documentation that will put a smile on your face if you’re a WordPress developer or implementer.

Keep reading my Gravity Perks review for a hands-on look at how these add-ons help you work better with Gravity Forms. I’ll share some of the most helpful extensions, and you can also find a full list of the 30+ Gravity Forms extensions.

Gravity Perks Review: Getting Set Up

Gravity Perks calls its extensions “perks”. In order to access all the various perks, you’ll first install the main Gravity Perks plugin at your site. Then, the Gravity Perks plugin will help you install and manage the individual “perk” plugins.

Again, the entire thing is modular, so there’s no bloat. You’ll have full control over exactly what code ends up on your server because you can choose whether or not to include each extension.

It goes without saying that you’ll also need to have Gravity Forms active on your site.

Installing New Perks (AKA New Extensions)

Once you activate the main Gravity Perks plugin, you can choose which perks you want to use by going to Forms → Perks in your WordPress dashboard.

Then, you just click the Install Perk button next to a perk that you want to start using. Pretty simple!

Gravity Wiz review setup

Then, Gravity Wiz will go ahead and install the plugin for you and you can activate it just like you would any other WordPress plugin:

install perk

The perk will show up in your regular Plugins list, and you’ll also be able to deactivate/delete perks from the Forms → Perks area.

manage perks

Ok, so that’s pretty much all there is to setting up the plugin itself. Next, let’s dig into some of the things that you can do with the perks.

Going Hands-On With Some Of My Favorite Perks

Because Gravity Perks includes 30+ separate perks, I’m not going to show you every single one hands-on. Instead, I’ll single out some of my favorites, which should still give you a pretty good idea of how everything fits together.

To use the perks, you’ll work in the normal Gravity Forms interface. That is, the perks make feature additions to the regular interface – they don’t require you to learn a new interface.

Let’s dig in…

Populate Anything

The Populate Anything add-on is a neat tool that lets you populate form fields with…well, any type of information.

You can also chain these choices together. For example, you have this demo, where you can…

  • Populate a drop-down field with a list of authors on your site.
  • Populate a second drop-down with a list of the selected author’s books (based on the first choice)
  • Display custom field data based on the book that someone chooses from the drop-down.

A couple of ideas for what you can create are:

  • Forms to let people filter out information.
  • Front-end content creation forms. For example, you could let people choose a custom taxonomy from the drop-down.
  • Conditional logic chains

Once you activate this add-on, you’ll be able to choose what data to populate a field with when you create or edit your form:

fill anything

Create More Complex eCommerce Forms

Gravity Perks includes a few different perks to help you work with payment/eCommerce applications for Gravity Forms.

First, there’s the eCommerce Fields perk. This one adds new form field types for:

  • Tax
  • Discounts
  • Subtotal

For example, you can add a Tax field that adds a 5% tax to all products, or just certain products that you can choose:

new ecommerce fields

There’s also a PayPal One-Time Fee extension. This lets you charge a one-time fee that’s added to the first cycle of a PayPal subscription. For example, you could use it to charge an activation fee or a one-time setup fee.

Finally, there are some more niche extensions. There’s the Pay Per Word extension, which lets you create products that calculate a total based on the number of words in a paragraph or post body field. I guess you could use this to charge for engravings or something personalized.

And then there’s also a Price Range add-on, which lets you add a minimum/maximum to “User Defined Price” product fields:

Let People Preview Their Form Submission

If you have an important form, you might want to let people preview how they’ve filled out the form before they finish the process. The Preview Submission perk lets you do that.

Once you activate the perk, you’ll be able to insert data for all the submitted fields into its own HTML field, which you can position wherever you want the preview to be (I’d recommend putting it on a separate page):

Here’s an example of what it might look like:

gravity forms submission preview

Limit Things! Submissions, Dates, Choices, Etc.

Gravity Perks includes a few different perks that let you limit:

  • What choices are available to people when filling out the form
  • The number of form entries that can be submitted.

For example, the Limit Dates perks lets you restrict which dates are available in a date picker field. You can either restrict specific date ranges. Or, you can restrict days of the week (like disabling the weekend). You can also exclude specific dates (like disabling holidays)

One example would be to use this on a booking form to restrict which days people can book:

On the other hand, the Limit Submissions perk lets you restrict the number of form submissions by conditions like:

  • User
  • User role
  • IP
  • Field value

You can set these restrictions up from the Limit Submissions tab of the form settings and get quite creative with your rule groups:

That’s Not All! A Rapid-Fire Look At Other Perks

Beyond the specific extensions that I featured above, there are also still plenty of other extensions that I haven’t been able to get to. You can see the full list here, and here’s a rapid-fire run-down of some of the remaining extensions:

  • Auto Loginlets you automatically log people in after they register.
  • Blacklist – validates your form against your comment blacklist.
  • Copy Cat – lets people copy the value of a field to another field.
  • Disable Entry Creation – stops the form from creating entries.
  • Email Users – send an email to everyone who has submitted a form.
  • Expand Textareas – what it says!
  • Media Library – automatically import uploaded files to your media library.
  • Multi-page Navigation – helps people navigate between multi-page forms by adding page links (or your own custom links)
  • Nested Forms – nest forms inside one another.
  • Placeholder – HTML 5 placeholder support.
  • Post Content Merge Tags – use Gravity Forms merge tags in post content.
  • Read Only – make forms read-only.
  • Reload Form – reloads the form after submission without requiring people to reload the page.
  • Terms Of Service – adds a “terms of service” field.
  • Unique ID – lets you generate unique IDs (e.g. invoice numbers).

Gravity Perks Is Very Well Documented

One of the things that really impressed me with Gravity Perks is how well documented every single extension is.

Every perk gets its own page with:

  • A live demo
  • An explanation of what the extension does
  • Simple and advanced explanations for how it works
  • Detailed instructions for how to use it

This makes it super simple to get everything up and running and is definitely a huge selling point:

Gravity Perks Pricing

Gravity Perks has three different pricing plans:

  • Basic – 1 perk on 1 site – $49
  • Advanced – 3 perks on 3 sites – $129
  • Pro – all perks on unlimited sites – $259

Obviously, the Pro plan offers the best value by far if you plan to use several different perks on multiple websites.

Final Thoughts

If you work with Gravity Forms a lot, I think Gravity Perks has the potential to offer you a ton of value if you’re hitting a wall when it comes to the default Gravity Forms functionality.

Even for the smaller extensions, you’re still going to save a lot of time and frustration versus trying to create your own solution. For example, is saving 10 hours of work across a few different projects worth paying $249 for access to all the perks? I would say it is for most WordPress developers/implementers.

Everything worked smoothly in my testing. And because of how well-documented each extension is, you’ll be able to start using it without any hair-pulling or frustration, which is another big benefit.

If you’d like to get started, click below to head to Gravity Perks and check out all the add-ons:

Get Gravity Perks

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