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An Extensive Review of El Greco Theme in 2023

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Since they first arrived on the scene a few years ago, AliDropship have carved out a reputation as one of the leading names in WordPress dropshipping tools, helping scores of entrepreneurs to launch and grow successful online stores.

Their best-selling dropship plugin makes importing products and managing order fulfillment a breeze, while their range of add-ons proves equally as useful at simplifying every aspect of running this kind of business.

So, when the brand released their dedicated dropshipping theme, El Greco, it came as no surprise to discover how effective it is at turbocharging our own online stores.

In this complete theme review, we’ll not only reveal the success we’ve had with it, but we’ll also talk you through every aspect of customizing the El Greco theme so that you can put it to work in taking your store to the next level.

Get El Greco Theme

el greco dropshipping theme

El Greco Review: Our Experience

Having achieved great results with tools such as the AliDropship WooCommerce plugin in the past, we were eager to see if the company’s eCommerce theme could produce similar results. So, as soon as we got our hands on a copy, we immediately set it up on our own dropshipping websites and paid close attention to our traffic and sales figures.

The difference it made was impressive, resulting in a 17% increase in conversion rates across the board.

Naturally, we were pleased with the results, though again, they probably shouldn’t have been surprising as AliDropship pitch El Greco as the perfect tool for driving more customers from your landing pages to the checkout.

Of course, they’re not the only company to make such claims about their themes, so what makes El Greco different?

In our experience, it’s a pleasing combination of its simple, intuitive controls, feature-rich development, and attractive design.

Ease of Use

While some themes sacrifice beginner-friendly usability for the sake of added power and functionality, there’s no such problem here.

From importing demo content to adding products via the AliDropship plugin, all the way to launching your live site, everything about El Greco is designed to make starting a WordPress dropshipping business as easy as possible.

Installing the theme itself and configuring the basic settings takes no more than five minutes, while theme customization, content creation, and behind-the-scenes admin tasks are all designed to be simple enough that even those with limited WordPress experience will have no problem figuring things out.

Key Features

Fortunately, this focus on ease-of-use doesn’t mean missing out on useful features. While various add-ons and plugins will no doubt prove invaluable for getting the most out of El Greco, the theme already has a lot to offer right out of the box.

Key features include:

  • Two check-out options
  • Side Shopping cart and Shopping cart page
  • Built-in eCommerce trust drivers
  • Full-width Homepage sliders
  • Most Popular categories
  • Customer reviews on the homepage
  • User-friendly mobile design
  • Sticky Add to cart button
  • Subscription form
  • Trustpilot widget
  • Instagram widget
  • “Best Deals”, “Just Arrived” and “Trending Now” sections.

Customizing the El Greco Theme

Customizing the El Greco Theme

One of the things we like best about El Greco is the unlimited customization options.

Sure the theme looks impressive as soon as it goes live on your site, and if all you did from there was upload your own content and products, you’d have a pretty good dropshipping website ready to go.

However, to really get the most out of your new theme, it pays to go through and tweak most -if not all- of the options at your disposal. That way, you avoid becoming one of the countless cookie-cutter websites out there and create an effective online store that truly compels customers to buy from you.

With that said, let’s look at just how easy customizing the El Greco theme can be, and what a difference it can make to your dropshipping business.

General Settings

All of your El Greco customization options can be found by scrolling down your WordPress dashboard menu until you see the ‘customization’ option. Underneath that, you’ll find options for fine-tuning every aspect of your site, starting with the general options affecting your entire site.

These include:

Changing your Favicon

Your Favicon is the little icon that appears in your browser tab and bookmarks folder next to the website title. This is as simple as uploading a new image the same as you would with any media.

Enable One-Page checkout

This is switched on by default to make it as easy as possible for your customers to go from choosing the products they like to paying for them. However, if you prefer to go with a multi-step checkout process with upselling and cross-selling options, enabling that option is as easy as flipping this switch.

Enable Image LazyLoad

When it comes to improving conversions, speed matters. The longer your site takes to load, the greater the risk that customers will get fed up and hit their browser’s back button, with many never bothering to return.

Lazy loading images is a quick way to improve your site’s speed by only loading images when a visitor scrolls to them on your page.

Of course, there are dedicated plugins for improving your WordPress performance, and most -if not all- of them include some kind of Lazy Load feature. If you’re using one of those then you might want to turn Image LazyLoad off in your El Greco theme to avoid any compatibility issues. Otherwise, it’s recommended to keep this switched on.

Show Discount Badges on Products

Showing discount badges on your products as in the image above can be a great way to show customers what a great deal they are getting, just another way that this powerful theme helps you to increase sales. Again, if you decide not to use this option, turning it off is as easy as clicking your mouse.

Other General Settings

Along with the key features above, the general tab also allows you to:

  • Configure how your products are displayed on the home and category pages
  • Change the overall color scheme of your website
  • Enable a right-to-left layout (for websites presented in languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, or Persian)
  • Change your font settings (using Google Fonts).

Customizing Your El Greco Website Header

Up next, you’ll see that you have two menu options – Head and Header. The former allows more advanced users to modify their CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and add custom scripts, while the latter offers options for changing your logo, changing the colors of your website header and toggling between sticky and non-sticky headers for both desktop and mobile devices.

One nice point about this theme is that AliDropship are kind enough to give you the recommended image dimensions for your logo right there on the page. If you’ve ever had to deal with the frustration that comes when a theme creator buries this important information deep within the pages of the documentation, you’ll no doubt agree with us that this is very helpful indeed.

Homepage Customization Options

All of the main home page features, including your sliders, popular categories, and trust-drivers such as customer reviews can all be edited from the same page.

As with everything, this is no more difficult than toggling between options, uploading your images, and changing the text where appropriate, so even if you’re a complete WordPress novice, you’ll find it remarkably easy to create an attractive WordPress dropshipping website.

Homepage Sliders

Homepage sliders El Greco theme

As well as managing the actual images, texts, and link buttons for your sliders, here’s where you can decide whether or not to use a full-width slider and choose between manual and auto-rotating slides.

If you choose the latter, you’ll also be able to set the length of time that each slider stays on the screen before rotating.

El Greco comes with three slides as a default, though it’s easy to add more (or delete any you don’t want) at the click of a button.

Fed up with those eCommerce themes which automatically decide what your most popular categories are and give you no option to change them? In that case, you’ll love El Greco as it allows you to decide which categories you display here and change them around in exactly the same way as you would with your sliders.

Customer Reviews / Testimonials

Customer Reviews El Greco Theme

Time and time again, social proof has proven to play a big part in customers’ decision-making process, which is why customer reviews and testimonials are one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal for increasing sales.

AliDropship understands this all too well, which is why they make it easy to create an attractive presentation for your reviews.

Again, this is as simple as uploading the relevant images and changing the text with suitable testimonials.

Other Homepage Features

We all know how important content is for improving your website’s SEO strength and promoting your WordPress dropshipping store.

El Greco comes with two homepage features to help with that, the first being the ability to push your latest blog posts to your home page, and the second being a “Homepage article” box where you can add any copy that your visitors might find helpful such as an FAQ or Buyer’s Guide.

Product Page Options

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, one of El Greco’s biggest selling points is its extensive range of customizable options. If you can feature it on your page, you can tweak it to better meet the needs of your customers and thus increase sales.

Nowhere is this more evident than on the product pages, where you have the freedom to fine-tune an exhaustive list of features. This includes:

  • Enabling social-sharing options
  • Showing recommended and recently viewed products
  • Including a size-guide on the page
  • Enabling a sticky Add to Cart button
  • Choosing whether or not to show information such as product details, shipping and payment, and customer reviews
  • Allowing customers to write their own reviews of your products
  • Changing which payment method icons you display
  • Toggling your Terms & Conditions checkbox on and off.

Conversion Boosters

When its creators say that El Greco is designed to increase your conversion rates, this isn’t just another empty promise. The theme comes with several ‘conversion booster’ features that can be utilized throughout your website to inspire among your customers the kind of trust that leads to more sales and long-term brand loyalty.

These include:

Homepage Store Features and Product Page Badges

Promote added-benefits such as free delivery and returns, customer support, and a money-back guarantee.

Customer Trust Tools

Display reviews from your Trustpilot page on your website and add a ‘Trust Block’ where you can display any relevant trust seals.

Manage Customer Expectations

Promote your excellent customer service by setting details of your delivery times, return policies, and more.

Checkout Options

Using those conversion boosters to drive customers to your checkout page is only half the battle. When they get there, you need to ensure that your customers have the smoothest experience possible to ensure they see their purchase all the way through.

To that end, El Greco allows you to customize several checkout options including:

  • Payment method icons
  • Sticky ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button on mobile
  • Links to your delivery and returns policies
  • Billing and shipping address forms
  • Order summaries
  • Terms & Conditions checkbox
  • Additional information for credit card and PayPal payments.

Improve Your Customer Experience With El Greco

Speaking of the customer experience, this all-encompassing eCommerce theme really has thought of everything. Along with all of the above, you’ll find options to customize every aspect of the customer’s journey from landing page to post-sale. This includes:

  • About us page
  • Contact pages
  • Customer accounts
  • Post-purchase thank you page
  • 404 page
  • Social media sharing options.

El Greco Dropshipping Theme: Our Verdict

It’s this extensive list of features, combined with the ease in which you can customize them, that first made the El Greco dropshipping theme such a big hit here at WPLift.

Still, let’s be honest:

Anyone can cram a theme full of features, but what really matters is what kind of impact those features have on your online store.

Fortunately, this particular theme more than holds its own in that regard. After installing it on our own dropshipping store, it didn’t take long for our conversions to steadily rise, achieving an overall 17% increase.

Yet what really sets AliDropship’s eCommerce theme apart from its competitors isn’t just that it works, it’s that it works really well even if you have limited experience and zero technical know-how.

There’s nothing complicated here. Everything is neatly laid out, easily explained, and requires absolutely no coding, making it the perfect option for any budding entrepreneur new to the world of dropshipping.

Get El Greco Theme

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.