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Checkout X Review – Increase WooCommerce Sales With This Powerful Conversion Platform

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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Checkout X is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform which promises to help you improve sales on your WordPress WooCommerce store. It’s a bold claim that many others have made in the past, and no doubt one that many more will continue to make in the future.

So what makes Checkout X so unique? Is it a worthwhile to abandoned cart pluginol for improving your WooCommerce sales?

There was only one way to find out.

We recently installed it on one of our sites to test out. You’ll discover exactly what we thought in this in-depth Checkout X Review.

Checkout X Review

Checkout X Review

Right out of the box, there are two clear things to love about the Checkout X WooCommerce tool.

The first is the price tag, or rather, the lack of one. The second is its unique approach.

Checkout X Pricing

The company offers a completely free version of their service with no strings attached that is perfect for new start-ups and gradually growing stores.

This gives you access to all of Checkout X’s standard features (more of which later), plus the ability to generate up to €1,000 in upsells without paying a penny.

For larger stores that generate more than €1,000 per month, the €39 Unlimited Plan may be better suited.

This allows for unlimited upsells with a 5% per upsell charge applied after your first free €1,000.

Finally, the platinum plan for eCommerce stores generating more than €25,000 only charges a 2.5% upsell fee after the first €1,000.

Both of the latter two plans also include some useful extra features, including access to live chat support and the removal of the Checkout X branding, the latter of which can be essential for maintaining a professional appearance.

A Software as a Service Approach

The other thing we like about Checkout X is that it does things differently.

Many tools that promise to improve your store come in WooCommerce plugins which place an extra burden on your web hosting server.

While a single plugin may not do too much damage, running an extensive library of heavy-duty plugins can slow down your website performance.

One of the big advantages of Checkout X is that although you do have to install a plugin, it’s very lightweight and is only used to connect your site to the software, with all of the hard work being done on Checkout X’s servers.

Naturally, this means you get all of the advantages of a powerful upselling tool with none of the drain on your resources.

How to Use Checkout X

How to Use Checkout X

Further adding to the platform’s appeal is just how easy it is to use.

From the homepage, head straight to the sign-up page and register for an account.

In our experience, this took less than a minute and couldn’t be more straightforward.

Once you’re in, hit “Next Step” and then choose whether you want to connect the platform to a WooCommerce site or a Shopify store.

Naturally, being all about WordPress here at WPlift, we went with the WooCommerce option.

This is just as well as Checkout X no longer works on Shopify sites due to a change in Shopify’s Terms and Conditions.

Connecting Checkout X to Your WooCommerce Store

Connecting Checkout X to Your WooCommerce Store

On the next screen, enter the domain name of your WooCommerce store and click “Connect Checkout X.”

You’ll need to approve access so that the tool can do what it needs to do, after which you’re ready to start putting it to work on your store.

Setup Wizard

The tool continues to impress by offering a simple four-step setup wizard to take the hard work out of using it.

The four steps involve.

1. Install the Plugin

Install the Checkout X

This is no more difficult than clicking the “Open WordPress to Install the Plugin” link, which takes you directly to the Checkout X page on the WordPress plugins directory.

Install it as you would any other plugin, and when you’re done, return to the wizard and click “Verify Installation.”

2. Add in Shipping Rates

Next, use the simple tool to add your shipping rates and set up any shipping conditions you need. For example, you may choose different rates for international shipping, offer discounts or free shipping for orders over €100, or whatever works for you and your business.

3. Add Payment Methods

The third set-up option lets you choose from a list of different payment methods.

All of the usual suspects are here, including Stripe, Klarna, PayPal, card payments, cash on delivery, and more, meaning you’re well set up for however you prefer to accept payments.

4. Preview and Publish

Finally, when you’re happy with everything, you can preview and publish your Checkout X checkout experience and be ready to use it.

Customizing Your Checkout X Checkout

We think it’s a little confusing that Checkout X doesn’t include the checkout customization tab in their initial four-step set-up wizard. It would certainly make sense to include it just before publish and preview.

Still, it’s not exactly hard to find and can be used to tweak the look and feel of your checkout experience so that it better reflects your brand.

This tab lets you not only change the colors and add a logo but also add links to your privacy policy, T&Cs,[1]  and other essentials.

How Checkout X Improves Your WooCommerce Sales

With the setup process out of the way, it’s time to explore the actual benefits of using Checkout X.

On the whole, there are four main ways that CheckoutX helps to boost your WooCommerce sales. These include:

1. Abandoned Cart Recovery

Adding some kind of abandoned cart tool to your website is a tried-and-trusted way of getting customers to come back, complete purchases, and boost your revenues.

So it’s nice to see that Checkout X includes this as an option, saving you the hassle of installing an additional abandoned cart plugin.

Using this tab lets you create the message you want to send to those who abandon their carts and determine how soon after abandonment you want to send it, ultimately automating the whole process for you.

2. Post-purchase Upsells

Enabling upsells is Checkout X’s key USP, and for a good reason:

The tool makes it incredibly simple to customize multiple upsell offers depending on what people buy.

You can use it to trigger an upsell opportunity when a customer chooses a particular product.

For example, if they add a battery-powered device to their cart, that could trigger an upsell for spare batteries.

If they buy a cute top from your fashion store, it could trigger an upsell of the matching skirt.

Not that you’re limited to one product per upsell.

A customer who buys a new kitchen accessory could be presented with multiple additional accessories from that same range, while a gamer who buys the latest game console may be upsold multiple game bundles.

If you want to encourage customers to go straight to the checkout on hot items, you can add a direct buy link.

If you’ve created a discount code within WooCommerce, you can also use this to encourage a direct buy, such as by promising customers 20% off or free shipping when they buy right now.

4. Automatic Conversion Optimization

Checkout X are continually working on their checkout platform, optimizing its performance and functionality to deliver the best results. These optimizations are automatically integrated into your eCommerce store so that you can be sure your site always boasts the most optimum checkout experience without you having to lift a finger.

Checkout X Features

All three of the key features above prove to be excellent at improving sales through your eCommerce store, but the benefits of this tool don’t stop there.

Checkout X proves itself to be the gift that keeps on giving with a range of additional features such as:

  • Intuitive dashboard for tracking sales, upsells, and conversion rates
  • Multiple language options and custom translations for international users
  • Integration with Facebook and Google Ads for better conversion monitoring
  • Integration with Mailchimp to further enhance abandoned cart recovery
  • Ability to add customized information sections
  • Optimized mobile checkout process
  • Checkout customization options
  • Automatic discounts.

Checkout X: A Simple and Effective Way to Boost eCommerce Sales

We started this review by asking what makes Checkout X special in a market crowded with eCommerce-boosting apps.

We’ll finish it by answering that question with two simple words:

A lot.

There’s a lot that makes Checkout X special. Its upselling features alone are easier to manage and more effective than many others we’ve seen. The option to also include custom checkout experience, auto-discounts, and abandon cart emails also means that you don’t have to install multiple WordPress plugins for each different task.

In fact, even the one plugin you do have to install is incredibly lightweight, with most of the hard work being done on Checkout X’s servers rather than yours.

Oh, and did we mention that it’s free to download, install and use without restrictions or limitations?

Add all that together, and what you’ve got here is a very worthwhile addition to any growing eCommerce site.

Try Checkout X

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.