Plugins Directory

Ad Commander – Ad Manager for Banner Ads, AdSense, Ad Networks

Ad Commander is a complete ad management plugin for WordPress. Quickly embed banner image ads, Google AdSense ads, or other ad networks into your site. Track impressions and clicks locally or with Google Analytics (GA4) events.

Using groups, users can build rotating ad sets, randomly ordered ads, and ad grids. Use manual or automatic placements to insert your ads wherever you’d like, including pop-ups.

AdSense users: Ad Commander optionally integrates with your AdSense account. Enable AdSense and AMP auto ads, or embed individual ad units. Select directly from an ad unit list, build manually, or paste in your code.

Key Features

  • Page caching compatibility using client-side or smart ad rendering
  • Impression and click tracking locally and with GA4 events; AMP tracking with <amp-pixel> and <amp-analytics>
  • AdSense compatibility using direct integration, manual, and paste code modes
  • Automatic conversion of ads to AMP ads
  • Virtual ads.txt file generation
  • Content targeting – page types, archive types, post types, specific pages, categories, and more
  • Visitor targeting – browser characteristics, referring URLs, user roles, visits, and more
  • Geotargeting with MaxMind database
  • Ad expirations by date/time or maximum stats
  • Optional consent requirement before displaying ads
  • Automatic placements – before content, after content, within content, in post lists, as popup, in <head>, or before </body>
  • Manual placements using shortcodes, template tags, or blocks

Ad Commander is available in the WordPress plugin directory, with a Pro add-on available for purchase.