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What to Expect From Web Design in 2024: Key WordPress Trends and Predictions

Last Updated on October 26th, 2023

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As we approach 2024, WordPress enthusiasts and web design aficionados alike are looking forward to the emergence of new trends and ideas. In this post, we will dive into the fascinating realm of web design and look at the important WordPress trends and predictions that will affect the digital environment in the coming year. Join us on an expedition to explore what is ahead in the world of WordPress trends, from dark mode to cutting-edge AI technologies.

The Integration of Artificial Intelligence

The potential use of artificial intelligence (AI) in WordPress has been a hot issue in the past few years. As technology evolves and becomes more readily available to a larger variety of people, more and more people become interested in this topic. As the world’s most widely used content management system (CMS), WordPress has an exceptional ability to apply AI. In this case, it will be possible to enhance the user experience, optimize procedures, and boost the entire platform’s functioning. Anyway, these prospects can make users face obstacles, as developers and clients have to deal with the rapidly evolving field of AI technology.

  • The rising use of machine learning algorithms for assessing and improving content is one of the most prominent advances in AI for WordPress. Machine learning is an aspect that concentrates on the creation of algorithms that can gather information and make predictions or conclusions based on the insights they collect. So, it takes nothing to examine user activity, observe patterns, and provide suggestions for enhancing the user experience. Machine learning algorithms may be used to evaluate website traffic statistics and recommend methods to improve content for higher search engine ranks or better interactions.
  • As AI technology advances, WordPress will have a greater chance to employ more advanced algorithms and strategies. Deep learning (a type of machine learning centered around neural networks with many layers) has demonstrated potential in a range of applications. These include image recognition, natural language interpretation, and others. Developers can construct higher-level capabilities and functions by using deep learning algorithms, such as image recognition for media management or more accurate recommendations based on user patterns.
  • Integrating artificial intelligence into a WordPress site may improve user experiences and automate numerous operations. One method is to incorporate an AI-powered chatbot or use AI WordPress themes. For example, install a chatbot that engages visitors using natural language processing with a plugin. They can also address frequently asked questions and make tailored recommendations. The chatbot will continually learn from user interactions by using AI. As a consequence, its answers will improve with time.

In summary, incorporating AI into your WordPress site is ready to improve its interactivity, usability, and efficiency in servicing your audience.

Green Web Design

Green Web Design is another example of WordPress web design trends. It is an approach to creating websites that takes into account the site’s environmental footprint and energy efficiency. This involves reducing energy consumption and reducing harmful carbon emissions. So, it is possible to respect sustainable and environmentally responsible practices at all stages of the development process. Energy efficiency is one of the key aspects of green web design. Research shows that Internet servers and data centers are significant contributors to global carbon emissions. In addition to this, green web design can also improve user experience (UX). Fast-loading pages require less energy to be displayed, so you can improve user satisfaction and increase conversions.

  • Performance Optimization: Reducing page load time not only improves UX but also reduces energy consumption. Techniques include optimizing images, using caching, and reducing server requests.
  • Green hosting: Choose a hosting provider that uses renewable energy or compensates for its carbon footprint.
  • Streamlined design: Maintain a clean and minimalistic design with efficient navigation to reduce site time and power consumption.
  • Light colors and themes: Light colors and themes consume less power when displayed on monitors, especially AMOLED screens.
  • Reduce data consumption: Designing sites with minimal data usage can reduce the energy used by servers and user devices.

In conclusion, green web design is not only a strategy to reduce environmental impact. It is an important approach that can bring real benefits to users and businesses. In a time of rapid growth in the digital economy and increased attention to sustainability issues, green web design will certainly play an essential role in the future of web development.

Better Security

WordPress is growing to be a more desirable target for hackers as it advances in popularity. As a result, security will be a major trend for WordPress in 2024. There are several ways to boost the security of your WordPress websites.

  • Administrator accounts require strong passwords. Consider utilizing two-factor authentication to provide an extra degree of security. Two-factor authentication (2FA) has been around for a long time on WordPress and shows no signs of going away. In simple terms, 2FA provides another layer of security to your website by requiring extra authentication when you log in. With 2FA, you must not only enter your login and password. Moreover, you will also be prompted for extra information. This may be a one-of-a-kind code provided to you through phone or text message or a predefined question.
  • Furthermore, keeping your WordPress installation up to date is one of the finest security steps you can do. When a new version of WordPress is published, it contains security updates for any detected weaknesses. Since themes and plugins become outdated, your site turns out to be more accessible to hackers. It means that it is critical to evaluate what you use on a regular basis and look for upgrades or replacements.
  • Consider installing a security plugin to offer an additional level of security to your site. These plugins provide capabilities like virus detection and firewalls, which may help keep your site secure. Whatever technique you use, make sure to test your site on a range of mobile devices to make sure it looks and functions properly.

Inclusive Websites

All users, not only those with impairments, benefit from inclusive design. An easily navigable website enhances user experience and can lead to higher interaction and sales. An inclusive site must have an accessibility-friendly web design and user experience design. The practice of reducing obstacles in gaining access for individuals who have disabilities and other impairments is known as accessible design. UX design is a data-driven design method that evaluates and verifies how real people interact with a website. 

  • Utilize Accessible Themes and Plugins: Select accessible themes and plugins that adhere to accessibility standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
  • Include Image Alt Text: All photos and visuals on your site should have informative alt text. The alt text should be brief and relevant in describing the image’s content.
  • Maintain Keyboard Navigation: Check if your site can be accessed only with the keyboard. Users who cannot operate a mouse, such as those with motor problems, must rely on keyboard navigation.
  • Use Appropriate Headings: To organize your information, use appropriate headers. Headings assist screen reader users in navigating your site and understanding the content structure.

Multilingual Plugins

To reach a larger audience, create a multilingual website. There is no reason for your website to be limited to a single language. Multilingual WordPress plugins may make it considerably simpler to translate pages, blogs, and other text-based elements of your website.

There are several reasons why you should use a multilingual plugin. You will be ready to:

  1. Allow users to select their preferred language from the dashboard.
  2. Allow individuals to see your website’s articles or pages in their native language.
  3. Translate the text in any area of your website, such as navigation menus and widgets.
  4. Enable translation by a real human or machine translator.

Although multilingual support in WordPress may not be required for everyone, knowing it is available is extremely advantageous. Offering material in non-English speaking languages does not have to be problematic for companies looking to increase their audience or those functioning locally. WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin) and Polylang are two multilingual plugins provided by WordPress that make it easier to install multilingual support. These plugins enable you to handle translations, language switchers, and other language-related features from your WordPress dashboard. What is more, utilizing them will save you a lot of time in the process of WordPress website development.

Dark Mode

Dark mode is a trend in which dark background text and imagery are used to produce visually appealing designs that are easy on the eyes. Dark mode for the most popular WordPress sites is getting more popular for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Improved user experience: Dark mode provides a more appealing visual experience with less clutter and a better user experience.
  • Enhanced accessibility: Dark mode provides a high-contrast alternative for visually impaired people. It is also beneficial for people who are dependent on intense light. This openness allows you to access a broader audience and group of prospective consumers.
  • Visually pleasing: The dark mode interface is really elegant and sophisticated. It offers your website a more refined appearance. This trend may help you make your site provide your visitors with a memorable first impression.
  • It saves energy: Pixels in dark mode emit less light, which can improve device battery life and make your website more mobile-friendly.

Dark mode is an example of WordPress trends that are becoming increasingly popular across numerous digital platforms, and people are getting used to it. Giving users the option of using dark mode allows them to tailor their surfing experience, which can boost their general satisfaction and interaction.

WordPress Trends From Previous Years

Multiple WordPress trends are not planning to go away. These include minimalist-looking designs, multipurpose themes, and animations.

  1. The minimalist design style in WordPress is applicable to any website, blog, business, or sector. Instead of employing a slew of fancy effects, animations, and features, you pare down the appearance to its essentials. The usage of white space when combined with minimalism works extremely well. You will be able to create a user experience that fosters all of your vital information, goods, and services without any distractions.
  2. Small, subtle animations or interactions that offer feedback, promote action, and improve the user experience are referred to as micro-interactions. They can affirm a successful activity, display progress, identify issues, or help visitors navigate the website. A loading spinner or progress bar, for example, signals that a procedure is in progress, decreasing user annoyance and ambiguity.) Micro-interactions also provide a sense of excitement and astonishment to a website, making it more likely to be remembered.
  3. WordPress Trends 2024 will not forget about multipurpose themes. Without a doubt, they are emerging on a daily basis. Because of their versatility across numerous businesses and sectors, they are popular among freelancers and agencies. They offer a wide range of customization choices, allowing you to develop websites for a variety of industries, such as company, portfolio, e-commerce, blog, agency, and others. Additionally, their numerous features, functionalities, and multipurpose ready-made solutions are great for expanding websites.

A Few Words in Conclusion

As we look forward to 2024, keep your creative juices up and your abilities sharp. Accept these new trends, adapt to new technology, and keep creating digital experiences that engage and motivate. The world of web design is on the verge of exciting new developments, and here is your opportunity to be an integral component of it. Be inquisitive and imaginative, and witness your creations revolutionize the digital environment in the coming years. By the way, our promo code “wplift” gives 7% OFF all products on TemplateMonster and 10% OFF MonsterONE. This subscription will help you understand how to launch a WordPress site for free. Thanks for reading!

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.