Master Addons for Elementor
Master Addons for Elementor is a growing Elements collection plugin. It comes with a lot of handy elements which required to create a super landing page. Check the main website to learn more about Master Addons plugin.
It’s the best solution to create any pages from a sketch. For the freelancer, it’s a perfect solution to arrange the client’s website. Because it has a Custom CSS extension. You can target specific sections, columns, and elements to customize using CSS.
Perhaps, arrange your website Header & Footer with Nav Menu & Search element. Import your desired header + footer style from the Template library of Master Addons. Just search for the best design and click on import.
Master Addons for Elementor Elements
Blog Element For Elementor
- List and Grid Type Blog
- 7 Unique Style for Both List and Grid Type
- Fully customizable Pagination system
- Meta info customization
Team Member & Team Slider Elements:
- 11 unique Team member Variations
- 6 variation of Team Slider Content Drawer Included
- Typography option for every text
- Arrows and Dot carousel system
Navigation Menu Element & Extension
Arrange mega menu with our “mega menu” extension. Then use the “Nav Menu” element to display a menu anywhere on your landing page. These elements developed with mobile-friendly so there is no problem with responsive design.
Image Elements
There are image hover effects, image hotspot, image gallery element available. More than 30+ image effects for your use. Perhaps, use image gallery as your portfolio. You can enable button for image gallery or show each image in a popup too.
Restrict Content
Restrict Content allows you to lock your content, media file, images, videos from your audience. We have user bassed, password, math captcha, age restriction system here.
Master Addons for Elementor Extensions
There are 10+ necessary extensions. Particles, Animated Background, Positioning, Transforms, Reelax, Reveal and so on. Some extensions are not available for section. For example, Reveal will work on every element but not in full section.
Key Features
- 30+ Content Elements packed here
- 10+ Extension available
- Custom CSS for Sections, Columns, & Elements
- Navigation Menu + Mega Menu
- Multiple Variations for most of the element
- Rich Template Library for one-click import