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Woostify Review: A Lightweight, Flexible Free WooCommerce Theme

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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If you’re running a WooCommerce store, or planning to launch one, you’ll want to check out this Woostify review. Woostify is a flexible, lightweight WooCommerce theme launched back at the end of 2018. Think of it kind of like Astra or GeneratePress, but focused exclusively on WooCommerce.

You’ll be able to import demo sites, customize things with the WordPress Customizer, and then edit your demo content with the built-in Elementor integration.

You’ll also get access to lots of WooCommerce-specific functionality, like Ajax product search, product quick view, and lots more.

Keep reading my Woostify review for a hands-on look at how it works…

Woostify Review: What the Theme Does

Woostify review

You already know the basic gist of Woostify – a lightweight, flexible theme built specifically for WooCommerce.

The developer has also built in conversion optimization principles to help you get more sales.

View Woostify Demos

Let’s get into the specifics of how it does that…

First, Woostify comes in both a free version at WordPress.org, as well as a premium version with a set of modular add-ons that can further extend your store.

By itself, the free version can help you create a great-looking store. You’ll get a single importable demo site, along with plenty of sitewide and WooCommerce-specific options in the WordPress Customizer to change up how everything works. You can also further customize your store’s content using the built-in Elementor integration.

You’ll also get other nice features, like product variation swatches and an Ajax shopping cart.

Then, Woostify Pro unlocks a set of modular new features that add lots of WooCommerce-specific functionality. With them, you’ll be able to add:

  • Buy now button that takes people straight to the checkout page
  • Product quick view
  • Sticky add to cart button that sticks to the bottom of your product single page
  • Size guide
  • Ajax product search to instantly suggest products

The Pro version also adds:

  • 10 more importable demo sites, bringing the total up to 11 (at the time that I’m writing this review – it may be more in the future).
  • Deeper Elementor support, with a header/footer builder and dedicated WooCommerce widgets for Elementor.
  • More options in the WordPress Customizer, especially when it comes to your product single and product archive pages.
  • Advanced WooCommerce widgets to use in your sidebar

Hands-on with Woostify

Once you install and activate Woostify, you’ll manage the theme’s options from the WordPress Customizer, as well as a dedicated Woostify Options area:

Woostify options

Rather than customizing everything from scratch, though, you’ll probably want to import one of the many Woostify demo sites, which you can do by installing the Woostify Sites Library plugin.

Woostify Sites Library

Once you activate the Woostify Sites Library, it will give you a setup wizard to set everything up:

Install wizard

First, you’ll be prompted to install some recommended plugins, with an option to choose which plugins you want to install:

Recommended plugins

From there, you’ll see the full starter site library. At the time that I’m writing this Woostify review, there are 11 different starter sites that you can import. One of the starter sites is available in the free version, while the rest require Woostify Pro to access.

You can also preview any of the starter sites with the click of a button:

Woostify templates

Once you select the starter site that you want to import, you’ll also get options to choose what content to import from the following list:

  • Content
  • Widgets
  • Options
  • After Import

From there, Woostify handles the rest and will import your site’s content.

Once the import process finishes, your site will look like the demo, ready for your own customizations and tweaks. Speaking of…

Exploring the WordPress Customizer

To customize your theme settings, Woostify uses the WordPress Customizer, with a really nice interface built into it.

Here, you’ll be able to customize both sitewide settings – like your header and sidebar – as well as specific aspects of your WooCommerce store – like your product single and product archive pages.

For example, if you go to the product single settings, you’ll be able to control how your product image gallery looks and functions, including the built-in lightbox and zoom effects. You can also switch up breadcrumbs and various product meta:

Product single

Likewise, the Layout area gives you a variety of options to control your entire store:


For example, if you edit your header, you’ll be able to quickly toggle on or off important elements, like a shopping cart icon:


Customize Core Content with Elementor

To customize the demo content itself, you’ll use Elementor, which gives you access to a visual, drag-and-drop interface.

Here at WPLift, we’re huge fans of Elementor (and use it to power WPLift), so we commend this choice as the foundation.

With the free version, there’s nothing too special about this integration:


However, with Woostify Pro, you’ll also get some dedicated WooCommerce widgets for Elementor. You could also get WooCommerce widgets with Elementor Pro.

Ajax Shopping Cart

Customers can add products to their shopping carts and view their shopping carts without requiring any page reloads. I’m using a GIF from the product page because it makes a better illustration, but the functionality worked exactly the same on my demo site:

Ajax add to cart

While the Ajax add to cart feature is available for free on the product archive page, you’ll need the Pro version to use it on the product single page.

Some Other Goodies

As part of the demo content, Woostify installs some other plugins that open up helpful functionality.

For example, you’ll be able to add product variation swatches instead of using the default drop-down style for variations:

Variation swatches

And that pretty much wraps it up for how the free version of Woostify works. It uses the same one-two punch of the WordPress Customizer + a page builder that a lot of my favorite themes use, so I’m a fan there. Plus, it adds some nice other free features, like an Ajax shopping cart and product variation swatches.

Next, let’s take a rapid-fire look at some of the Woostify Pro features.

Woostify Pro Features

Auto-Complete Search

As customers start typing in the search box, your store will automatically suggest product results to help them find what they’re looking for (much like Google’s autosuggestions).

Product Quick View

Give shoppers a product quick view option to see more product details without loading the full product single page.

Size Guide

Display a size guide for your products in a nice-looking lightbox.

Buy Now Button

Give shoppers an option to go straight to the checkout page from the product single page, rather than just adding an item to their carts.

Sticky Add to Cart Button

Add a floating, sticky add to cart button that “sticks” at the bottom of the screen even as shoppers scroll down the single product page.

Other Pro Features

Beyond specific eCommerce functionality, the Pro version also adds other features like:

  • Multiple headers
  • Elementor bundle
  • Header and footer builder (via Elementor)
  • Advanced shop widgets
  • Sticky header

Woostify Pricing

The core version of Woostify is available for free at WordPress.org. Then, you can purchase the Woostify Pro plugin add-on to unlock the additional features I mentioned above, as well as access to all the importable starter sites.

There are three plans to purchase Woostify Pro

  • Woostify Personal – 1 site – $39 with one year of support and updates.
  • Woostify Ultimate – Unlimited sites – $129 with one year of support and updates.
  • Woostify Lifetime – Unlimited sites – $299 with lifetime support and updates.

Obviously, if you’re a developer who builds a lot of WooCommerce sites for clients, that lifetime plan is pretty attractive.

The kind people of Woostify made a special deal for us: use discount code WPLIFT and get 15% OFF the Pro version!

Final Thoughts on Woostify

As I mentioned, Woostify uses my preferred approach to WordPress theme design – a lightweight base that’s customizable via the visual Customizer, paired with Elementor.

While there are several popular themes that use this approach, Woostify differentiates itself by exclusively focusing on WooCommerce and building in those nice eCommerce features, like Ajax carts and search, product quick view, a sticky add to cart button, and more.

If you’re building a WooCommerce store, give this one a look!

Visit Woostify WordPress.org Listing

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.