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WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate Review: Best Product Add-On Plugin?

Last Updated on November 24th, 2023

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Looking for a solution for WooCommerce product add-ons?

Product add-ons give you a lot of flexibility for letting shoppers customize your products. You can offer personalization (like custom engravings), let customers build their own bundles/mixed sets, offer upgrades (like gift wrapping), and lots more.

In our WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate review, we’re going to look at a flexible solution for adding all types of product add-ons to your WooCommerce store.

You can use conditional logic to control which add-ons display, charge extra for add-ons, and lots more.

Keep reading our full review for a hands-on look at this plugin and how it works.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate Review: Key Features

At a high level, WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate lets you add extra options to your WooCommerce products so that shoppers can customize the product according to their preferences. I’ll talk more about some potential use cases in the next section, but here’s a quick example of what WooCommerce product add-ons are:

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate example

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate lets you use a variety of field types for your add-ons including:

  • Short or long text
  • Checkboxes
  • Datepickers
  • File uploads
  • Numbers
  • Radio groups
  • Select fields
  • Name your price
  • Image swatches
  • Child products – you can display other products as addons to a parent product
  • Checkbox groups
  • Calculation fields

You can either assign your add-on groups to individual products or you can automatically apply them to multiple products, like all of the products in a certain category.

You can also use conditional logic to only display certain addons based on how a shopper interacted with a previous addon field. For example, you could give them a radio button to indicate whether or not they want a custom engraving. Then, if they answer “yes”, you can display another field to enter their message.

Most importantly, you can also charge extra/differently based on the choices that a shopper makes. For example, if a shopper wants to add a custom engraving to their watch, you could charge them extra based on the length of the engraving.

What Can You Use WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate For?

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate excels for any kind of customizable WooCommerce product. It also works well for product bundles.

Here are some examples of the types of products you can create…

  • Personalized products – for example, if you sell jewelry, you could let people enter the text they want to have engraved on the jewelry. You could even charge based on the length of the text (e.g. $3 per character in the engraving).
  • Build your own product – let people create their own custom product. For example, if you sell handmade granola, you could let people choose all the ingredients they want in their granola.
  • Product upgrades – let shoppers easily add upgrades. For example, if you offer gift wrapping, you could let them easily add gift wrapping to any item that you sell.
  • Gift box/starter kit – let people choose the products that they want to go into their gift box/starter kit. Remember, you can add other WooCommerce products as “add-ons” to the parent gift box product.
  • Mixed cases – for example, if you sell wine, you could let people choose the bottles that go into their case. You can even add conditions. For example, “choose six reds and six whites”.
  • Product calculator – calculate a final price for a flexible product. For example, if you sell windows, you could calculate a price based on the exact dimensions of a shopper’s window, including what type of glass/finishes they want.

It’s also not limited to “traditional” eCommerce. For example, if you’re a pizza shop using WordPress/WooCommerce as a restaurant ordering system, you could use WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate to let people customize their pizza and choose which toppings they want.

If you go to the plugin’s demo site, you can check out a bunch of different demos for the types of products that you can create.

Hands-On With WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate

Now, let’s go hands-on and I’ll show you what it’s like to use WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate.

Once you install and activate the plugin, you’ll get two new areas where you can control your addons:

  1. You’ll get a new Product Add-Ons tab in the Product data box when editing individual products that let you add add-ons to just that product.
  2. You’ll get a new Global Add-Ons area where you can conditionally apply add-ons to multiple products at the same time.

Either way, the options for the add-ons themselves are the same.

I’ll use the individual product data box for most of the examples, but I will circle back to the global add-ons feature at the end to show you how that works. There’s also a useful settings area that I’ll also show you at the end.

Setting Up Product Add-Ons

When you go to the Product Add-Ons tab in the Product data box, the first thing you’ll be prompted to do is add a Group. A group is just one or more product add-ons that are grouped together. You can add multiple groups of add-ons to a single product.

One important choice is the Group Layout, which controls how your fields appear. You can use Standard or Table. If you opt for the table layout, all of the fields in this group will display in a table on the single product page:

Product Add-ons Tab

Once you’ve created a group, you’ll add fields to it. These fields are what your shoppers will interact with on the front-end of your site.

As I mentioned at the beginning, you can choose from a wide array of field types to control how the field works:

Choose field type

You also get options to charge extra based on how a shopper fills out that field. For example, you can charge a flat-rate for the field. Or, for something like an engraving, you could charge a price per character that a shopper enters, which is how I’ve configured it in my example. I’ve also set a maximum number of characters – because we can’t have people engraving Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past on their watch, right?

Add price

Another useful option is the ability to add conditional logic.

Here, I’ve added a radio button field that lets users choose “Yes” or “No” to adding an engraving. Then, I can configure the text input field for the engraving to only appear if the user answered “Yes”:

Conditional logic

This lets you keep your single product pages clean and avoid bombarding your shoppers with unnecessary fields.

And that’s it! You just created your first product add-on group. Here’s how it works:

  1. Shoppers can choose yes or no
  2. If yes, the engraving field appears
  3. After they enter the engraving text, the plugin automatically charges £2 per character in the engraving and adds that to the base price of the product

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate example

Exploring Some Other Add-On Options

I intentionally kept the example from the previous section pretty basic. But WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate can handle a lot more complex situations.

First off, remember that you can create unlimited add-on groups and each add-on group can include unlimited fields.

Beyond that, you also get a lot more field types than just simple inputs. Some other notable field types are:

  • Products – include other WooCommerce products as add-ons. This is great for bundles, gift sets, mix-and-match, etc.
  • Calculation – perform calculations, like charging based on the size that the shopper needs.
  • Date – let customers choose a specific date.
  • Uploads – allow shoppers to upload one or more files.

Bulk apply add-ons

Applying Product Add-ons Globally

In addition to working in the editor for an individual product, you can also go to Product Add-Ons — Global Add-Ons to create rules to automatically apply your add-on groups to multiple products.

First, you can choose to display your add-ons at the following levels:

  • On all products
  • By individual product
  • By category

Once you make those choices, you’ll get the same group/field settings that I showed you above.

Exploring the Settings

Finally, if you go to WooCommerce → Settings → Product Add-Ons, you’ll get some additional options to control how product add-ons function.

There are a lot of useful catch-all settings here. For example, you can let people edit products from the cart page and configure all the labels:

Plugin settings

You can also set up role-based pricing, which lets you charge different add-on prices depending on a person’s user role.

There’s also a dedicated Uploads tab that lets you further control how file uploads work:

Upload settings

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate Pricing

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is a premium plugin.

There are two plans, each with slightly different features and different site limits:

  • Basic – $59 for a one-year license or $149 for a lifetime license and use on one site with “basic” features.
  • Pro – $109 for a one-year license or $279 for a lifetime license and use on unlimited sites with all features.

In general, the Basic license should work for most uses, but the Pro license offers a little more flexibility in some areas.

First off, the Pro version adds more product add-on field types for:

  • Calculation
  • Checkbox groups
  • Child products
  • Image swatches

So if you want to use child products as an add-on, you’ll need the Pro license.

It also gives you some more flexibility in how you implement things. Some examples:

  • When using per character pricing, you can allow a certain number of free characters and/or only allow/charge for alphanumeric characters.
  • You get more options to group fields together, like using toggles or tabs.
  • You can add percentage fees, like charging an extra 15% for an add-on.
  • You get more options for conditional logic, like showing/hiding fields based on the cost of a product in the cart (rather than just other fields).

You can click this link to view a detailed feature comparison of both versions.

Final Thoughts

If you want to include add-ons with your products, WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is a great option.

It includes a ton of different field types and options, which lets you use it in a bunch of different ways. It also has lots of smaller customization options, like letting you charge for individual characters in a text field.

Finally, it comes from an established developer and has great documentation and lots of written tutorials, which makes it easy to get started with.

If you’re interested in learning more, click one of the buttons below:

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