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Weekly WordPress News and Updates: A New WordPress Showcase – A Source of Inspiration and Innovation

Last Updated on October 20th, 2023


WordPress.org has launched a new Showcase design that features the best WordPress sites from different categories and tags. The Showcase is a great source of inspiration and demonstration of what’s possible with WordPress. Whether you are looking for personal blogs, portfolios, enterprises, or celebrity fan sites, the Showcase has something for everyone. The new design offers a more dynamic and engaging browsing experience, with bold visuals and improved layout. You can also view desktop and mobile screenshots of each site, and learn more about their story and goals. The new Showcase is powered by block-based functionality and components that will be used elsewhere on WordPress.org.

The new Showcase is the result of a collaborative effort between Design, Marketing, and Meta teams. If you want to contribute to the project, you can report issues in the wporg-showcase-2022 GitHub repository or join the #website-redesign Slack channel.

To explore the new Showcase, visit wordpress.org/showcase and get inspired by the amazing WordPress sites!

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