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WPLift has become the Official Media Partner for WordCamp Asia 2024

Last Updated on January 17th, 2024

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As you know, WPLift is your WordPress source from Outer Space! It is a leading WordPress blog that provides tips, news, reviews, plugins, themes, and more including WordPress events for WordPress enthusiasts and professionals. Speaking of news, we‘ve got something exciting for our fans and followers, and everyone else! 

The fantastic news we’re sharing with you today should get you tracking us day in, day out! WPlift is proud to be the official virtual media partner for WordCamp Asia 2024, the premier open-source web summit of Asia. 

Join Us Through The Journey

WordCamp Asia 2024 is a 3-day summit that will take place in Taipei, Taiwan, from March 7 to 9, 2024. It will feature over 60 speakers, 40 exhibitors, and 2,000 attendees from more than 70 countries, who will gather to celebrate WordPress, the open-source software that powers over 43% of the web. 

Join WPlift and WordCamp Asia 2024 to celebrate WordPress, experience Asia, and empower the digital future. As the official media partner, we will be providing exclusive coverage of the event on our blog, as well as live streaming, podcasting, and social media updates. 

We will also be covering interviews and speeches (read Contributions) of some of the most influential and inspiring WordPress experts, leaders, and innovators, and sharing their insights, tips, and stories with you. 

For the fans of WordPress, and of course, WordCamp, you’re desperately waiting to reach Taipei and attend the event. Drop everything at the moment, head over to their official website, and buy your tickets now to attend WordCamp Asia 2024! There are two types of tickets available: regular tickets and micro-sponsor tickets. 

The regular tickets cost only $40 USD, thanks to the generous support of the sponsors, while the micro-sponsor tickets cost $150 USD, and allow you to show your appreciation and support for the WordPress community. 

Both tickets include access to the main program, lunch, snacks, coffee, and an invitation to the official after-party. You can also sign up for the contributor day, where you can learn how to contribute to the WordPress project and collaborate with other WordPress enthusiasts. 

The Place To Be In March 2024!

WordCamp Asia 2024 will be held at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), a premier venue located in the commercial area quite near Taipei 101, which was formerly monikered as the Taipei World Financial Center. The TICC is built to accommodate more than 3,000 people, upwards of which are expected to attend the WordCamp Asia 2024! 

Expect an unprecedented rush of people willing to attend WordCamp Asia ’24! WordCamp Asia 2024 is a unique opportunity to learn from the best, network with the brightest, and discover the latest trends and innovations in WordPress and web development. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced user, developer, designer, marketer, or entrepreneur, this summit is for you. You will gain valuable knowledge, skills, and connections that will help you grow your online presence, business, or career with WordPress.

Some of the topics that will be covered at WordCamp Asia 2024 are:

  • WordPress 5.8 and beyond: what’s new and what’s coming
  • Gutenberg: the future of WordPress editing and customization
  • WooCommerce: how to create and scale your online store with WordPress
  • Jetpack: how to enhance your WordPress site with security, performance, and marketing features
  • WordPress REST API: how to build and integrate web applications with WordPress
  • WordPress Multisite: how to manage multiple WordPress sites from one dashboard
  • WordPress Accessibility: how to make your WordPress site more inclusive and user-friendly
  • WordPress SEO: how to optimize your WordPress site for search engines and users
  • WordPress Community: how to get involved and contribute to the WordPress project and ecosystem
  • And many more!

Catch Us on Social Media Too! 

We are honored and delighted to be the social media partner of this amazing event, and we can’t wait to see you there or online. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media channels and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest updates and news from WordCamp Asia 2024 and our blog. You can freely tweet your experience live, using these hashtags #WCAsia2024 #WCAsia #WordCampAsia. 

You can even follow WPLift’s Twitter account, @wplift, for live coverage of the event, as well as all the updates until the day of the event, i.e. March 7th, 2024! Last but not least, WordCamp Asia 2024, is calling out to all those interested and in support of WordPress to grab this opportunity of sponsoring the event! 

Bring forth your enthusiasm and support for WordPress, and get to be a part of the privileged sponsors’ team! 

Furthermore, a shoutout goes to media partners for covering the WordPress event globally!

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.