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Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce Review: Custom Size Charts

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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When you’re selling products online, especially clothing, one of the biggest questions that your customers are going to have is “is this going to fit me?”.

If shoppers can’t figure out which is the right size for them on your website, you’re going to have two big problems:

  • Lots of shoppers might just not purchase anything because they don’t want to risk buying an item that doesn’t fit. That makes you miss out on revenue.
  • People will be more likely to purchase the wrong size if they do make a purchase, which means that your return rate is going to be higher. That costs you money.

The way to fix that is with size charts. And in our Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce review, we’re going to take a look at a plugin that can help you add customizable size charts for your WooCommerce products.

Keep reading our Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce review for more about how this plugin helps you add size charts to WooCommerce as well as a hands-on look at how it works.

Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce Review: Features

Ok, so the basic idea with Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce is obviously that it helps you add size charts to your WooCommerce store.

Here’s how it does that…

Essentially, you can create unlimited size charts as their own post type. Then, you can assign those size charts to products in a few different ways.

First, you can assign a size chart to all the products in one or more categories. For example, you could create a “Men’s T-Shirt” size chart and then automatically assign it to all the products in the men’s t-shirt category.

You can also assign size charts to specific products. For example, if you have one t-shirt that uses a different size chart, you could create a new dedicated size chart for just that t-shirt.

To build your size charts, you’ll get both a text editor and a table maker. You can use the text editor to add an explanation, images, and measurement instructions.

Then, you can use the table builder to add your own custom measurements. You can add as many columns and rows as needed to create an accurate size chart for your products.

Finally, to help save you time, Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce comes with pre-filled size chart templates for popular products. You can then just tweak the measurements if needed.

Here are all the pre-built templates that you get access to:

  • Men’s T-Shirts & Polo Shirts
  • Women’s T-shirt / Tops
  • Men’s Dress Shirts
  • Women’s Dress
  • Men’s Shoes
  • Women’s Shoes
  • Men’s Jeans & Trousers
  • Women’s Jeans And Jeggings
  • Men’s Waistcoats
  • Women’s Clothing

You can, of course, also create your own 100% custom size charts.

To display your size charts, you can choose between two options:

  • A tab
  • A modal popup

You can also customize the colors and text, as well as where to display the size chart popup button.

Let’s take a look at some examples and then I’ll show you how it works on the backend…

Examples of Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce

Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce gives you two main ways to showcase your size charts.

First, you can add your size chart as a new tab on the single product page:

Size chart in table

Second, you can add a link/button that opens the size chart in a modal window:

Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce Review example

You can also change the location of this link/button, which I’ll show you in a second.

Hands-On With Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce

When you install and activate Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce, you’ll get a new Size Charts area where you can control your size charts.

Creating/Assigning a Size Chart

To create a size chart, you can either add a new one or edit one of the included size charts.

At the top of the editor, you’ll get the regular WordPress editor where you can enter text and visual instructions/explanations for how the measurements work:

Then, below the editor, you’ll get a meta box where you can configure how your size chart works.

At the top of the meta box, you can make some important choices like:

  • Categories – which categories to assign this size chart to. The size chart will apply to all the products in those categories.
  • Position – whether to add the size chart as a tab or modal popup.
  • Table style – you can choose from pre-set styles to display the measurements.

Finally, you get the measurement chart editor.

With the table builder, you can type your measurements in the boxes and use the “plus” and “minus” buttons to add or remove columns and rows as needed.

It’s quite easy to use – all you need to do is click and type:

Table editor

Once you’re finished, your size chart will be active for products in that category.

If you want to use a different size chart for a specific product, you can also edit a product and use the new Select Size Chart drop-down in the sidebar to select a different size chart for just that product:

Assign size chart to product

Plugin Settings

In addition to the options in the size chart editor, you also get some plugin-wide settings that let you:

  • Change colors
  • Change the labels for the size chart button/tab
  • If using a modal popup, change the position and color of that button/link

For example, here’s what it looks like to change the text and location of the popup size chart link:

Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce location

All in all, it’s quite easy to use.

Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce Pricing

Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce has a limited free version at WordPress.org that lets you use the default size charts and assign them to category (but not individual products). So if those charts work for you, that might be all you need.

Most stores will probably want the premium version, though. The premium version lets you create and customize your own size charts. You also get access to the other advanced features like multiple display positions, style customization, the ability to add a text description, and more.

To purchase the premium plan, you can choose between a one-year or lifetime license. With the one year license, you get one year of support and updates, while the lifetime license obviously gives you support and updates for life.

Here are the prices:

  • 1 site – $59 for one year or $149 for lifetime
  • 5 sites – $89 for one year or $269 for lifetime
  • Unlimited sites – $149 for one year or $449 for lifetime

Final Thoughts on Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce

Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce does exactly what it promises. It lets you create custom size charts for your products that are 100% tailored to your store.

If you sell clothing or other “products to fit”, it’s essential that you provide accurate size charts so that your visitors can be confident in their purchasing decisions (and so that you don’t have to deal with higher than normal returns).

Advanced Product Size Charts For WooCommerce lets you create as many size charts as needed and assign them to categories or even individual products. You can also control the user experience, with an option to choose between adding a new tab to your single product page or adding a modal popup.

If you want to play around with the plugin, you can either install the free version or use the full-featured admin demo at the developer’s site. Remember, the free version doesn’t let you create your own custom size charts – you need the paid version for that.

If you’re ready to get started, click below to learn more:

Visit Website See Demo

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