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Power of the WordPress REST API: Everything You Need to Know

Last Updated on April 29th, 2024

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Wordpress Rest API

Spend enough time in the WP community, and you’ll inevitably come across the WordPress REST API. 

This game-changing technology has revolutionized how WordPress developers interact with WordPress, opening up a world of possibilities for creating dynamic and interactive websites and applications.

Yet unless you’re a seasoned developer, chances are you’ve never had an opportunity to use it, and probably wouldn’t know what to do if you did. 

Don’t worry. You’re not the only one. 

The WordPress API remains a mystery for many owners, which is precisely why we put together this guide. 

Below, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the WordPress REST API, including what it is, what it does, and how to use it.

What is the WordPress REST API? 

The WordPress REST API is a type of interface used by developers to access WordPress’s data, and utilize its functions from outside the WordPress environment. 

But what does that mean? And why does it even matter?

To explain that, it helps to examine the individual terms REST and API.

What Does API Stand For?

API stands for Application Programming Interface.

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This is pretty much what it sounds like; 

A set of specific rules and definitions that allow two or more applications to interface (communicate) with each other. 

You may have encountered APIs in some premium WordPress plugins, which use them to connect your site to tools hosted by third parties. 

What Does REST Stand For?

REST stands for Representational State Transfer, and is arguably the most popular type of API; a reputation it earned thanks to its relative simplicity.

In basic terms, REST is a way of designing software systems and web applications to ensure they’re scalable, secure, and easy to maintain. 

Put those two things together, and you have the REST API, which, in the context of WordPress, provides a standardized and structured approach for accessing and manipulating WordPress content, such as: 

  • Blog posts
  • User data
  • Comments
  • Tags and Categories       
  • Custom post types and taxonomies
  • Media files

WordPress REST API: 5 Key Terms You Need to Know

1. Request

The message sent from a client application to a server requesting specific information, such as retrieving all blog posts from WordPress.

2. Response

The message sent back in response to the request providing the required information. For example, WordPress responds to the request to send blog posts by sending them. 

3. Routes

The URL used to find a specific resource within WordPress, such as blog posts or user data.

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You can think of this URL as a path or route to the resource. 

For example, if you wanted to export your blog posts to your application, the route that the WordPress API would take to get them would be: 


4. HTTP Methods

Define the type of request that is sent from one application to another.

In our scenario, this refers to the request sent from a third-party application to WordPress.

The four most common HTTP methods you’re likely to encounter with your WordPress API integration are:

  • GET: Literally gets (retrieves) data for a specific source. For example, retrieving blog posts from WordPress to use in an app. 
  • POST: Sends data to a specific source. For example, posting a blog to WordPress from a third-party application. 
  • PUT: Updates or replaces an existing resource with new data. For example, updating the content of a blog post or modifying user information.
  • DELETE: Delete a specified resource. For example, deleting a blog post or removing a user from the system.

5. Endpoints 

Connect routes and HTTP methods to routes so that the API understands what is being requested, and how to meet that request. 

What Does the WordPress API Do?

Now that we understand what the REST API is and how it works, the next big question is, ‘what can we do with it?’

WordPress’ official REST API handbook notes that the API is the foundation of its popular WordPress block editor, and can be used to create tools and plugins for both the front-end  and back-end of WordPress. 

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Perhaps the best example of WordPress API integration can be found in plugins for existing third-party services, such as MailChimp or HubSpot CRM.

Here, using the API allows these third-party tools to receive data, such as email sign-ups or eCommerce sales so that site owners can manage that data within external platforms they’re already using.

Other WordPress REST API uses include:

  • Building custom websites or applications using technologies on third-party platforms while using WordPress for content management. 
  • Integrating WordPress data and functionality into mobile applications.
  • Syndicating content across multiple platforms, such as third-party websites and platforms, such as how top social media plugins automatically post new content to your socials. 

How do I Make Requests to the WordPress REST API?

If you’ve followed everything so far, you now know all the fundamental basics to enable the REST API on WordPress, and put it to work on powering your new website, plugin, or application. 

In the tutorial below, we’ll show you how to access and use the WordPress API. 

1. Determine the Endpoint

Your first task is to decide what you want the API to do for you, which will ultimately determine the endpoint you use. 

For this example, we’ll be using it to retrieve a list of blog posts, so our endpoint will be: 


Other commonly used endpoints in WordPress include: 

  • Retrieve a specific post: GET /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/{post_id}
  • Create a new post: POST /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts
  • Update an existing post: PUT /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/{post_id}
  • Delete a post: DELETE /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/{post_id}
  • Retrieve all users: GET /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users
  • Retrieve a specific user: GET /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users/{user_id}
  • Create a new user: POST /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users
  • Update an existing user: PUT /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users/{user_id}
  • Delete a user: DELETE /yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users/{user_id}

2. Access WP-REST via a Command Line Tool

The REST API isn’t accessed via WordPress, or even via your hosting server but rather through a command line tool known as WP-CLI. 

You can access this tool via the following options: 

  • Mac: Terminal
  • Linux: Terminal
  • Windows: Command Prompt. 

For the rest of this tutorial, we’ll be using Windows Command Prompt or Terminal, which means you can find the tool you need by tapping the Windows Start icon and searching for it. The rest of these instructions will still apply, even  if you’re a Mac or Linux user. 

3. Choose Where to Save the Response

Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you want to save the API response. For example, if you’re going to save it on the desktop, you can use the following command:

 cd C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop

If creating an application or WordPress theme, choose the appropriate folder within its file directory.

4. Create a cURL Command

You’ll need to create a cURL command to send your API request.

For blog post retrieval, that command will look like this: 

curl -i -X GET “https://therapistmarketingtips.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts

5. Execute the Command

Once you’ve devised your command, paste it into Command Prompt and press Enter.

This sends the GET request to the specified endpoint, and returns the response underneath like so: 

Repeat this process as often as you need to with different endpoints and cURL commands.

Can I extend the functionality of the WordPress REST API?

There’s a whole host of ways to extend the functionality of the WordPress REST API by creating custom endpoints, modifying existing endpoints, or adding additional functionality to the API.  See WordPress’ documentation on extending the REST API to learn more.

WordPress REST API: Everything You Need to Know, Summed Up

Congratulations! By reading this guide, you’ve successfully unlocked the mysteries of the WordPress REST API, and can begin using it to do everything from creating custom themes and plugins to exploring the benefits of headless WordPress by using the CMS to power a dynamic third-party site. 

Just to be sure you don’t forget anything, here’s a quick summary of everything you’ve just learned: 

  • REST API allows third-party tools to communicate with WordPress – This opens up an endless array of possibilities, from automatically syncing newly published content to a mobile application, or developing a brand new WordPress theme with interactive features. 
  • The API comprises five key parts – Requests, Responses, Routes, HTTP methods, and Endpoints.
  • Making a request to the WordPress REST API is easier than it looks – Select the appropriate endpoint, create a cURL command for that end-point, and enter it in a command land tool to make the request. 

Finally, if you plan to use the API for a new plugin, don’t forget to check out these 20 tutorials to help you create a WordPress plugin

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.