Themes Directory


WPFreelance is a freelance marketplace WordPress theme. With an escrow function – This theme helps us easily to build a freelancer site such as upwork or freelancer.

It includes various features that allow you to manage a freelance website professionally. You will get the full control over your freelancer site through an easy to use backend that includes settings for every other part of the site. WPFreelance allows the employer to have a conversation with all freelancers on the project, and find a freelancer match for this project – based on the price, deadline, experiences or rating score.

Key Features

  • Escrow system ready( Credit number or PayPal Adaptive).
  • Convenient Workspace with
  • Premium project post(urgent or featured project).
  • Multi-payment gateway.
  • Multi-Languages.
  • Allow submitting project and multi bidding.
  • Effective Project Matching
  • Custom email template.
  • Rating system.
  • Elementor page builder ( Free download Elementor pro).
  • Dispute Management Available( refund or release).
  • Effective Ways To Make Money
  • Setup Commision fee