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Live – Room 102 | Redefining Code Quality: A Journey Towards Bug-Free Development

Last Updated on March 8th, 2024

Beyond Words: The Art of Listening to Clients Alain Schlesser, a WordPress expert and consultant, shared a valuable tip for web developers at WCAsia: “Don’t only listen to what the client says.” What does he mean by that? He means that listening to clients is not just about hearing their words, but also understanding their needs, goals, challenges, and emotions. It’s about paying attention to what they are not saying, how they are saying it, and what they are feeling.

Listening to clients in this way requires empathy, curiosity, and observation. It also requires asking the right questions, probing deeper, and clarifying assumptions. By listening beyond words, web developers can build trust, rapport, and collaboration with their clients. They can also deliver solutions that meet or exceed their expectations, and create lasting value for their businesses.

Listening to clients is not just a skill; it’s an art. And @schlessera is a master of it. Learn from his insights and experience at #WCAsia, and discover how you can become a better listener and a better web developer.