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Weekly WordPress News and Updates: Gutenberg Goes Collaborative: The Future of Teamwork in WordPress!

Last Updated on January 12th, 2024



WordPress is gearing up for some exciting changes in the new year, with a focus on improving the editing experience, data portability, and community engagement. In the latest episode of the WordPress Briefing podcast, Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy shares some of the big-picture items for 2024, such as:

  • Phase 3 of the Gutenberg project, which will enable real-time collaboration, co-editing, and multiplayer features for WordPress users.
  • Data Liberation, a new initiative to update the importers and exporters of WordPress, making it easier for users to move their data across different platforms and services.
  • New meetups and events, including WordCamp Events, a hybrid format that combines online and in-person activities for WordPress enthusiasts.

Happy WordPressing 🚀

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