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WordCamp Ahmedabad 2023 sets the bar high

Last Updated on December 14th, 2023

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Just before the new year is round the corner, we wished for a break from our packed schedules to work some, play some! And guess what? Our wish came true, with the WordCamp Ahmedabad 2023 held on 9th December 2023! Held right before the most awaited WordCamp Asia 2024, the WCAhmedabad ‘23 event was the place to be for every WordPress enthusiast! Of course, we rushed to the spot, and we’re back after 24 hours of extravaganza!

Well, it’s been just a few days since WordCamp Ahmedabad 2023 went by, and we’re still to recover from the euphoria of the entire day’s experience! The mega WordPress event saw a crowd of over 1100 people scurrying to get into the various arenas spread across the venue! As the ‘Second Most Looked Forward To” event after WordCamp Asia, WordCamp Ahmedabad attracts all from the WordPress community from across India to cross-border people from neighboring countries! 

Being the leading hub of WordPress in India, Ahmedabad is a hotbed for WordPress developers, website companies, and white label agencies! Another reason for WordPress aficionados to attend WordCamp Ahmedabad 2023!

And as we know, WPLift never misses any opportunity for anything WordPress! Where there are WordPress fans, we’re sure to follow! Moreover, since UnlimitedWP was one of the official Platinum Sponsors of the WordCamp Ahmedabad 2023, WPLift had yet another reason to attend the do! 

Kickstarting The Day

The event kicked off with registration, and some hot cuppas and soothing coffees to get the day going. With speakers or rather contributors launching the platform through sharing ideas such as Irreplaceable AI, and WordPress Performance and Growth in the near future! 

As we attended the presentations as the day went by, the noted contributors shared some brilliant insights on untouched topics, current trends and personal accounts in WordPress, some interesting facts, and even radical solutions to uncustomary problems! 

What A Runaway Success!

The final count of attendees at the event was well over 1100, attending 19 workshops, and absorbing technological updates from 26 speakers, i.e. our specialist contributors! What took over 5 months of planning and scheduling through more than 40 meetings, implementation, and execution with the unrelenting efforts of scores of individuals behind the scenes, over 50 volunteers and 20 organizers, and of course, 55 Sponsors who saw that every bit of the gathering went ahead without a hitch!

Moreover, the WordCamp Ahmedabad 2023 was covered by 4 of the leading Television channels, along with a prime Radio before and after the D-day. The leading newspaper too, got an inside-view and hands-on experience of this WordCamp, which they very happily gave a grand appealing editorial the very next day! 

Treading ahead on zero grounds, around 40 sponsor booths presented their views, experiences, and the way forward in the realm of WordPress! Prized giveaways through instant gameplays, lucky draws, and many other booth games, the sponsors ensured that all attendees from the WordPress community got more than memories to take back home! 

For one and all, it was an evening to learn more, grow more, connect more,  spread more infinitely with all in the WordPress community! The highlight of the event being – Automattic was at the building! With their JetPack booth, Automattic – the “Holy Grail of WordPress” – making a headway with all of the crowd that day! 

Khushbu Doshi speaks on AI

The most looked forward to events were the sessions by our esteemed contributors. Beginning with a noted speech on How to be Irreplaceable in the era of AI by Khushbu Doshi of E2M, which covered an untouched aspect of the convergence of AI and human inputs in the near future of information technology. It was quite tough getting an inch of space in the jam-packed auditorium, as majority of the visitors wanted to attend the first of many scheduled for the day. Ms Doshi spoke about how in the dynamic world of web development, WordPress developers must adapt to the rise of AI. This discussion provides strategies for developers to excel in the AI era, emphasizing the use of AI tools in development and the creation of distinctive, personalized WordPress solutions. Learn how to not only survive but also thrive in the competitive landscape by embracing AI as an essential asset in your skill set. 

Chaya Oosterbroek Elaborates on Acquisitions

Soon followed by yet another involving topic by Chaya Oosterbroek from Yoast, of Yoast SEO – “The last woman standing, what does it mean to be acquired”. Explore the untold story of acquisitions in the WordPress ecosystem in a talk titled “From Independence to Integration.” This firsthand account sheds light on the complexities and choices involved, emphasizing that being acquired is not the end but a transformative chapter. The talk reframes perspectives, emphasizing strategic alliances, discusses the meticulous process of choosing the right fit, and delves into integration challenges. Unique in its authenticity, the speaker, a key figure in the transition, shares a raw and genuine account, providing insights to navigate such milestones. In 45 minutes, attendees not just heard a talk but experienced a transformative journey essential for the WordPress community.

Florie van Hummel & Taco Verdonschot Conduct a Keyword Workshop

In another room, Florie van Hummel & Taco Verdonschot, also from Yoast SEO, conducted a Keyword research workshop for all enthusiasts present on the floor! Mastering the essentials of SEO with hands-on keyword research, along with learning to uncover the keywords your audience uses, gaining the tools and knowledge to build a powerful keyword list for a website. This workshop ensured you not only have inspiration for new content but also create content that resonates with your audience’s search queries.

The Gutenberg Files by Amartya Gaur

On the Track 2 section, known developer Amartya Gaur held a discourse on “Mastering Gutenberg Blocks: From Basics to Building Your Own”. He helped attendees delve into Gutenberg blocks in this comprehensive talk, guiding both beginners and experienced users through the process of creating custom blocks using React JS. The session covered the fundamentals, benefits of customization, and the role of React in WordPress development. Participants gained the skills to craft their own Gutenberg blocks, enhancing customization and interactivity on their WordPress sites. The talk includes an introduction, understanding the basics, setting up the development environment, creating a basic Gutenberg block, and the session concluded  with key takeaways and resources for further exploration.

Sanyogg Shelar Locks in on WordPress Security

One of the most looked forward to topics – WordPress security always has a place in the schedules of all attendees. Sanyogg Shelar from Version Next Tec, covered the ever-evolving topic through “Fortify and Protect: A Deep Dive into WordPress Security”. Learn to fortify your WordPress site against threats with a comprehensive approach. Understand the threat landscape, secure user authentication through strong passwords and access control, and prioritize regular updates for core, themes, and plugins. Ensure a robust hosting environment with HTTPS and firewalls, follow best practices in theme and plugin selection, and emphasize the importance of backups. Introduce a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for added protection, implement real-time monitoring, and educate users on security practices. Explore recommended security plugins and tools, conduct regular audits and penetration testing, and establish an effective incident response and recovery plan.

Unwinding at the After Party Bash!

With the crowds having spent every ounce of energy absorbing volumes of information, knowledge, and insights all day long, the night called for an unwinding session! The After Party (hosted by Yoast SEO) was a thrill ride, just waiting to get rolling! Footloose and rocking to the beats, everyone let their hair down, grooving for hours together, recharging their nerves, minds, and souls! Followed by a scrumptious dinner, filling up the hungry bellies of belles and lads after the Saturday night Fever had settled down! 

Though we wished the clock slowed down before the 24 hours chimed to an end, and we could have more of everything over and over again! 

Packing our bags, we lift off for yet another WordCamp destination – WordCamp Asia 2024! Are you ready yet!? See Ya there!

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.