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Convesio is the future of WordPress hosting you’ve always wanted

Last Updated on January 31st, 2023

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This is a guest post written by Alex Denning.

Imagine this: You’ve been working hard to build up your agency, and have steadily accrued a decent portfolio of clients. But naturally, as your business grows, so does the pressure.

Then one Sunday night, your phone rings and it’s a major client. Reluctantly, you take the call. They’re far from happy and want to know why their site is down.

No matter how great your agency is, if your hosting is bad, it reflects poorly on everything else you’re doing.

As the five client sites you were working with suddenly become 50 or more, perhaps you’ll find that the little tasks you were once able to comfortably manage starts costing your business time and money. From dealing with erratic server performance to speaking to unhappy clients at the weekend, you shouldn’t need to deal with these problems.

The Unicorn of Hosting: Convesio understands and fixes these problems

When Convesio founder Tom Fanelli had his own design agency, he came up against the same hosting problems time and time again. Not only was it frustrating; it also damaged his relationships with clients.

He went on the hunt for “unicorn” hosting that could provide what he needed to support clients’ site needs. Tom was searching for a hosting that was redundant, provided managed backups, and could scale without costing an arm and a leg (he didn’t want to pay $400+ per month just for one site!).

Ultimately, he just couldn’t find the solution that provided all of these things while also guaranteeing high availability — and he could no longer face having to drop valuable weekend time to fix client sites forever.

So he set out to build it himself. The result is Convesio, the first scalable WordPress hosting platform powered by Docker containers.

Convesio offers features and tools designed with creative and digital businesses in mind, from high availability and zero points of failure to automated backups and a centralized dashboard for managing all of your client sites in one place.

Convesio markets itself as “next-generation” managed WordPress hosting that provides the kind of high availability hosting that typically costs $1,400+ per month, but starting at just $10 per month in the beta period.

Here’s The Infrastructure That Makes Convesio Tick


With its Docker-based approach, Convesio is built from the ground up to offer high availability and fast page load times.

Rather than scaling “up” like most traditional hosts (i.e., you buy a more powerful server when you need more resources), Convesio scales “out” by deploying new Docker containers as needed, and then using automatic load balancing to split traffic between these containers.

Why does that matter? Let’s say one of your client’s sites goes viral…

With the traditional approach, you’re relying on a single powerful server to deliver your client’s site during a traffic surge. If that single point of failure goes down, the entire site goes down.

With Convesio, it’s different. As traffic increases, Convesio automatically deploys new containers and splits your traffic between those containers. That means great performance and high availability because there’s no single point of failure. And then once traffic drops off, Convesio can scale things back (which saves you money – more on that later!).

Here’s a detailed look at what goes into Convesio’s infrastructure:

  • Auto-scaling – if a site experiences a traffic surge, Convesio will automatically deploy new containers to make sure the site doesn’t go down. Never fear going viral again!
  • High availability WordPress hosting – Convesio uses multiple load balanced containers to duplicate instances of WordPress, which means that your site is always available. And if a container goes down, Convesio will automatically re-deploy it.
  • Server-level caching – Convesio’s custom-made cache is designed for WordPress and gives you full control over how caching works for each site.
  • Automatic backups – Convesio will automatically back up your sites anywhere from every 3 hours to every 15 days (you pick the interval). You can also create on-demand backups when needed.
  • Built-in security – Convesio offers WordPress-specific firewalls and malware scanning, plus free SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt.

The result? Whether it’s a normal Monday or your client gets featured on Oprah, your hosting infrastructure is ready to handle the situation.

Only Pay For What You Use – That’s More Money in Your Pocket

With traditional hosting, you’ll end up paying for more resources than you’re using.

For example, if your server needs to be able to handle 100,000 visitors at peak periods, you’ll be paying for something powerful enough to handle 100,000 visitors…even during regular periods when you only have 10,000 users.

That’s like paying for a Bugatti Veyron even though you spend most of your time driving around in congestion in the city!

With Convesio’s auto-scaling, however, you’ll only pay for the resources you use. Did a client hit a traffic spike that requires a little more juice? Convesio can automatically deploy new containers for that client’s site to handle the load, but you’ll only pay for those containers while you need them.

Once traffic calms down, you’ll no longer need to pay for the extra capacity.

Built With The Needs of Agencies in Mind

Upselling hosting and maintenance is a great way to build recurring revenue for your agency… but it can also quickly become a headache when you’re dealing with infrastructure issues.

That’s why Convesio is more than just a reliable place to host your clients’ sites: it’s also your technical partner.

Convesio is ready to handle all those niggling tasks that are easy enough to do, but take up time that could be spent on more productive actions.

Does your client want an SSL certificate? Convesio can handle it. Trying to improve performance? Convesio can help out, and Convesio even displays PageSpeed Insights results in the Convesio dashboard.

Convesio is built by a team with years of agency experience, with agencies in mind.

Case Study: How Convesio Helped M&M Multimedia Host 100+ Client Sites

casestudy convesio

M&M Multimedia is an integrated digital marketing agency that found itself responsible for hosting and managing over 100 WordPress sites.

You can guess how that went with traditional hosting: overseeing performance and availability for that many sites was a nightmare and every site outage cost M&M Multimedia money.

After migrating to Convesio from traditional hosting, M&M Multimedia’s network of sites has experienced improved page load times and zero downtime, all while serving 500,000+ page requests per day across the network of sites.

Your agency needs this level of reliability, and you’ll be able to sleep well knowing the little technical tasks are taken care of too. This was a big source of anxiety for M&M beforehand, and with Convesio they’re 100% sorted.

Convesio: The Next-Generation Managed WordPress Hosting

With its unique ability to scale “out”, Convesio is ready to offer a new, optimized hosting solution for WordPress agencies.

Not only do you get a more reliable infrastructure that can scale up to meet any traffic needs, but you’ll also get a chance to save money because you only pay for the resources you use.

Convesio is poised to launch its new contained-based managed WordPress hosting soon, but if you’d like to get a head start, you can join the beta phase today.