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B2BKing Review 2023 (Is it worth being your Wholesale and B2B Extension for WooCommerce?)

Last Updated on August 31st, 2023

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WooCommerce is highly flexible, so flexible that you can even mold them to Wholesale business requirements. Custom coding or a myriad of plugins might let you do that. 

However, there are very few reliable single solutions for business owners to rely upon. For ventures thinking to digitize their B2B and B2C sales process, B2BKing is a great solution. It is known for its comprehensive feature list and reliability. 

In this B2BKing review, we will evaluate the abilities of the B2BKing Plugin and assess it as a whole for you.

B2BKing Plugin – An Overview

B2BKing Review - Overview

This plugin is an extension that works for WooCommerce stores. It can enable all types of online ventures with B2B and B2C capabilities from entrepreneurs to middle-sized businesses and enterprises. 

Businesses can add (and control access rights of) B2B users, B2C users, and logged out users. There are abilities like conversations, offers, dynamic rules, groups, customers, etc., that allow B2B sellers to handle requests, serve resellers/customers, and run their business efficiently.

The developers of the plugin have integrated 137+ (!) features and components into the B2BKing. For instance it is WPML-supported and, therefore, will work well for your multilingual store too.

With more than 14,000+ installs and 5+ ratings at present, many users deem it to be very useful for their store. 

But is it worth the hype or attention? Should B2B and B2C eCommerce businesses consider deploying the B2BKing Plugin for their WooCommerce stores? Let us take a look!

Assessing Features of B2BKing Plugin

One of the fastest-growing plugins in the Envato marketplace, B2BKing is a feature-rich wholesale solution. But are its features all beneficial for your business?

In this section, we will discuss its features and their value for your B2B plus B2C e-commerce business.

Create Groups

Highlight: Control the facilities/visibility for various B2B and non-B2B users in different ways through group creation. 

In B2BKing, your store users are categorized in 3 ways through groups.

B2BKing review - 3 ways through troups

You can enter into the business groups section and create various business groups. 

Users can be assigned to each of these groups and given shipping, payment, and dynamic (through rule-creation) rights.

through rule-creation

Besides this, B2C users are the ones who are not added to any of the business groups, and logged-out users (guest users) are the ones who are using your store without signing in. Through B2BKing, you can control shipping and payment methods for these two types of users too.

Initiate Conversations

Highlight: Let your resellers (or your own business) communicate needs faster through messaging.

By posting messages through Conversations features in the B2BKing plugin, your administrator(s) and B2B users can broadcast their requirements.

My account - B2BKing Review

Others can see the conversation and respond to them to improve their B2B relationships. 

Negotiation, discussion, and fulfillment of urgent requests become easy this way.

Offers for specific users

Highlight: Special deals or offers (different pricing for a product or a product bundle) for a few business users/groups.

There are times when B2B ventures want to specify different prices for specific users/groups or sell product bundles to a few users/groups. This can be done through Offers if you are using the B2BKing plugin. 

Administrators can create offers. As per the set visibility, business users can see them in their dashboards.

My account - B2BKing Review

Purchase Lists for demand-specification 

Highlight: Create or let users create B2B shopping lists to enable one-click re-ordering/purchase.

Purchase lists can be created as per demand/sales using the B2BKing plugin. For example, if your resellers repeatedly buy a few products (or a bundle), it is better to add them to the purchase lists. Even the number of lists per product can also be specified.

Here is one demo purchase list:

My account - B2BKing Review

It is also possible to enable or disable your purchase lists for different B2B buyers.

Items, products, and bundles can be directly added to the cart from purchase lists in one click.

Users can also create purchase lists by adding their cart (current condition at that instance) as a purchase list.

Bulk Ordering

Highlight: Allow fast custom bulk orders in your B2B e-commerce store.

B2B businesses have multiple resellers, and for the same reason, a bulk ordering facility is super-crucial for such an e-commerce store. With the B2BKing plugin, you can easily enable this functionality in your online B2B shop. 

Quick or Bulk Form order

Your customers will be able to fill the bulk order form, specifying product names and quantity. This will help in faster order fulfillment.

Adding Visibility Restrictions for Guests

Highlight: Show/hide your products, their pricing, or the whole shop for logged-out users.

Using the B2BKing WooCommerce Plugin, one can easily restrict the visibility of their shop for guests. You may just hide the pricing of your products, enable login, force login, or add a ‘get a quote’ form instead of pricing.

B2BKing Access Restriction

This feature can improve the prospect subscription rate without affecting your store’ssearch-engine visibility/ranking adversely.

Set Dynamic Rules

Highlight: Create discount, pricing, visibility, users, and tax-related rules for your store.

Dynamic Rules is amongst the most powerful feature of this WooCommerce plugin. 

Dynamic Rules - B2BKing

Discounting (fixed price or percentage), free shipping, order amount limit, tax rules, hidden price, minimum order quantity, order quantity limit, and tax exemption related conditions can be created through dynamic rules.

Later, you may use these custom rules for the groups, conversations, offers, and other such capabilities of B2BKing.

Handling Taxes and Tax Exemption

B2B and B2C e-commerce stores can display pricing of products without or with taxes (GST, VAT) to their direct/reseller buyers.

Other than the above, B2BKing also let B2B and B2C businesses:

  • Create subaccounts to allow multiple people from your organization to make purchases or purchase requests;
  • Enable custom fields in the B2B registration forms to get extra information as per your venture’s need;
  • Request quotes and communicate through messages to finalize deals or for negotiation;
  • Use the customer panel to view, group, and manage;
  • Email notifications and offline gateway enablement;
  • Controlling the payment and shipping methods for different users;
  • Enable manual approval for each registration or B2B registrations;
  • Separate login panel for B2B users;

Pricing Review of B2BKing

WooCommerce store owners can visit this Envato Marketplace link for B2BKing to purchase the plugin. The regular license for it costs $139, and you can get extended support for an additional amount of $50.25. 

B2BKing Review - Pricing

Is it feasible?

Well, B2BKing extends your store’s efficiency manifolds. With it enabled for your B2B e-commerce shop, your revenue will grow faster. The plugin will also satisfy your resellers, sellers, buyers, and all types of users. 

Bearing in mind all the above, B2BKing looks like an excellent plugin at the current price.

Convenience Review of the Plugin for all types of its users

As we have taken the pricing and features of the B2BKing plugin into consideration already, let’s now discuss it as per a few more aspects:

Ease of Use / User-friendliness

The plugin’s backend user interface is quite user-friendly and intuitive. One can easily use most of the B2BKing features without much effort in figuring out how to do it. However, B2BKing settings are a bit complicated. There are multiple features and abilities that users cannot find directly. 

Ease of Use / User-friendliness

Plugin Documentation and Support

B2BKing Documentation is very detailed and well-structured. It has convenient navigations and screenshots for all how-to sections. You won’t find any issue while using the plugin, as all is covered properly in this doc. 

Its plugin support team is quite responsive and helpful too.

Plugin Dashboard (Backend)

B2BKing has a neat dashboard with B2B and B2C sales statistics on the top. It also lets you see all messages, new orders, and registrations/approval requests in one place. 

Plugin Dashboard (Backend)

Plugin Components in the frontend

Be it the mobile-responsive layout or the placement of elements for users – B2BKing has nicely integrated its components for the users when it comes to the frontend.

The Negative Sides

Any review is incomplete without discussing the cons of the product being reviewed; so here is what we found:

B2BKing appears to be a very comprehensible plugin and can be used instead of installing multiple plugins for different purposes in your store. The only negative side is the complexity of the settings in its dashboard as per our analysis. However, with its excellent, lengthy, and well-rendered plugin documentation, you must not worry about anything.

The Final Verdict: Is the B2BKing Plugin Suitable for your Shop?

B2BKing is a full-featured wholesale solution for B2B and hybrid businesses (B2B + B2C). Just by enabling this one plugin, store owners can add multiple useful features, such as diverse pricing for users/bundles/quantity, messaging, send/request quotations, guest-related restrictions, separate B2B/B2C registrations, tier-based pricing, tax exemptions, data import/export, dynamic rules, and visibility control. So, if your store needs all these features, B2BKing would be the best way to enable them.

Take the demo for a spin and try B2BKing for yourself. Let us know what you think of this plugin! 

Get B2BKing

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