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Flow – Flow Social Feed Gallery

With Flow-Flow, you can aggregate, filter, and display a mix of multiple feeds on your WordPress website in minutes. Flow-Flow Social Feed gives you a powerful and user-friendly way to customize social media feed to your needs and specifications.  The ability to increase a websites’ conversion by adding social media proof makes this brilliant product a no-brainer for any WordPress website owner. Basically, it’s an all-in-one solution: WordPress Facebook feed along with Instagram feed, Youtube feed, and many other sources of feeds can all be mixed in one social media wall. The element that became a must-have section for e-commerce, personal brand, and any other type of website.

Key Features:

  • You can add as many social feeds to a gallery as you need
  • No coding required
  • Highly customizable and a plethora of settings
  • Works on every device
  • Doesn’t bloat page load, all resources are added on the fly (lazy loading)
  • Optionally can operate via the cloud for even better performance
  • 7+ years of excellence and constant development