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WordPress’s New Hosting Dashboard: Streamlining Management

Last Updated on July 5th, 2024

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Hosting Dashboard

The dedicated team behind WordPress.com has been working hard to improve the platform constantly. WordPress’s latest achievement is an updated hosting dashboard. It allows WordPress site owners to easily manage, view, and update their sites.

So, whether you are a developer, designer, or a business owner, the updated WordPress hosting dashboard will help you complete various tasks quickly and save a lot of time.

Let’s go through all the changes made to the WordPress hosting dashboard.

Multiple Site Navigation Made Easy

Until now, managing multiple WordPress sites might have been challenging. However, with the latest hosting dashboard update, you can manage multiple sites simultaneously. The new site management panel provides access to all the admin tools from one screen. 

Apart from getting an extensive overview of the site’s plan and the storage, you can also trigger multiple “Quick Actions,” such as the “See Jetpack Stats” and “Write Posts.”

In case your site is running on the plugin-enabled Creator or Entrepreneur plan, you can access various tools such as GitHub deployments, server logs, staging sites, and additional server configuration settings.

The hosting dashboard acts as an effective bridge between a global view of all sites and site management within the wp-admin.

Centralized Domain Management

Domain Management

As soon as you log in to your WordPress hosting dashboard, you can view all the accounts you have registered on WordPress.com. Along with that, you can view the domain’s experience date and status. Plus, you can view DNS records, contact information, and various essential settings.

Seamless Plugin Installation and Updates

Seamless Plugin Installation and Updates

By visiting the landing page, you will instantly view an inherent plugin marketplace. This marketplace allows you to view all the latest plugins and integrate them into your sites without much hindrance. The best thing is that you can manage and create schedules for the plugins instead of manually updating them.

Instant Access to WP-Admin

If your site is already running on plugin-enabled plans, such as the Creator or Entrepreneur, you would be able to view the WP-Classic dashboard rather than the WordPress.com “My Home” Page. 

This feature will be invaluable for clients who leverage multiple WordPress hosts to provide a better user experience. 

Moreover, you have the complete freedom to change the dashboard by going into the settings.

What’s Next

The streamlined WordPress hosting dashboard is just the latest update provided by the experts at WordPress.com. Now, it’s time for you to explore all your sites’ features and manage your work efficiently.

In the near future, WordPress.com will introduce various new innovations and features. Stay tuned, as we will bring you all the latest from the WordPress world.

A team of WordPress experts that love to test out new WordPress related software, WordPress plugins and WordPress themes.