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Weekly WordPress News: Share your Valuable Feedback, WordPress Survey 2022 is Now Available

Last Updated on December 6th, 2022


The most intriguing discoveries and trends from this survey usually appear in the State of the Word speech, are discussed on the open project blogs, and can influence the trajectory and approach for the WordPress project. This survey helps WordPress developers better understand who and how users engage with the platform. The questionnaire can be used by WordPress open source project leaders to learn more about the viewpoints of contributors. The questionnaire will be concluded by the end of 2022, and WordPress intends to publish the results sometime in 2023. The questionnaire survey has been updated this year for easier survey flow, completion, and analysis. To reflect WordPress’s present and future, certain questions have been withdrawn and some other new ones have been incorporated. The evaluation of the survey data from 2021 will likewise be made public in early 2023.




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