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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Migrate Any Blogging Platform to WordPress

Last Updated on June 11th, 2024

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Are you looking to take your blogs from good to great?

If you have started out with a basic blogging platform, it’s like sailing in a small boat that is perfect for calm waters but not for the open sea. You need a powerful ship that navigates you through the vast ocean of digital content. 

As your audience expands and content grows, you need a blogging platform that offers extensive customization, robust tools, and a supportive community.  

At this stage, the right ship is WordPress.

What else could be the best blogging platform? 

As a professional blogger, WordPress migration provides you with an advanced set of blogging features and functionality. Leverage endless possibilities by unleashing the power of the most powerful CMS technology. 

In this post, we will help you understand 

  • Why is WordPress migration from a blogging platform needed?
  • What do you need to take care of during the migration?
  • The process of migrating a blogging platform to WordPress
  • Top blogging platforms that you can migrate to WordPress

Let’s get started!

Migrating A Blogging Website to WordPress: Why Is It Needed?

Here are the reasons that migrating your blogging platform to WordPress will contribute to your success and growth.  


WordPress offers a wide range of plugins and themes that give you the privilege to create personalized design and development that meets your specific content requirements. 


Being an open-source platform, WordPress offers complete control over your blog content, design, and functionality. You are not dependent on any third-party platforms. 


As we all know, WordPress is a highly SEO-friendly platform. You can easily optimize your content and boost your search engine rankings. 

Better Performance

Considering WordPress migration, you can leverage faster loading time than other blogging platforms. Thus, it enhances website performance, SEO ranking, and user experience


No CMS is as scalable as WordPress when it comes to scalability. Offering higher scalability makes it easier to create long or small blogs. 

What Do You Need to Know While Migrating A Blogging Website to WordPress?

Before migrating your blogging website, it’s essential to understand the process. Switching from a blogging platform to a self-hosted solution like WordPress is a big decision.

You might be worried about losing your content during the WordPress migration. While not everything can be transferred from a blogging platform to CMS technology, the key elements can be moved seamlessly.

What Can You Transfer Seamlessly?

  • Posts
  • Images
  • Comments

What You Need to Recreate?

Design and Layout 

The design and layout of your blog posts will not be transferred. You will need to redesign your WordPress blog from scratch. 

However, there’s no need to rewrite your posts, as the technology offers a wide range of free themes. You can choose anyone that matches your blog content


You cannot import blog pages into WordPress directly, so you will need to recreate them.

WordPress offers a lot of design flexibility, allowing you to create a layout similar to your blogging platform design if you want to maintain the same aesthetic.

Converting your blogging website to WordPress might seem daunting, but with careful planning and execution, you can make the transition smooth and successful. 

How to Migrate a Blogging Website to WordPress? 8 Proven Steps for WordPress Migration

Step 1: Take a backup of your blogging platform

backup of your blogging platform

Before getting started, make sure to back up your blog content. This way, you will protect all your valuable blog posts, images, and data during the WordPress migration.

Steps to Take a Backup of Your Blog Content

  • Export Posts: Go to the dashboard of your blogging platform and export your blog posts.
  • Download Images: Save all your images to a local drive or cloud storage.
  • Backup Comments: Ensure you have a copy of all comments on your posts.

These steps will ensure you don’t lose critical content during the transition.

Step 2: Signup for WordPress hosting

To start with WordPress, you will need a domain name and web hosting.

What You Need?

  • Domain Name: This is the website address people type to visit your blog.
  • Web Hosting: This is where your website files are stored.

Both are essential for creating any type of blogging website.

Setting Up

  1. Sign Up for Hosting

Choose the right hosting partner and plan. Set up your domain name.

  1. Install WordPress

Install your WordPress platform on your preferred hosting server to start the migration.

Migrating Content

After installing WordPress, it’s time to move your content from a blogging website to the CMS platform.

Step 3: Export Your content from the blogging platform

The first step is to export your blog’s content. With the WordPress migration plugin, you can easily do it. Here’s how to do it:

  • Log In: Login to your blogging platform and check the dashboard.
  • Go to Settings: Navigate to the Settings page.
  • Manage Blog: Scroll down to the ‘Manage Blog’ section.
  • Backup Content: Click the ‘Back up Content’ button.

Backup Your Blog Content

  • Popup Window: A popup will appear, showing what’s included in the backup.
  • Download: Click the ‘Download’ button to proceed.
  • Save the File: Your blog content will be downloaded in an XML file to your computer.

Once the download is complete, you can import your blog content into your WordPress site.

Step 4: Import the content of your blogging platform to WordPress 

Import the content of your blogging platform to WordPress 

To start importing your blogging platform into WordPress, follow these steps:

  • Log In: Access your WordPress admin area.
  • Navigate to Tools: Go to Tools » Import.
  • Install Importer: On the Import page, click ‘Install Now’ under your preferred blogging platform. 
Installation Process
  • Download Plugin: WordPress will download and install the Importer plugin.
  • Run Importer: Once installed, click the ‘Run Importer’ link.

Importing Your Blog Content:

  • Upload XML File: On the Import blogging platform screen, click ‘Choose File’ and upload the XML file you downloaded earlier.
  • Start Import: Click the ‘Upload file and import’ button.

Handling Errors:

  • Large File Issues: If your file is too large, you might see an error. Increase your maximum file upload limit if needed.

Assigning Authors:

Assigning Authors
  • Set Author: WordPress will ask you to assign posts to an author. You can create new user accounts for each author or assign posts to existing authors.
  • Submit: After assigning authors, click the ‘Submit’ button.

WordPress will then import all content from your blogging platform export file. You can view your imported posts by going to Posts » All Posts.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly migrate your blog content to WordPress.

Step 5: Setup Permalinks

Before importing your blogging data, deciding if you want to adjust your permalink structure is a good idea. If you’re making a big change, like moving your hosting, you might as well go all in.

What is a Permalink?

A permalink is the URL structure of your site. On different blogging platforms, you have limited control, and posts usually look like this:


Permalink settings
  • Default: By default, WordPress uses a less user-friendly format: https://yourdomain.com/?p=xxx (where “xxx” is a number).
  • Customization Options: Fortunately, WordPress allows you to customize your permalinks. You can choose formats based on date, article name, and more.

Key Differences

  • File Extensions: WordPress URLs don’t usually have .html at the end.
  • Spaces: Spaces in URLs are replaced by the “-” character.

Steps to Adjust Permalinks

  • Access Settings: Go to Settings » Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Choose a Structure: Select a permalink structure that suits your site. The most common options include:
    • /post-name/ 
    • /category/post-name/ 
    • /yyyy/mm/dd/post-name/ 
  • Save Changes: Click ‘Save Changes’ to apply your new permalink structure.

By customizing your permalink structure, you can create cleaner, more user-friendly URLs that improve your site’s SEO and overall user experience.

Step 6: Setup redirection from your blogging platform to WordPress

setup redirection

Once you finish the WordPress migration of your blogging website, setting up redirects is crucial to retaining your traffic and SEO rankings. It informs search engines that your site has moved to a new location. Here’s how to do it:

Steps to Set Up Redirects

Install the Plugin:

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard and install the redirection plugin for your blogging platform.
  • Activate the plugin.

Configure the Plugin:

  • Navigate to the “Tools” section in your WordPress admin panel.
  • Click on “a blogging platform (your specific blogging platform will be mentioned here) to WordPress Redirection.” For example, Blogger to WordPress Redirection.
  • Click the “Start Configuration” button.

Generate Redirection Code:

  • The plugin will automatically detect your blog.
  • Click “Get Code” next to your blog.
  • The plugin will generate a code snippet for redirecting visitors from your old blog to your new WordPress blog.

Update Blog Theme:

  • Log in to your blogging dashboard and go to the “Themes” section.
  • Click the “Edit HTML” button.
  • If you have customizations, download the HTML code as a backup.
  • Delete all existing code and paste the code from the plugin.
  • Click the “Save Theme” button.

Setting Up Mobile Redirects:

Return to Blog Themes:

  • Go back to the “Themes” section in WordPress’s dashboard.
  • Click on the settings icon on the right side.

Configure Mobile Settings:

  • A popup box will appear.
  • Select “No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices.”
  • Click the “Save” button.

By following these steps, you’ll successfully redirect all URLs from your blogging website to your new site. WordPress migration helps maintain your SEO rankings and ensures a smooth transition for your visitors.

Step 7: Move other content to WordPress

Migrating Pages from a Blogging Website to WordPress

When you convert a blogging website to WordPress, your pages won’t be transferred automatically. You’ll need to copy and paste each page’s content manually. Here’s how:

Copy Content from your Blogging Platform:

  • Go to your blogging platform’s dashboard.
  • Edit each page and copy its content.

Create Pages in WordPress:

  • In your WordPress dashboard, go to Pages » Add New.
  • Paste the copied content into the new page.
  • Repeat for each page.

Setting Up Widgets

WordPress has a widget system similar to many blogging sites. To set up widgets:

Access Widgets:

Navigate to Appearance » Widgets in your WordPress dashboard.

Drag and Drop:

Drag and drop widgets into your desired widget areas.

Install Specific Widgets:

If you need specific widgets, go to Plugins » Add New and install them.

Managing RSS Feeds

To ensure your RSS feed subscribers continue to receive updates after WordPress migration, you need to:

Redirect RSS Feed:

  • Go to Settings » Find the options for post feed in your blogging platform settings.
  • Once you find the right option, such as the “Post Feed Redirect URL” option, click “Add.”

Enter WordPress Feed URL:

By following these steps, you can smoothly migrate your pages, set up widgets, and manage RSS feeds, ensuring a seamless transition from a blogging platform to WordPress.

Step 8: Final setup after migration of your blogging platform to WordPress

Now that you’ve successfully moved your blogging platform to WordPress, let’s explore how to enhance your blogs further.

Post-Migration Checklist

Optimize Your Site

  • Install essential plugins for SEO, security, and performance.
  • Set up Google Analytics to track your site’s performance.

Customize Your Design

  • Choose and customize a WordPress theme that suits your style.
  • Set up widgets and menus to improve navigation.

Improve SEO

  • Use an SEO plugin to optimize your posts and pages.
  • Create and submit an XML sitemap to search engines.

Backup Your Site

  • Install a backup plugin to save your site’s data regularly.
  • Ensure you have a backup schedule in place.

Top 10 Blogging Platforms that You Can Migrate on WordPress 

1. Migrate from Blogger to WordPress

To migrate your content from Blogger to WordPress, follow these steps:

Import Blogger Content:

Install and Run the Plugin:

  • Install the Blogger Importer plugin.
  • Run the plugin to transfer categories, posts, comments, and images.

What Isn’t Imported?

  • Comments and Author Avatars: These won’t be transferred over WordPress.
  • Pages: You’ll need to recreate the pages manually.
  • Widgets and Themes: Set up your WordPress theme and add widgets as needed.

By installing a WordPress theme and manually filling in pages, avatars, and widgets, you can complete your WordPress migration and customize it to your liking.

2. Migrate from Wix to WordPress

Migrating from Wix to WordPress involves a few steps to ensure a smooth transition. 

  • Export your Wix content using an RSS feed
  • Import this feed into WordPress to transfer your posts. 
  • Recreate pages manually and set up a new theme to match your design. 
  • Update your domain settings for the new WordPress site, ensuring a seamless switch for your visitors.

3. Migrate from Medium to WordPress

Migrating from Medium to WordPress is straightforward. 

  • Step 1: Start by exporting your Medium content using their export tool, which provides a ZIP file of your posts. 
  • Step 2: Next, import this content into WordPress using a suitable import plugin. You’ll then need to manually adjust the formatting and design to match your new site. 
  • Step 3: Finally, update your domain settings to redirect traffic to your WordPress blog.

4. Migrate from Tumblr to WordPress

The Tumblr Migration plugin makes migrating your blog to WordPress easy by handling various aspects of the process.

The plugin transfers media items, posts, drafts, pages, and post formats, ensuring a smooth transition. To start, simply run the plugin and let it work its magic. Once the migration is complete, you can move on to the next steps to finalize your blog setup.

By using the Tumblr Migration plugin, you can effortlessly carry over your essential content, making the move to WordPress hassle-free and efficient.

5. Migrate from Squarespace to WordPress

WordPress migration from Squarespace is easy with a few steps. 

  • Export your Squarespace content in an XML file.
  • Import the XML file into WordPress using the built-in importer tool. 
  • Manually recreate some design elements and pages.
  • Update your domain settings to point to your new WordPress site, ensuring a smooth transition for your visitors.

6. Migrate from Ghost to WordPress

Migrating from Ghost to WordPress is straightforward. First, export your Ghost content as a JSON file. 

Then, use a WordPress import plugin to transfer your posts and images. You’ll need to manually adjust the formatting and design to fit your new WordPress theme. 

Finally, update your domain settings to direct traffic to your new WordPress site, ensuring a seamless transition.

7. Migrate from Weebly to WordPress

Migrating from Weebly to WordPress is simple. Begin by exporting your Weebly content as an XML file. Then, use a WordPress import plugin to import your posts and images. 

Manually recreate pages and set up a new theme to match your site’s design. 

Finally, update your domain settings to point to your new WordPress site, ensuring a smooth transition for your visitors.

8. Migrate from Typepad to WordPress

Migrating from Typepad to WordPress is pretty simple. 

First, export your Typepad content as a backup file. Then, use a WordPress import plugin to transfer your posts, images, and comments. You might need to adjust formatting and design to fit your new WordPress theme. 

Finally, update your domain settings to point to your new WordPress site, ensuring a smooth transition for your visitors.

9. Migrate from Joomla to WordPress

If you’re looking to WordPress migration from Joomla, using the Joomla to WordPress plugin you can do it seamlessly. Actually, this plugin is a game-changer. 

Unlike other migration tools, it’s not in the Tools > Import section; you’ll find it in Plugins > Add New. 

This nifty plugin seamlessly transfers sections, categories, posts, images, media, and tags of your blogs. 

For larger sites, investing in the premium version is wise—it unlocks additional features like migrating authors, users, menus, pages, and metadata. Simply follow the plugin’s steps for a hassle-free migration process.

10. Migrate from Drupal to WordPress

Migrating from Drupal to WordPress can be trickier than other platforms. 

WordPress doesn’t offer a direct plugin link in the Tools > Import area for Drupal migration. That’s why they suggest using the Drupal2WordPress plugin. This handy tool transfers essential items like tags, comments, users, posts, and media. 

To run the WordPress migration process smoothly, simply download the plugin to your computer, upload it to your WordPress site, and follow the prompts.

The Next Chapter for Your Blog

Now, that you know about WordPress migration inside out with the help of this guide, it will be easy for you to understand the migration process and efforts. 

Leverage WordPress’ extensive customization, features, functionality, theme options, SEO capabilities, and more to take your blogging to the next level. Unlock the full potential of the leading CMS platform to address your growing blogging needs and meet the expectations of your target audience. 

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