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Getsitecontrol Review: Best WordPress Plugin to Create Popups for Website

Last Updated on December 22nd, 2023

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If you’re aiming to boost visitor engagement on your website, Getsitecontrol is a practical choice. Instead of managing multiple plugins for features like email sign-ups, pop-ups, and surveys, Getsitecontrol consolidates these into one user-friendly plugin.

With Getsitecontrol, you can implement several features from a single platform: email opt-in forms, contact forms, engaging popups, surveys, and notification bars. Recent updates have enhanced its capabilities:

  • Email marketing features: Attract subscribers and create professional emails with ease using a variety of templates, an intuitive editor, and an AI assistant for content refinement.
  • Engagement widgets: Install pop-up or inline forms for email list growth. These come with smart timing to engage visitors effectively.
  • Email workflow automation: Send targeted emails based on subscriber actions and organize contacts for personalized communication.
  • Contact management: Efficiently manage contact histories, import email lists, and tag contacts for targeted marketing strategies.

Each tool is customizable to match your site’s design and performs well on desktop and mobile. You have complete control over their display, and the setup process is straightforward and quick.

Interested in learning more about this plugin? Below, I’ll do a hands-on demo so you can see how they work in real-time. Here’s my review of Getsitecontrol.

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Hands-On with GetsiteControl: A Real Look at How It Works (2024 Update)

In this section, I’ll explain how you can install and use Getsitecontrol on a WordPress site. 

The first thing to know is that Getsitecontrol is more of a SaaS than a standard WordPress plugin. As a result, you’ll do most of the managing from the Getsitecontrol interface.

Getsitecontrol does offer an official WordPress plugin to help you easily integrate with your WordPress site, though.

Once you install the plugin, it will prompt you to either create a new account or log in to your existing Getsitecontrol account:

Once you’re signed in, you have access to  your WordPress dashboard! You’ll do everything else from the Getsitecontrol interface:

The integration process really couldn’t be more straightforward.

Getsitecontrol Email Marketing

Using Getsitecontrol for email marketing is simple and effective. Let’s explore how to use its email Editor to create emails for automation and broadcasts.

Email Editor

When you start building a campaign, Getsitecontrol gives you three choices: 

  • Create a campaign from scratch  
  • Use premade templates provided by Getsitecontrol. 
  • Reuse your own emails or templates.

For demonstration, let’s build an email from scratch.

First, you’ll want to make it visual by adding an image. You can add anything that makes sense, such as a time’s running out GIF for a time-sensitive sale. Click Insert, then add the visuals and elements you wish to use.

Looking at the controls, on the left side are text styling options. You can create headings of three different levels, use quotes, and notes, make the text bold, underline it, change the color, and more. 

Next are buttons. If your email already has one, you can edit its settings. The text displayed on the button can be customized, and you can assign an action to the button click, like opening a URL. 

Then there’s the divider. You might not have one in your template, so adding one is straightforward. You can position the divider wherever you prefer in your email and adjust its size, color, and style. For instance, you might choose a simple line or maybe something like little dashes. You also have control over the top and bottom paddings.

Don’t forget to set the email subject, preview, sender, and reply-to address, which are crucial for email outreach. 

In the Appearance section, you can adjust the email’s overall look, including font, color theme, body text, background, and border. 

The pre-header allows for a browser link, and the header can include a menu, brand logo, and other elements. The footer, typically for company details, can also include social links.

Doing An Email Broadcast

With Getsitecontrol, setting up and launching an email broadcast is straightforward. You might use these broadcasts to announce new products, seasonal sales, or restocked items.

There are two methods for creating a broadcast in Getsitecontrol.

1) Using the Broadcast tab 

This option offers the same options as you see when creating a new email. You can build a broadcast from scratch, choose a template, or reuse an existing template/email. You also get the same tabs and settings, so it’s pretty quick to set up. 

Once your email is ready, save it and select  your recipients. This can be done by targeting specific segments or setting conditions based on tags, country, subscription date, or interactions with previous broadcasts.

After selecting your audience, decide whether to send the broadcast immediately or schedule it for later. Then, just click ‘Start Broadcast.’

2) Selecting contacts from the Contact section

For the second method, you can manually select recipients or use filters. Then, create your email using the same process as before, either sending it immediately or scheduling it.

At the end of the setup, you’ll see the total number of emails in your broadcast, and your remaining email events.

3) Email Automations

Getsitecontrol also lets you create various automations. This is handy for when you want to welcome or follow-up with a subscriber.

For this purpose, you can use a signup form where people can express their preferences for content. Make sure to rename your field ID and options IDs, as it’s key for setting up our automation. For instance, you can ask people to choose between MacBook Air, Dell XPS, and ASUS Zenbook.

In the follow-up section, set conditions for triggering the automation and add various actions, like sending an email, assigning or removing a tag, running a saved sequence of actions, or setting a time delay between actions.

You can set up the automation to send a welcome email to all contacts collected by this form. 

Then, tag your contacts based on their expressed preferences so that you can send them more personalized content later. 

After adding the tag, set conditions for assigning it: select conditions from the form, choose the preferences field you’ve renamed in my widget, and pick the preferred option (Macbook Air, for instance).

Following that, you can set a time delay, such as two days.

And that’s it! Your follow-up automation setup is complete.

Getsitecontrol Widgets

Getsitecontrol is also great for widget creation. Below is how it works.

After selecting the ‘Create Widget’ button on the top left-hand side of your dashboard, Getsitecontrol will automatically open up a template for you to create an opt-in email form. 

However, if you’d prefer to make a contact form, popup, or survey, all you have to do is choose that option from the drop-down menu, which is again found in the top left-hand corner.

For the sake of this review, let’s stick with creating that opt-in email form.

If you don’t like the look of the template chosen for you, you can simply pick another one from the template gallery.

Using the horizontal menu across the top (Modal, Fullscreen, Slide-in, etc.) also reveals further template options so you can customize the whole thing to look precisely as you’d like.

The ability to add fullscreen forms is a new feature included in the latest update and makes a difference if you’re trying to create high-converting landing pages, so it’s a welcome addition, in my view.

Still, let’s be honest:

That template is looking a little bland, isn’t it?

So, let’s move on and change it up.

Editing Content

After choosing your template, click continue to bring up the content editing options.

First things first, you can click on each text block in the menu to customize the text. You have three options here:

  1. Add a heading to your form (here I’ve gone with ‘Get Your Free EBook’)
  2. Add some CTA text (sign up today…)
  3. Add a note.

The note is left blank by default but is useful for adding ‘Terms & Conditions’, or other vital information beneath the button.

If you want to collect more than just a name and email address, this is as simple as clicking ‘+Add Field’ to reveal a whole bunch of options.

Finally, you can edit your button, not only changing the text but also deciding what action should occur after a user presses it. For example, you could have it open up another widget, such as a popup, or redirect your visitors to another page.

Though I’ve focussed on the email sign-up form here, the content editing options (in fact, all of the options) are the same for each type of widget.

Edit Widget Appearance

With that all done, click ‘Appearance’ from the top horizontal menu, and let’s bring some life to your widget. From this dashboard, you can not only change your background, button, and text colors but also choose from a vast library of stickers and pictures to add to your widget. Alternatively, you can click ‘Import’ to add your images.

All of this is super easy and a lot of fun to play with, making it incredibly simple to create some impressive looking widgets.

However, as cool as all that might be, I’d be remiss if I didn’t take the opportunity here to talk about two of the best new features that Getsitecontrol released with their recent update.

  • Separate editors for mobile and desktop – so you can fine-tune your widgets to ensure they look great and function flawlessly on all devices.
  • CSS Editor – As shown in the image below, the CSS editor allows you to go a step beyond the WYSIWYG editor and make your widgets unique to your website.

This is a fantastic option if, for example, your site uses fonts or certain design features that aren’t available in Getsitecontrol by default.

However, I should take a moment to remind you that this might be one option you pass by if you’re not already familiar with editing CSS, as a simple mistake could potentially screw up your whole widget.

Advanced Options For Triggers and Targeting

The Targeting tab is when things start getting cool. Here, you can set up:

  • How to trigger the widget. You can do it right away, based on user behavior, time, or programmatically.
  • How often to show the widget. Show it always or only a certain number of times per user. You can also choose to stop showing the widget after specific criteria are met.

Make no mistake about it. You have a ton of different targeting options here.

First, you can include/exclude the widget on specific pages using expressions or exact URLs.

Below that, you can also target by specific:

  • Characteristics – e.g., new vs. returning.
  • Browsers
  • Operating systems
  • Devices
  • Referrers
  • UTM tags
  • IP addresses
  • Locations.

And below those options, you can also choose specific dates and times to display the widget:

The targeting options are super cool. Seriously – it’s much deeper than most other WordPress plugins I’ve looked at. What’s more, you can easily stack conditions to create pin-point targeting.

And for all the options, you can choose to include or exclude traffic based on that condition, giving you even more flexibility.

Notifications and Integrations

On the notifications tab, you can set up email notifications so that you’re alerted every time somebody uses one of your widgets, as well as setting up an autoresponder for your email sign-up forms.

Finally, on the Integrations tab, you can choose where to send data from your widget.

Some nice things that you can do include:

  • Integrate with third-party email marketing services
  • Set up webhooks or integrate with Zapier for more flexibility
  • Integrate with Google Analytics to help you get better insights into audience behavior.

And that’s it for the options! Once you click ok at the bottom, you can either activate the widget right away or leave it dormant:

Once you activate it, it shows up right away on your WordPress site – no need to do anything further:

A Quick Look At The Other Getsitecontrol Widgets

Ok, I’m not going to give you  a detailed  look at the other widgets. Part of that is because the general interface for all widgets is  similar.

While some widgets might have additional tabs, all the widgets have the core options for:

  • Appearance
  • Content
  • Behavior
  • Targeting

Here’s what my site looks like with three widgets activated:

  • Promo
  • Contact form
  • Newsletter sign-up

Remember – for each widget; you have full control over its positioning. You don’t have to make your widgets look like mine.

Viewing Statistics For Your Widgets

Once you start getting traffic to your various widgets, you can view statistics right from your Getsitecontrol dashboard:

And you can also click the Statistics button for a slightly more detailed look.

What’s nice here is that you can see actual CTR rates – not just raw traffic stats.

Running A/B Tests With Getsitecontrol

If you have one of the premium plans, you’ll be able to run A/B tests right from the Getsitecontrol interface.

It took me a second to understand how it works – but it’s pretty simple. All you need to do is create multiple versions of the same type of widget. Then, you can use the A/B button to add each widget to a Test:

Then, you can see how the test is doing:

Again – it’s pretty dang easy to use.

How Much Does Getsitecontrol Cost?

If you’re not sure whether Getsitecontrol is for you, you can enjoy a free trial for seven days, with unrestricted access to all of the features listed above.

After that trial ends, all your data will still be saved, and all your widgets will still work. However, those widgets will no longer be displayed on your website until you sign-up for one of the three paid plans.

Those plans include:

Creator ($9 per month)

Up to 20,000 monthly views per site.

Pro ($19 per month)

Up to 100,000 monthly views per site.

Pro Max ($29 per month)

Unlimited page views monthly views per site.

All plans provide access to email broadcasts, which cost  $1.90 per 1,000 emails. 

Final Thoughts On Getsitecontrol

Getsitecontrol does a great job combining powerful features with simplicity. It’s perfect for those who aren’t tech experts, making it easy to set up emails and website widgets.

What I really like about Getsitecontrol is the user-friendly interface. The platform makes sending professional emails straightforward. The updates to widgets and automation tools also enhance user engagement on websites. Plus, the intuitive dashboard and navigation simplify campaign management for site owners.

Overall, I’d recommend Getsitecontrol to anyone wanting to connect better with their website visitors.

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